Methanothermus fervidus
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Expected BLAST input:
- must be a coding sequence
- must be at least 9 characters long
- may contain residue position numbers
- may be either nucleotide or amino acid sequence (but not both)
# | MiMeDB ID | E-Value |
MiMeDB ID | Locus Tag | Short Name | Full Name ▲ | Functional Category | E-value | Start | Stop | Strand | Protein Sequence |
MMDBg5764442 | MFER_RS00010 | 1891 | 3033 | + | MNIFDDLSGGK... | ||||
MMDBg5764444 | MFER_RS00020 | 4029 | 4223 | + | MVMIKLDQCGQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764446 | MFER_RS00030 | 4913 | 5365 | - | MEGKERLITLI... | ||||
MMDBg5764447 | MFER_RS00035 | 5385 | 6428 | - | MRQKKIELPRE... | ||||
MMDBg5764448 | MFER_RS00040 | 6446 | 7438 | - | MKEDRLFFSAK... | ||||
MMDBg5764450 | MFER_RS00050 | 10299 | 11027 | + | MKAVAIGADIS... | ||||
MMDBg5764452 | MFER_RS00060 | 11904 | 13109 | + | MNEKEVLKKLL... | ||||
MMDBg5764453 | MFER_RS00065 | 13117 | 13683 | + | MKFIKEFFGMS... | ||||
MMDBg5764454 | MFER_RS00070 | 13680 | 14318 | - | MTIYEIIGITV... | ||||
MMDBg5764455 | MFER_RS00075 | 14315 | 14779 | - | MKFKLGYSEIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764456 | MFER_RS07000 | 14780 | 14935 | - | MCSTGGPTIDV... | ||||
MMDBg5764457 | MFER_RS07005 | 15283 | 15441 | + | MPNGRGRAGGG... | ||||
MMDBg5764458 | MFER_RS00080 | 15455 | 15697 | + | MYRRFFRGLRY... | ||||
MMDBg5764459 | MFER_RS00085 | 15699 | 16733 | - | MKKCICDLNLE... | ||||
MMDBg5764462 | MFER_RS00100 | 18498 | 19409 | - | MRDEYVIGVDG... | ||||
MMDBg5764464 | MFER_RS07015 | 20580 | 20738 | - | MEKVVVYVLAA... | ||||
MMDBg5764465 | MFER_RS00110 | 20951 | 22507 | + | MVVREHNVVIK... | ||||
MMDBg5764467 | MFER_RS00145 | 29125 | 29907 | - | MRIGFIGFGEV... | ||||
MMDBg5764468 | MFER_RS00150 | 29918 | 30415 | - | MRKIKIGELVS... | ||||
MMDBg5764474 | MFER_RS00175 | 36240 | 36797 | - | MRIEVRFAGFG... | ||||
MMDBg5764475 | MFER_RS00180 | 36794 | 37645 | - | MKNAFLKYLRE... | ||||
MMDBg5764476 | MFER_RS00185 | 37642 | 38763 | - | MSKELFIQGNE... | ||||
MMDBg5764477 | MFER_RS00190 | 38756 | 38959 | - | MIAINEKLCKG... | ||||
MMDBg5764478 | MFER_RS00195 | 39045 | 39959 | - | MRVEKKEIERL... | ||||
MMDBg5764480 | MFER_RS00205 | 40705 | 41058 | + | MFHKINRMKEK... | ||||
MMDBg5764481 | MFER_RS00210 | 41114 | 41335 | - | MPKSRYSRGRR... | ||||
MMDBg5764482 | MFER_RS00215 | 41592 | 42014 | - | MINRLLRFLFG... | ||||
MMDBg5764483 | MFER_RS00220 | 42004 | 42732 | - | MKKCEIFSKLK... | ||||
MMDBg5764485 | MFER_RS00230 | 43499 | 43816 | - | MIELSKLYGLD... | ||||
MMDBg5764486 | MFER_RS00235 | 44139 | 47318 | + | MKNEEIIKKFE... | ||||
MMDBg5764487 | MFER_RS00240 | 47335 | 47742 | + | MDYEKLLDRAI... | ||||
MMDBg5764496 | MFER_RS00285 | 57899 | 58885 | + | MVFVGMDHGTT... | ||||
MMDBg5764497 | MFER_RS00290 | 58882 | 59079 | - | MENEFYVDPKF... | ||||
MMDBg5764498 | MFER_RS00295 | 59102 | 59890 | - | MTCYKYWGKIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764499 | MFER_RS00300 | 59891 | 60184 | - | MEHRKLKISNK... | ||||
MMDBg5764503 | MFER_RS00320 | 62721 | 63098 | + | MKIISISVNKK... | ||||
MMDBg5764504 | MFER_RS00325 | 63100 | 63900 | - | MDLKRIFSIII... | ||||
MMDBg5764505 | MFER_RS00330 | 63891 | 64457 | - | MKRIMDFSEEL... | ||||
MMDBg5764506 | MFER_RS00335 | 64973 | 66034 | + | MKITYEDTKKN... | ||||
MMDBg5764507 | MFER_RS00340 | 66039 | 66896 | + | MLKIIFAIILT... | ||||
MMDBg5764508 | MFER_RS00345 | 66893 | 67927 | + | MKALITITGRG... | ||||
MMDBg5764509 | MFER_RS06720 | 67948 | 69705 | + | MSKKLLLGIAL... | ||||
MMDBg5764511 | MFER_RS00360 | 70498 | 71379 | + | MEINKIKCGKF... | ||||
MMDBg5764512 | MFER_RS00365 | 71376 | 71948 | + | MKFQKNFKNFE... | ||||
MMDBg5764513 | MFER_RS00370 | 71954 | 72454 | - | MVKKKEPAEGW... | ||||
MMDBg5764514 | MFER_RS00375 | 72583 | 73527 | - | MNLKEFKNCKL... | ||||
MMDBg5764517 | MFER_RS00390 | 77434 | 77985 | - | MKVSNIKKMLK... | ||||
MMDBg5764518 | MFER_RS00395 | 77990 | 79372 | - | MGETKKMICLV... | ||||
MMDBg5764520 | MFER_RS00405 | 81597 | 81953 | + | MNVVVSGSMEP... | ||||
MMDBg5764525 | MFER_RS00440 | 88072 | 88827 | - | MRTVYGPVPSW... | ||||
MMDBg5764527 | MFER_RS00450 | 90798 | 91454 | + | MKIKNKLIFAA... | ||||
MMDBg5764528 | MFER_RS00455 | 91430 | 91933 | - | MMLIEALIYPI... | ||||
MMDBg5764529 | MFER_RS00460 | 91936 | 92835 | - | MKIFPKMKVSD... | ||||
MMDBg5764530 | MFER_RS00465 | 92864 | 93745 | - | MLTSIQKEILQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764531 | MFER_RS00470 | 93952 | 94245 | + | MSNLKDRVREA... | ||||
MMDBg5764532 | MFER_RS00475 | 94214 | 94807 | + | MSSTKWSIKNN... | ||||
MMDBg5764542 | MFER_RS00520 | 101377 | 101880 | + | MWRRISKKFKD... | ||||
MMDBg5764543 | MFER_RS06725 | 101902 | 102729 | + | MVSKEIIENFP... | ||||
MMDBg5764544 | MFER_RS06730 | 102845 | 103516 | + | MSATIIDVNQF... | ||||
MMDBg5764545 | MFER_RS00530 | 103533 | 103826 | - | MTEEEVGNVVY... | ||||
MMDBg5764550 | MFER_RS00550 | 109527 | 110093 | + | MMRIGILALQG... | ||||
MMDBg5764551 | MFER_RS00555 | 110094 | 111026 | - | MFKIFKRKKRK... | ||||
MMDBg5764552 | MFER_RS07020 | 111106 | 111267 | - | MKKKVVCKFNN... | ||||
MMDBg5764553 | MFER_RS00560 | 111375 | 112088 | + | MKILPKVEIVD... | ||||
MMDBg5764556 | MFER_RS00575 | 115077 | 116456 | + | MKTDVVIIGAG... | ||||
MMDBg5764557 | MFER_RS00580 | 116482 | 117006 | + | MPPLDKISSLK... | ||||
MMDBg5764558 | MFER_RS00585 | 116981 | 118132 | + | MRIVKTQVDET... | ||||
MMDBg5764563 | MFER_RS00610 | 123795 | 124472 | + | MSGKENIPVEI... | ||||
MMDBg5764564 | MFER_RS00615 | 124476 | 125033 | - | MLKDETVRRLI... | ||||
MMDBg5764565 | MFER_RS06960 | 125145 | 126068 | + | MCKDIDAIPWI... | ||||
MMDBg5764567 | MFER_RS00630 | 126805 | 127329 | + | MIAVLRLGHRK... | ||||
MMDBg5764572 | MFER_RS00650 | 131226 | 131717 | - | MVRPYTRKEYI... | ||||
MMDBg5764577 | MFER_RS00675 | 136218 | 137444 | - | MKCIILIIDGM... | ||||
MMDBg5764578 | MFER_RS00685 | 138159 | 138752 | - | MARVRRRRARD... | ||||
MMDBg5764579 | MFER_RS00690 | 138766 | 140070 | - | MAWKYEVEFME... | ||||
MMDBg5764580 | MFER_RS00695 | 140166 | 140399 | + | MRVVEEIIGKE... | ||||
MMDBg5764583 | MFER_RS00710 | 141668 | 142099 | + | MTLKQVSVFLE... | ||||
MMDBg5764584 | MFER_RS06735 | 142103 | 142864 | + | MKWKIFIIILL... | ||||
MMDBg5764585 | MFER_RS00720 | 142949 | 143194 | + | MDAKKILEDFK... | ||||
MMDBg5764586 | MFER_RS00725 | 143284 | 143463 | + | MNIKEVVLKFT... | ||||
MMDBg5764587 | MFER_RS00730 | 143488 | 143940 | + | MKSKIYALKTS... | ||||
MMDBg5764590 | MFER_RS00745 | 145086 | 146087 | + | MAHVAEWKIRE... | ||||
MMDBg5764591 | MFER_RS00750 | 146109 | 146432 | + | MEYIYAAMLLH... | ||||
MMDBg5764593 | MFER_RS00760 | 149148 | 150374 | + | MNSDKLKSISE... | ||||
MMDBg5764596 | MFER_RS00770 | 151487 | 151675 | + | MKGAIGLVFYS... | ||||
MMDBg5764598 | MFER_RS00780 | 152361 | 152702 | - | MLRRRGRRRLS... | ||||
MMDBg5764600 | MFER_RS00790 | 153344 | 154054 | - | MNIITIAWELG... | ||||
MMDBg5764601 | MFER_RS06740 | 154195 | 154584 | - | MRSKALIFILC... | ||||
MMDBg5764603 | MFER_RS00805 | 155863 | 156531 | - | MDRPIIVLNFK... | ||||
MMDBg5764604 | MFER_RS00815 | 156751 | 157380 | - | MLYIVGIGPGS... | ||||
MMDBg5764610 | MFER_RS00850 | 166186 | 166608 | - | MKDKEKLEEIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764611 | MFER_RS00855 | 166609 | 166848 | - | MDTKTYKVRGK... | ||||
MMDBg5764612 | MFER_RS00860 | 166851 | 167519 | - | MIKRIEISEGS... | ||||
MMDBg5764613 | MFER_RS00865 | 167523 | 167768 | - | MERVYTIPLRK... | ||||
MMDBg5764614 | MFER_RS00870 | 167778 | 167933 | - | MSRNKHLAKKI... | ||||
MMDBg5764615 | MFER_RS00875 | 167938 | 168522 | - | MKACVLFSGGK... | ||||
MMDBg5764616 | MFER_RS00880 | 168525 | 168869 | - | MTDIEEIRRRK... | ||||
MMDBg5764617 | MFER_RS00885 | 168892 | 169329 | - | MTTVYDVPADL... | ||||
MMDBg5764618 | MFER_RS00890 | 169340 | 169603 | - | MKVIKRKKELM... | ||||
MMDBg5764619 | MFER_RS00895 | 169566 | 169910 | - | MIRIALERINI... | ||||
MMDBg5764620 | MFER_RS00900 | 169940 | 170497 | - | MKIFLTGTPGV... | ||||
MMDBg5764621 | MFER_RS00905 | 170494 | 171270 | - | MVLNEVTISKA... | ||||
MMDBg5764622 | MFER_RS00910 | 171274 | 172353 | - | MDIEKMIKELE... | ||||
MMDBg5764623 | MFER_RS00915 | 172358 | 174922 | - | MKKKMLNTIKQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764628 | MFER_RS00930 | 178564 | 179115 | - | MGENDLEIEIE... | ||||
MMDBg5764629 | MFER_RS00935 | 179310 | 181685 | + | MNKKLREKYEK... | ||||
MMDBg5764630 | MFER_RS00940 | 181701 | 182636 | + | MTELENLPNVG... | ||||
MMDBg5764632 | MFER_RS00950 | 183693 | 185672 | + | MAEKKSEEPRV... | ||||
MMDBg5764633 | MFER_RS00955 | 185709 | 186380 | + | MEIEKFTELLD... | ||||
MMDBg5764634 | MFER_RS00960 | 186364 | 186861 | - | MEILDPLAESA... | ||||
MMDBg5764635 | MFER_RS00965 | 186872 | 188446 | - | MQHWIERIASD... | ||||
MMDBg5764638 | MFER_RS00980 | 190667 | 191527 | - | MDEKVLLNLKI... | ||||
MMDBg5764640 | MFER_RS00990 | 192359 | 192556 | + | MESMRIEEYRE... | ||||
MMDBg5764645 | MFER_RS01005 | 194647 | 195360 | - | MLLLVSPINTK... | ||||
MMDBg5764646 | MFER_RS01010 | 195434 | 196570 | - | MKIGIVTEYFP... | ||||
MMDBg5764647 | MFER_RS01015 | 196548 | 196889 | - | MIYVIAFFIAI... | ||||
MMDBg5764650 | MFER_RS01025 | 197583 | 198182 | - | MVKVIGIVGSP... | ||||
MMDBg5764651 | MFER_RS01030 | 198196 | 198657 | - | MKKVGICDTTF... | ||||
MMDBg5764655 | MFER_RS01055 | 201751 | 202368 | - | MKCPNCGSRDL... | ||||
MMDBg5764657 | MFER_RS01065 | 202867 | 203841 | - | MEVKTPSRLHI... | ||||
MMDBg5764659 | MFER_RS01075 | 205405 | 205908 | + | MELIGEIINAI... | ||||
MMDBg5764660 | MFER_RS01080 | 205889 | 206911 | - | MKIVGFDIGGA... | ||||
MMDBg5764661 | MFER_RS01085 | 206892 | 207896 | - | MILVFEYATAQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764664 | MFER_RS01100 | 210542 | 211777 | - | MDLNYELLTLK... | ||||
MMDBg5764666 | MFER_RS01110 | 212753 | 213667 | + | MEKWGYLSALL... | ||||
MMDBg5764667 | MFER_RS01115 | 213765 | 216563 | + | MRKFLVIALFA... | ||||
MMDBg5764668 | MFER_RS01120 | 216663 | 217538 | + | MKKILIIVMIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764669 | MFER_RS01125 | 217542 | 218618 | + | MIIAQNNLQFI... | ||||
MMDBg5764670 | MFER_RS01130 | 218981 | 219349 | + | MKSQYKNLVEI... | ||||
MMDBg5764671 | MFER_RS01135 | 219454 | 219852 | + | MAIWQGRSRRK... | ||||
MMDBg5764674 | MFER_RS01150 | 221279 | 222832 | + | MEYNYYHDELM... | ||||
MMDBg5764676 | MFER_RS01160 | 223489 | 225270 | + | MRKFTLLMLLL... | ||||
MMDBg5764678 | MFER_RS07025 | 226606 | 226770 | - | MNIQLKIFLKI... | ||||
MMDBg5764681 | MFER_RS01180 | 229028 | 230137 | + | MLFGDNTTGLI... | ||||
MMDBg5764683 | MFER_RS01190 | 230731 | 232479 | + | MDKVMEIAKRR... | ||||
MMDBg5764684 | MFER_RS01195 | 232480 | 233046 | + | MKHCHLKKKIK... | ||||
MMDBg5764688 | MFER_RS01215 | 234823 | 235635 | + | MKIKEIMTTNP... | ||||
MMDBg5764689 | MFER_RS01220 | 235671 | 236609 | + | MRKKILENIGK... | ||||
MMDBg5764690 | MFER_RS01225 | 236626 | 237465 | + | MKIEEIMNDEV... | ||||
MMDBg5764691 | MFER_RS01230 | 237485 | 238288 | + | MLIKYLMSTNP... | ||||
MMDBg5764692 | MFER_RS01235 | 238421 | 239527 | + | MLKKFNLDIER... | ||||
MMDBg5764695 | MFER_RS01245 | 240429 | 241166 | + | MMKIIEELIRI... | ||||
MMDBg5764696 | MFER_RS01250 | 241163 | 241870 | + | MKIKEKIKKYL... | ||||
MMDBg5764698 | MFER_RS01260 | 242863 | 243270 | - | MWENIKVKDVM... | ||||
MMDBg5764699 | MFER_RS01265 | 243248 | 244162 | - | MILVEGKVAGK... | ||||
MMDBg5764700 | MFER_RS01270 | 244169 | 244807 | - | MKILGISDLHG... | ||||
MMDBg5764701 | MFER_RS01275 | 244810 | 245337 | - | MKADILEQIWF... | ||||
MMDBg5764702 | MFER_RS01280 | 245334 | 245603 | - | MFTATLLGVFK... | ||||
MMDBg5764705 | MFER_RS01295 | 247421 | 247984 | - | MKKDIYYFDEP... | ||||
MMDBg5764706 | MFER_RS01300 | 248012 | 248977 | - | MVSVNLRAKKI... | ||||
MMDBg5764707 | MFER_RS01305 | 248964 | 249635 | - | MPYLIKAKNIS... | ||||
MMDBg5764710 | MFER_RS01315 | 250536 | 250841 | - | MSTCIELYLRE... | ||||
MMDBg5764711 | MFER_RS01320 | 250843 | 251295 | - | MKVLIMLGCPE... | ||||
MMDBg5764712 | MFER_RS01325 | 251292 | 252371 | - | MPLIAQNHFQL... | ||||
MMDBg5764713 | MFER_RS01330 | 252563 | 253090 | + | MIEIRFHGRGG... | ||||
MMDBg5764714 | MFER_RS01335 | 253095 | 253337 | + | MKFIGVIVDKP... | ||||
MMDBg5764719 | MFER_RS01345 | 254489 | 255349 | + | MNEKELLAPGH... | ||||
MMDBg5764732 | MFER_RS01390 | 261384 | 262415 | + | MKNRKEIPMEK... | ||||
MMDBg5764733 | MFER_RS01395 | 262422 | 263102 | + | MLNVILADSEL... | ||||
MMDBg5764735 | MFER_RS01405 | 264230 | 266227 | + | MHKKLNTITLT... | ||||
MMDBg5764736 | MFER_RS01410 | 266328 | 267341 | + | MKAVAINGYGT... | ||||
MMDBg5764737 | MFER_RS01415 | 267351 | 268187 | + | MIRVGPAGNPI... | ||||
MMDBg5764742 | MFER_RS01440 | 272568 | 273317 | + | MKVEKYFEKIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764743 | MFER_RS01445 | 273297 | 273659 | - | MFGRYRFGSIE... | ||||
MMDBg5764744 | MFER_RS01450 | 273721 | 274632 | - | MNFSLLFRMLI... | ||||
MMDBg5764747 | MFER_RS01465 | 276413 | 276559 | - | MARFEVAEKRL... | ||||
MMDBg5764748 | MFER_RS01470 | 276552 | 277073 | - | MKIFIYHEEEC... | ||||
MMDBg5764749 | MFER_RS06880 | 277051 | 277860 | - | MKFKGDKRRRK... | ||||
MMDBg5764751 | MFER_RS01480 | 279129 | 280190 | - | MKNRKVKTLKK... | ||||
MMDBg5764752 | MFER_RS01485 | 280180 | 281745 | - | MEKQASDLFKE... | ||||
MMDBg5764753 | MFER_RS01490 | 281774 | 282340 | - | MVTEEYIRIPR... | ||||
MMDBg5764755 | MFER_RS01500 | 283124 | 283369 | - | MAGVVEQILGH... | ||||
MMDBg5764757 | MFER_RS01510 | 284877 | 285641 | - | MILVMSGTVNG... | ||||
MMDBg5764759 | MFER_RS01520 | 288071 | 288469 | - | MWVDLAKYIIQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764764 | MFER_RS01540 | 293202 | 293549 | - | MISRVLRDLTR... | ||||
MMDBg5764765 | MFER_RS01545 | 293651 | 294721 | + | MFTISSVEELW... | ||||
MMDBg5764766 | MFER_RS01550 | 294705 | 295058 | + | MKKLIDTFKKN... | ||||
MMDBg5764767 | MFER_RS01555 | 295060 | 295896 | + | MELPITRPIKE... | ||||
MMDBg5764770 | MFER_RS01570 | 297541 | 298998 | - | MYIPRCMSTQH... | ||||
MMDBg5764771 | MFER_RS01575 | 299000 | 299407 | - | MFEMTECQFLR... | ||||
MMDBg5764772 | MFER_RS01580 | 299432 | 299920 | - | MVTFAGRKGEE... | ||||
MMDBg5764773 | MFER_RS01585 | 299943 | 300575 | - | MNLEKYYEIRY... | ||||
MMDBg5764777 | MFER_RS01600 | 302405 | 302881 | - | MGWEDAPSHIC... | ||||
MMDBg5764781 | MFER_RS01610 | 304530 | 305246 | - | MAGITNADFCL... | ||||
MMDBg5764782 | MFER_RS01615 | 305260 | 306024 | - | MIQMTLIQIDN... | ||||
MMDBg5764783 | MFER_RS01620 | 305993 | 306922 | - | MITVLSGGTGG... | ||||
MMDBg5764784 | MFER_RS01625 | 306919 | 307674 | - | MQKIELIGIKL... | ||||
MMDBg5764785 | MFER_RS01630 | 307661 | 308278 | - | MYVGRFLVVGS... | ||||
MMDBg5764786 | MFER_RS01635 | 308347 | 309021 | + | MRYQLQIEGKV... | ||||
MMDBg5764789 | MFER_RS01645 | 309619 | 309798 | - | MKIIVNDKCNS... | ||||
MMDBg5764790 | MFER_RS01650 | 309799 | 310812 | - | MRSRPRDFIYT... | ||||
MMDBg5764791 | MFER_RS01655 | 311099 | 311530 | - | MEKRHVFLNSL... | ||||
MMDBg5764792 | MFER_RS07030 | 311530 | 311685 | - | MPYAINYNAMI... | ||||
MMDBg5764793 | MFER_RS07035 | 311669 | 311830 | - | MEEEKKVKEIR... | ||||
MMDBg5764795 | MFER_RS01670 | 318459 | 318722 | + | MQKNLLIVISG... | ||||
MMDBg5764796 | MFER_RS01675 | 318726 | 319400 | + | MTKCANNKELA... | ||||
MMDBg5764797 | MFER_RS01680 | 319405 | 320013 | + | MATREFIVRMN... | ||||
MMDBg5764798 | MFER_RS01685 | 319980 | 320597 | - | MKVSAIVAAAG... | ||||
MMDBg5764799 | MFER_RS01690 | 320602 | 321777 | - | MKSLKKLNKFI... | ||||
MMDBg5764800 | MFER_RS01695 | 321752 | 323230 | - | MQLKNKKIVVI... | ||||
MMDBg5764802 | MFER_RS01705 | 324759 | 325922 | - | MEIKAFENAID... | ||||
MMDBg5764803 | MFER_RS06970 | 326089 | 328686 | + | MKLKSLELKNI... | ||||
MMDBg5764805 | MFER_RS01720 | 330008 | 331093 | + | MKCKICGESRP... | ||||
MMDBg5764806 | MFER_RS01725 | 331105 | 332688 | + | MKKKKIIALAE... | ||||
MMDBg5764807 | MFER_RS01730 | 332685 | 333050 | + | MKIKGKVVSGC... | ||||
MMDBg5764810 | MFER_RS01740 | 333711 | 335234 | - | MKRIGLLYIKG... | ||||
MMDBg5764811 | MFER_RS01745 | 335251 | 336261 | - | MKIAIYGAGNQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764812 | MFER_RS01750 | 336275 | 336652 | - | MLILKIQKQDF... | ||||
MMDBg5764813 | MFER_RS01755 | 336910 | 337644 | - | MFNGEINLKNR... | ||||
MMDBg5764815 | MFER_RS01765 | 338736 | 339122 | - | MERGQASAELI... | ||||
MMDBg5764816 | MFER_RS07080 | 339159 | 339389 | - | MGLISVVDKDP... | ||||
MMDBg5764817 | MFER_RS07085 | 339380 | 339586 | - | MLNSERRQLGS... | ||||
MMDBg5764818 | MFER_RS06745 | 339606 | 340502 | - | MLGRGVDSVLH... | ||||
MMDBg5764821 | MFER_RS01795 | 342798 | 345275 | - | MKWQGLLGILV... | ||||
MMDBg5764822 | MFER_RS06750 | 345484 | 346026 | + | MVNRYVKYTHR... | ||||
MMDBg5764823 | MFER_RS01805 | 346030 | 346413 | - | MEDKGYIFTID... | ||||
MMDBg5764824 | MFER_RS01810 | 346403 | 347770 | - | MDMEGFVRKML... | ||||
MMDBg5764826 | MFER_RS01820 | 348366 | 349373 | - | MKSPVGMILCG... | ||||
MMDBg5764827 | MFER_RS01825 | 349370 | 350437 | - | MHPRPSPIAAA... | ||||
MMDBg5764828 | MFER_RS01830 | 350459 | 351340 | - | MKYGTERLKRG... | ||||
MMDBg5764829 | MFER_RS01835 | 351525 | 352802 | + | MFGKNDKKKKV... | ||||
MMDBg5764830 | MFER_RS01840 | 352806 | 353000 | - | MLKFLKDEKGQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764831 | MFER_RS01845 | 353061 | 353258 | - | MFKFLKDEKGQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764832 | MFER_RS01850 | 353378 | 354943 | + | MKILIVTGKLA... | ||||
MMDBg5764836 | MFER_RS01870 | 359847 | 360203 | + | MGITWFYIAVF... | ||||
MMDBg5764840 | MFER_RS01885 | 362390 | 363556 | + | MKKYVVMIMSL... | ||||
MMDBg5764841 | MFER_RS01890 | 363648 | 363887 | + | MEVNKQKNIQR... | ||||
MMDBg5764842 | MFER_RS01895 | 363924 | 364106 | + | MKGTPSFGKRN... | ||||
MMDBg5764843 | MFER_RS01900 | 364107 | 364928 | + | MEDKRPIDVRI... | ||||
MMDBg5764846 | MFER_RS01915 | 367541 | 368353 | + | MKKRKQRRIAI... | ||||
MMDBg5764847 | MFER_RS01920 | 368328 | 368759 | - | MKGSYCLIMKL... | ||||
MMDBg5764848 | MFER_RS06905 | 368780 | 369226 | + | MKYVFYAQGHP... | ||||
MMDBg5764849 | MFER_RS06910 | 369348 | 369641 | + | MEAIMKKGSDV... | ||||
MMDBg5764850 | MFER_RS01935 | 369638 | 370798 | + | MTVVIDPRTAG... | ||||
MMDBg5764855 | MFER_RS01955 | 373766 | 374263 | - | MNPSRAVYEGI... | ||||
MMDBg5764859 | MFER_RS01975 | 378331 | 378966 | - | MSNRNNFKGTT... | ||||
MMDBg5764860 | MFER_RS01980 | 379334 | 380419 | - | MIKKEEIVEIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764861 | MFER_RS01985 | 380570 | 381292 | + | MKWKRIGDILI... | ||||
MMDBg5764862 | MFER_RS01990 | 381270 | 382331 | - | MNKKEAIELFY... | ||||
MMDBg5764863 | MFER_RS01995 | 382336 | 382773 | - | MIGIHNVAKEI... | ||||
MMDBg5764865 | MFER_RS02005 | 383739 | 384410 | - | MDRIRIKQCER... | ||||
MMDBg5764868 | MFER_RS02020 | 386183 | 386557 | + | MHEVSMANAIV... | ||||
MMDBg5764870 | MFER_RS02030 | 387222 | 388244 | + | MKVWIDITNTP... | ||||
MMDBg5764873 | MFER_RS02050 | 390349 | 391497 | - | MDALHFYLIFF... | ||||
MMDBg5764876 | MFER_RS02065 | 393679 | 394800 | + | MSFIKLAKWEI... | ||||
MMDBg5764877 | MFER_RS02070 | 394797 | 395903 | + | MSVIPLIKKET... | ||||
MMDBg5764884 | MFER_RS02100 | 402590 | 403624 | + | MGVQLVRGNSA... | ||||
MMDBg5764885 | MFER_RS02105 | 403635 | 405068 | + | MGKKILKKPNS... | ||||
MMDBg5764886 | MFER_RS02110 | 405048 | 406727 | - | MFKEFDKKLLE... | ||||
MMDBg5764887 | MFER_RS02115 | 406877 | 407095 | + | MKVKKDAKKIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764888 | MFER_RS07040 | 407092 | 407265 | + | MKGKIMRMNLV... | ||||
MMDBg5764889 | MFER_RS06760 | 407387 | 407599 | + | MDQKIQEILNK... | ||||
MMDBg5764891 | MFER_RS02130 | 408608 | 409783 | + | MKYVILVGDGM... | ||||
MMDBg5764893 | MFER_RS02140 | 411398 | 412516 | + | MIPTICVIIGI... | ||||
MMDBg5764894 | MFER_RS02145 | 412521 | 412937 | - | MKVVNEHKIGI... | ||||
MMDBg5764897 | MFER_RS02155 | 414265 | 414828 | + | MQELKSSIFST... | ||||
MMDBg5764899 | MFER_RS02165 | 415463 | 415849 | - | MKLNLLSDARN... | ||||
MMDBg5764900 | MFER_RS02170 | 415821 | 416831 | - | MKFSIPLPGTL... | ||||
MMDBg5764901 | MFER_RS02175 | 416967 | 417557 | + | MYIAFEGIDGS... | ||||
MMDBg5764903 | MFER_RS02185 | 421695 | 422450 | - | MIDSHIHADTR... | ||||
MMDBg5764904 | MFER_RS02190 | 422570 | 423205 | + | MKKEKLLKFLS... | ||||
MMDBg5764905 | MFER_RS02195 | 423202 | 424419 | - | MKWVEKYRPKD... | ||||
MMDBg5764908 | MFER_RS02210 | 426819 | 426974 | - | MAKYKLYEIKG... | ||||
MMDBg5764909 | MFER_RS02215 | 426977 | 427282 | - | MEINITEEKRN... | ||||
MMDBg5764910 | MFER_RS02220 | 427263 | 427772 | - | MLILPKKLRKK... | ||||
MMDBg5764911 | MFER_RS02225 | 427772 | 427954 | - | MIEKACTKCKR... | ||||
MMDBg5764912 | MFER_RS02230 | 427951 | 428532 | - | MYYLTKLVNTV... | ||||
MMDBg5764915 | MFER_RS02250 | 430710 | 431084 | - | MFKVVVSHKDK... | ||||
MMDBg5764918 | MFER_RS02265 | 433350 | 433514 | - | MRVCSFCGEKI... | ||||
MMDBg5764919 | MFER_RS02270 | 433526 | 433747 | - | MALIEEEKAVP... | ||||
MMDBg5764920 | MFER_RS02275 | 433760 | 434131 | - | MAKPFYVKFDV... | ||||
MMDBg5764921 | MFER_RS02290 | 434686 | 435408 | - | MTTREEVINFV... | ||||
MMDBg5764922 | MFER_RS02295 | 435492 | 436553 | + | MDIEKDVELIK... | ||||
MMDBg5764924 | MFER_RS02305 | 437244 | 438737 | - | MKFEVKGRIIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764925 | MFER_RS02310 | 438738 | 438968 | - | METKIKITMKY... | ||||
MMDBg5764926 | MFER_RS02315 | 438978 | 439748 | - | MKVAITGKGGV... | ||||
MMDBg5764928 | MFER_RS02325 | 440291 | 441448 | - | MLIIENGLVLL... | ||||
MMDBg5764929 | MFER_RS02330 | 441460 | 442971 | - | MYVDMRKEFLE... | ||||
MMDBg5764930 | MFER_RS02335 | 442972 | 444108 | - | MGKEEINTTKY... | ||||
MMDBg5764931 | MFER_RS02340 | 444111 | 444572 | - | MTLGTLHCLKE... | ||||
MMDBg5764932 | MFER_RS02345 | 444662 | 445306 | + | MLKIKISPRTL... | ||||
MMDBg5764934 | MFER_RS02355 | 446143 | 447063 | + | MKLRVMGLFFI... | ||||
MMDBg5764935 | MFER_RS02360 | 447069 | 448880 | + | MIRVSIVIPTY... | ||||
MMDBg5764936 | MFER_RS02365 | 448882 | 449805 | - | MKKKVLKGSVC... | ||||
MMDBg5764937 | MFER_RS02370 | 449802 | 450062 | - | MASIKGKLLKI... | ||||
MMDBg5764938 | MFER_RS02375 | 450209 | 451249 | + | MFCIKCGNSQV... | ||||
MMDBg5764940 | MFER_RS02385 | 452238 | 452666 | + | MKKSRLRLFKI... | ||||
MMDBg5764943 | MFER_RS02400 | 453884 | 454132 | + | MLPLTEVETGK... | ||||
MMDBg5764945 | MFER_RS02410 | 455821 | 456876 | - | MALRGVIRFLN... | ||||
MMDBg5764947 | MFER_RS02420 | 458657 | 459070 | + | MKQIQITASDG... | ||||
MMDBg5764948 | MFER_RS02425 | 459063 | 460025 | - | MLDKKIKKLKE... | ||||
MMDBg5764949 | MFER_RS02430 | 460015 | 461214 | - | MIHELHVEYKE... | ||||
MMDBg5764950 | MFER_RS02435 | 461224 | 461811 | - | MKIRFTSQELK... | ||||
MMDBg5764951 | MFER_RS02440 | 461815 | 462732 | - | MKKKRTKNATL... | ||||
MMDBg5764952 | MFER_RS02445 | 462713 | 463342 | - | MVKLSKLFDIL... | ||||
MMDBg5764953 | MFER_RS02450 | 463352 | 464134 | - | MDKTIIHLSDI... | ||||
MMDBg5764955 | MFER_RS02470 | 465783 | 466481 | + | MKIKTWMKWYR... | ||||
MMDBg5764956 | MFER_RS02475 | 466486 | 466896 | + | MKFEFIDVTAD... | ||||
MMDBg5764959 | MFER_RS02490 | 469290 | 469664 | + | MASEESEDVIV... | ||||
MMDBg5764960 | MFER_RS02495 | 469654 | 470679 | - | MKIAIYGAGNQ... | ||||
MMDBg5764961 | MFER_RS02500 | 470843 | 472030 | - | MILTNINIIDG... | ||||
MMDBg5764965 | MFER_RS02515 | 473724 | 474053 | - | MKEKKSANLFA... | ||||
MMDBg5764970 | MFER_RS02545 | 477028 | 478050 | + | MGFRKKVLSSL... | ||||
MMDBg5764971 | MFER_RS02550 | 478052 | 478864 | + | MKDKHIIEALG... | ||||
MMDBg5764974 | MFER_RS02565 | 480742 | 482406 | + | MKYIKLVELYE... | ||||
MMDBg5764975 | MFER_RS02570 | 482412 | 482636 | + | MKAKPVINIEE... | ||||
MMDBg5764983 | MFER_RS02600 | 488203 | 489186 | + | MIKLKFRRPSP... | ||||
MMDBg5764984 | MFER_RS02605 | 489161 | 489634 | - | MKILGLKGKIE... | ||||
MMDBg5764986 | MFER_RS02615 | 491108 | 492139 | - | MEFLLILSREH... | ||||
MMDBg5764987 | MFER_RS02620 | 492124 | 493233 | - | MKYDVIVIGAG... | ||||
MMDBg5764988 | MFER_RS02625 | 493245 | 493739 | - | MENIVYKTRPN... | ||||
MMDBg5764989 | MFER_RS02630 | 493761 | 494492 | + | MIHENIRIEET... | ||||
MMDBg5764991 | MFER_RS02640 | 496000 | 498441 | + | MSNLKINVSKY... | ||||
MMDBg5764994 | MFER_RS02650 | 498952 | 500334 | - | MEAIVMELTAM... | ||||
MMDBg5764995 | MFER_RS02655 | 500341 | 501495 | - | MKEINKLLKLL... | ||||
MMDBg5764996 | MFER_RS02660 | 501497 | 502270 | - | MIIAVSGKGGT... | ||||
MMDBg5764997 | MFER_RS02665 | 502278 | 503645 | - | MFENIPVNVGA... | ||||
MMDBg5764998 | MFER_RS02670 | 503659 | 504114 | - | MRLKPETFKSM... | ||||
MMDBg5764999 | MFER_RS02675 | 504145 | 506469 | - | MASEKNNLIKN... | ||||
MMDBg5765001 | MFER_RS02685 | 508360 | 508704 | - | MKEEILVFHYA... | ||||
MMDBg5765002 | MFER_RS02690 | 508726 | 509838 | - | MKIIDLSNKLR... | ||||
MMDBg5765005 | MFER_RS02705 | 511961 | 513340 | + | MFYTKTFTIKT... | ||||
MMDBg5765007 | MFER_RS02715 | 515265 | 516158 | - | MKVNGVEIEDT... | ||||
MMDBg5765008 | MFER_RS02720 | 516194 | 517213 | - | MKHKKSIILII... | ||||
MMDBg5765009 | MFER_RS02725 | 517215 | 517703 | - | MIGIMADSHDN... | ||||
MMDBg5765012 | MFER_RS02740 | 523915 | 525432 | - | MDDNEVAGQII... | ||||
MMDBg5765013 | MFER_RS02745 | 525438 | 526520 | - | MRCKALTKLVD... | ||||
MMDBg5765014 | MFER_RS02750 | 526680 | 526958 | + | MKKIEKQATCS... | ||||
MMDBg5765015 | MFER_RS02755 | 527040 | 528293 | - | MNVKLSVPSLF... | ||||
MMDBg5765016 | MFER_RS02760 | 528483 | 529625 | + | MLIETPRHFET... | ||||
MMDBg5765018 | MFER_RS02770 | 530406 | 532946 | + | MSNNKYVIHLV... | ||||
MMDBg5765020 | MFER_RS02780 | 534464 | 534877 | + | MDQYLPPDKIM... | ||||
MMDBg5765021 | MFER_RS02785 | 534888 | 535328 | + | MSPAELLAVLI... | ||||
MMDBg5765022 | MFER_RS02790 | 535342 | 535731 | + | MDDRDISLIAG... | ||||
MMDBg5765023 | MFER_RS02795 | 535728 | 537077 | + | MKKNELKIFIP... | ||||
MMDBg5765024 | MFER_RS02800 | 537066 | 537407 | - | MKQVIVVRDDI... | ||||
MMDBg5765028 | MFER_RS02820 | 540054 | 540917 | - | MERKWIIGCIV... | ||||
MMDBg5765029 | MFER_RS02825 | 541015 | 541683 | - | MINAKVVYDNN... | ||||
MMDBg5765030 | MFER_RS02830 | 541680 | 542738 | - | MIRKIFFGCNT... | ||||
MMDBg5765031 | MFER_RS02835 | 542731 | 543513 | - | MSVNPANPKWW... | ||||
MMDBg5765032 | MFER_RS02840 | 543476 | 544765 | - | MVKVVIVGGGW... | ||||
MMDBg5765033 | MFER_RS02845 | 544771 | 545688 | - | MKNKNFSKFEC... | ||||
MMDBg5765035 | MFER_RS02855 | 547220 | 548302 | - | MTKKNILLKKP... | ||||
MMDBg5765036 | MFER_RS02860 | 548299 | 549117 | - | MTLQIEISRLC... | ||||
MMDBg5765037 | MFER_RS02865 | 549122 | 550303 | - | MCVPISVSTQK... | ||||
MMDBg5765038 | MFER_RS02870 | 550565 | 551005 | - | MASERFIKGIY... | ||||
MMDBg5765039 | MFER_RS02875 | 551075 | 552205 | - | MDVIVNGKVYN... | ||||
MMDBg5765040 | MFER_RS07045 | 552385 | 552534 | - | MIPKRKILFPI... | ||||
MMDBg5765041 | MFER_RS07115 | 552856 | 553200 | + | MKSKAVLTLST... | ||||
MMDBg5765042 | MFER_RS06770 | 553088 | 553612 | + | MLYGQDPIFII... | ||||
MMDBg5765043 | MFER_RS02885 | 554461 | 555123 | - | MNIKKYLLLAL... | ||||
MMDBg5765044 | MFER_RS02890 | 555490 | 556359 | + | MFRCREILNKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765046 | MFER_RS02900 | 558029 | 559243 | + | MYRIGEALIGK... | ||||
MMDBg5765047 | MFER_RS02905 | 559283 | 559849 | + | MILGICGSPRK... | ||||
MMDBg5765048 | MFER_RS02910 | 559858 | 560631 | + | MKLGFSTLALI... | ||||
MMDBg5765049 | MFER_RS02915 | 560615 | 560776 | + | MGKKDKKRLPP... | ||||
MMDBg5765051 | MFER_RS02925 | 562126 | 563019 | - | MSNLTEFIDLA... | ||||
MMDBg5765052 | MFER_RS02930 | 563036 | 563344 | - | MLEITVHKIIG... | ||||
MMDBg5765053 | MFER_RS02935 | 563385 | 564605 | - | MIACFIGVLCG... | ||||
MMDBg5765054 | MFER_RS02940 | 564626 | 564892 | - | MGKVLATIRLT... | ||||
MMDBg5765055 | MFER_RS02945 | 564905 | 565060 | - | MVRCISCKREI... | ||||
MMDBg5765056 | MFER_RS02950 | 565061 | 565705 | - | MWLVKIGGSLF... | ||||
MMDBg5765062 | MFER_RS02980 | 570375 | 571307 | + | MEIYTPNELRK... | ||||
MMDBg5765063 | MFER_RS02985 | 571321 | 571623 | - | MYKDELIQLHQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765068 | MFER_RS03010 | 576238 | 576948 | + | MVSIAIGVGKN... | ||||
MMDBg5765073 | MFER_RS03030 | 579103 | 579753 | - | MKRIDLHIHSI... | ||||
MMDBg5765074 | MFER_RS03035 | 579781 | 580608 | + | MVSVFVPSHIT... | ||||
MMDBg5765076 | MFER_RS03045 | 581434 | 582561 | + | MKFIWLLLPKG... | ||||
MMDBg5765077 | MFER_RS03050 | 582570 | 583124 | + | MRTFLAIDLDS... | ||||
MMDBg5765078 | MFER_RS03055 | 583129 | 584490 | + | MKYREILDEIK... | ||||
MMDBg5765079 | MFER_RS03060 | 584498 | 585391 | + | MKFREISEEER... | ||||
MMDBg5765080 | MFER_RS03065 | 585388 | 586569 | + | MKIFFIDPLSK... | ||||
MMDBg5765083 | MFER_RS03075 | 588216 | 589754 | + | MNEEGLISRTE... | ||||
MMDBg5765084 | MFER_RS03080 | 589771 | 590238 | + | MARKIHVTKPL... | ||||
MMDBg5765085 | MFER_RS03085 | 590246 | 591169 | + | MLPTLSAFIVS... | ||||
MMDBg5765086 | MFER_RS03090 | 591240 | 591989 | - | MIGKLFGKKKS... | ||||
MMDBg5765087 | MFER_RS03095 | 591986 | 592666 | - | MVDKVPIGIQG... | ||||
MMDBg5765089 | MFER_RS03105 | 593561 | 595741 | - | MIRKCPECKGK... | ||||
MMDBg5765090 | MFER_RS03110 | 595813 | 596976 | + | MNDAKKFIILM... | ||||
MMDBg5765091 | MFER_RS06780 | 597051 | 598562 | - | MNLKAVIVFCI... | ||||
MMDBg5765095 | MFER_RS03135 | 601306 | 601803 | + | MKRLTVAVPKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765097 | MFER_RS03145 | 603265 | 603615 | + | MKKYDTGTAIF... | ||||
MMDBg5765100 | MFER_RS03155 | 604898 | 606859 | - | MRFKVIILIIF... | ||||
MMDBg5765102 | MFER_RS03165 | 608753 | 609073 | + | MSTVDYIFGGL... | ||||
MMDBg5765107 | MFER_RS06785 | 612109 | 612480 | + | MNNILRIVKEA... | ||||
MMDBg5765108 | MFER_RS03190 | 612465 | 612908 | + | MLCEIMSIIGS... | ||||
MMDBg5765109 | MFER_RS03195 | 612905 | 613195 | + | MKLLAFIPPLL... | ||||
MMDBg5765114 | MFER_RS03220 | 617994 | 618557 | + | MIVGVDLAGKD... | ||||
MMDBg5765115 | MFER_RS03225 | 618663 | 618857 | + | MSKITIDYDKC... | ||||
MMDBg5765116 | MFER_RS03230 | 618891 | 619988 | - | MSKIKVAIAGL... | ||||
MMDBg5765117 | MFER_RS03235 | 620001 | 620789 | - | MQITCLVEDSS... | ||||
MMDBg5765118 | MFER_RS03240 | 620819 | 621640 | + | MNVYIEILRPI... | ||||
MMDBg5765120 | MFER_RS06925 | 623007 | 624140 | + | MKYCAEQRLAK... | ||||
MMDBg5765126 | MFER_RS03285 | 630444 | 630875 | - | MTIKFTTDEIR... | ||||
MMDBg5765127 | MFER_RS03290 | 630880 | 631176 | - | MDVEKSIRMAV... | ||||
MMDBg5765128 | MFER_RS03295 | 631177 | 632259 | - | MIETIKKYELE... | ||||
MMDBg5765133 | MFER_RS03315 | 638354 | 638593 | - | MVNKDILKHEL... | ||||
MMDBg5765136 | MFER_RS03345 | 640324 | 641094 | + | MIPKTHPRYKS... | ||||
MMDBg5765137 | MFER_RS03350 | 641039 | 641602 | + | MKLRDIKVIGV... | ||||
MMDBg5765138 | MFER_RS03355 | 641592 | 641960 | + | MNGEIFVSAKI... | ||||
MMDBg5765139 | MFER_RS03360 | 641961 | 642638 | - | MKAGVLYSGGK... | ||||
MMDBg5765140 | MFER_RS03365 | 642635 | 643414 | - | MNILITTLIII... | ||||
MMDBg5765141 | MFER_RS03370 | 643426 | 643824 | - | MDEKGEVLSGD... | ||||
MMDBg5765142 | MFER_RS03375 | 643837 | 644988 | - | MDNRGYAFTPL... | ||||
MMDBg5765143 | MFER_RS03380 | 644991 | 647015 | - | MDEKGLIFTTD... | ||||
MMDBg5765144 | MFER_RS03385 | 647036 | 647884 | - | MEERGIVLSSD... | ||||
MMDBg5765145 | MFER_RS03390 | 648150 | 648938 | - | MLSKIGEYFLK... | ||||
MMDBg5765146 | MFER_RS03395 | 648966 | 649403 | - | MNSKGQIVSVE... | ||||
MMDBg5765147 | MFER_RS03400 | 649420 | 650343 | - | MESRVKLIEDM... | ||||
MMDBg5765148 | MFER_RS03405 | 650364 | 651614 | + | MLHIGIDDTDS... | ||||
MMDBg5765150 | MFER_RS03415 | 652914 | 653810 | + | MEARAINFLKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765154 | MFER_RS03430 | 655474 | 655983 | - | MRLFKDSEKEE... | ||||
MMDBg5765159 | MFER_RS03455 | 660066 | 660257 | - | MGNIRTALIKR... | ||||
MMDBg5765160 | MFER_RS03460 | 660261 | 660554 | - | MDKSEAKKILN... | ||||
MMDBg5765161 | MFER_RS03465 | 660554 | 661411 | - | MKKKVKSPGSA... | ||||
MMDBg5765162 | MFER_RS03470 | 661487 | 661750 | + | MVVKIEIFTSP... | ||||
MMDBg5765166 | MFER_RS03490 | 664311 | 666317 | + | MKNILKILKNC... | ||||
MMDBg5765167 | MFER_RS03495 | 666415 | 666843 | + | MNASVFLNEEI... | ||||
MMDBg5765168 | MFER_RS03500 | 666853 | 667155 | - | MEVVDKKGKTI... | ||||
MMDBg5765169 | MFER_RS03505 | 667166 | 667441 | - | MRASELLGKKV... | ||||
MMDBg5765170 | MFER_RS03510 | 667498 | 669087 | + | MKKACRYIIKQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765171 | MFER_RS03515 | 669088 | 670221 | - | MLNNLTIRPKT... | ||||
MMDBg5765172 | MFER_RS03520 | 670310 | 671329 | + | MDIEKSLSPLA... | ||||
MMDBg5765173 | MFER_RS03525 | 671307 | 671504 | + | MHIVIADEKGQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765176 | MFER_RS03540 | 675234 | 676412 | + | MVKVGDMFYVY... | ||||
MMDBg5765177 | MFER_RS03545 | 676403 | 678274 | - | MTHQWEWKLKD... | ||||
MMDBg5765180 | MFER_RS03560 | 681401 | 681976 | - | MKHCDYGKSSE... | ||||
MMDBg5765181 | MFER_RS03565 | 681973 | 682764 | - | MLYMVGLGLYD... | ||||
MMDBg5765182 | MFER_RS03570 | 682799 | 683605 | - | MRMLKRKLDTS... | ||||
MMDBg5765184 | MFER_RS03580 | 684126 | 684446 | - | MDTDAKITSIH... | ||||
MMDBg5765185 | MFER_RS03585 | 684602 | 685324 | + | MIEIIAHDGPA... | ||||
MMDBg5765187 | MFER_RS03595 | 686653 | 687240 | + | MKVLVSPLDSL... | ||||
MMDBg5765188 | MFER_RS03600 | 687327 | 688310 | + | MKLVKWKDNPI... | ||||
MMDBg5765189 | MFER_RS06790 | 688198 | 690093 | + | MMKMLVKRFKG... | ||||
MMDBg5765190 | MFER_RS03610 | 690094 | 691905 | - | MSSMESIKNLS... | ||||
MMDBg5765191 | MFER_RS03615 | 691996 | 693942 | + | MKSMSNVDVYA... | ||||
MMDBg5765192 | MFER_RS03620 | 693937 | 694194 | - | MHQCIKCKKKY... | ||||
MMDBg5765193 | MFER_RS03625 | 694172 | 694552 | - | MEKEKLKMDFL... | ||||
MMDBg5765194 | MFER_RS03630 | 694563 | 695147 | - | MRRNKKLKLGI... | ||||
MMDBg5765195 | MFER_RS03635 | 695184 | 695882 | - | MKITWFGHSVF... | ||||
MMDBg5765196 | MFER_RS03640 | 695879 | 696841 | - | MKYIALALTAP... | ||||
MMDBg5765197 | MFER_RS03645 | 696890 | 697462 | - | MKNVIKKIKKV... | ||||
MMDBg5765198 | MFER_RS03650 | 697459 | 698793 | - | MNKMAIIFVAI... | ||||
MMDBg5765199 | MFER_RS03655 | 698871 | 699668 | - | MKIFVFDNAGT... | ||||
MMDBg5765200 | MFER_RS03660 | 699773 | 700228 | + | MRCEICGKKIF... | ||||
MMDBg5765202 | MFER_RS03670 | 700652 | 700990 | + | MENKKTLKNKA... | ||||
MMDBg5765203 | MFER_RS03675 | 701020 | 702072 | - | MEIKKVAILGA... | ||||
MMDBg5765204 | MFER_RS03680 | 702339 | 703856 | - | MHDIVKEAVNN... | ||||
MMDBg5765205 | MFER_RS03685 | 703961 | 704386 | - | MAFEPKIVGFC... | ||||
MMDBg5765206 | MFER_RS03690 | 704398 | 705540 | - | MTKYYLARAKD... | ||||
MMDBg5765207 | MFER_RS03695 | 705556 | 706578 | - | MEKFIVEHTIC... | ||||
MMDBg5765208 | MFER_RS03700 | 706954 | 707376 | + | MAFEPKIVMFC... | ||||
MMDBg5765209 | MFER_RS03705 | 707389 | 708318 | + | MAEKKVKIGTM... | ||||
MMDBg5765211 | MFER_RS03715 | 709803 | 711041 | + | MIVINKEDCIR... | ||||
MMDBg5765212 | MFER_RS03720 | 711263 | 712594 | + | MAIYEDKIDLY... | ||||
MMDBg5765213 | MFER_RS03725 | 712607 | 713104 | + | MEKMEKVEFID... | ||||
MMDBg5765214 | MFER_RS03730 | 713121 | 713924 | + | MAYEPQFNPGE... | ||||
MMDBg5765215 | MFER_RS03735 | 713917 | 715581 | + | MNKKNKKLFLE... | ||||
MMDBg5765216 | MFER_RS03740 | 715599 | 715778 | - | MCESKVYLKNG... | ||||
MMDBg5765217 | MFER_RS03745 | 715905 | 716357 | + | MIGEKELRKIF... | ||||
MMDBg5765219 | MFER_RS03755 | 717322 | 718284 | + | MKKKIFYFILA... | ||||
MMDBg5765220 | MFER_RS03760 | 718329 | 719249 | - | MKFAYFLGCIM... | ||||
MMDBg5765221 | MFER_RS03765 | 719264 | 719821 | - | MTLLKKREEEV... | ||||
MMDBg5765222 | MFER_RS03770 | 719912 | 720121 | - | MKIEELDVIES... | ||||
MMDBg5765223 | MFER_RS03775 | 720118 | 720537 | - | MVKLSKKIIEM... | ||||
MMDBg5765227 | MFER_RS03795 | 723233 | 723811 | + | MNYRVYAFLIL... | ||||
MMDBg5765229 | MFER_RS03805 | 724755 | 725960 | + | MEFEVVELKGH... | ||||
MMDBg5765230 | MFER_RS03810 | 726009 | 727109 | + | MKTTISVIKAD... | ||||
MMDBg5765231 | MFER_RS03815 | 727106 | 727753 | - | MGKIDEAIKDL... | ||||
MMDBg5765233 | MFER_RS03825 | 728431 | 728667 | - | MKYKERIYKDI... | ||||
MMDBg5765234 | MFER_RS03830 | 728667 | 729236 | - | MLSKIKKEMNQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765239 | MFER_RS03855 | 733992 | 735008 | + | MINKKEFEKLV... | ||||
MMDBg5765240 | MFER_RS07055 | 734973 | 735122 | - | MPGPKDVELQR... | ||||
MMDBg5765241 | MFER_RS03860 | 735698 | 736801 | + | MKILFIGARLF... | ||||
MMDBg5765243 | MFER_RS03870 | 737854 | 739284 | + | MRLSELASYVS... | ||||
MMDBg5765244 | MFER_RS03875 | 739275 | 739730 | + | MFIKVKRDTLV... | ||||
MMDBg5765245 | MFER_RS03880 | 739754 | 740959 | + | MIGTVSATCNI... | ||||
MMDBg5765248 | MFER_RS03895 | 742966 | 743460 | - | MIRVATAECFT... | ||||
MMDBg5765249 | MFER_RS03900 | 743453 | 744085 | - | MNISELEKLKN... | ||||
MMDBg5765250 | MFER_RS03905 | 744082 | 744783 | - | MKAKELFKKIE... | ||||
MMDBg5765251 | MFER_RS03910 | 744780 | 745544 | - | MKNMKVENGIT... | ||||
MMDBg5765252 | MFER_RS03915 | 745525 | 746010 | - | MTMEKLIKKAY... | ||||
MMDBg5765254 | MFER_RS03925 | 747050 | 747319 | - | MVEKTKIKSEE... | ||||
MMDBg5765255 | MFER_RS03930 | 747297 | 747893 | - | MAGGKGTRLKS... | ||||
MMDBg5765256 | MFER_RS03935 | 747880 | 749391 | - | MSFLKRLFGPK... | ||||
MMDBg5765257 | MFER_RS03940 | 749444 | 750376 | - | MFRFDKEQIVL... | ||||
MMDBg5765258 | MFER_RS03945 | 750402 | 750650 | - | MTNNDDEGTTI... | ||||
MMDBg5765259 | MFER_RS03950 | 750655 | 750855 | - | MSLSNKPNIKG... | ||||
MMDBg5765260 | MFER_RS03955 | 750875 | 751588 | - | MAEKKEPAEGW... | ||||
MMDBg5765261 | MFER_RS03960 | 751591 | 751908 | - | MEMLPFIHVAP... | ||||
MMDBg5765262 | MFER_RS03965 | 751938 | 752768 | - | MVAPATGGHGA... | ||||
MMDBg5765263 | MFER_RS03970 | 752768 | 753472 | - | MDPITLVAALT... | ||||
MMDBg5765264 | MFER_RS03975 | 753477 | 754355 | - | MDPAVASLGIL... | ||||
MMDBg5765265 | MFER_RS03980 | 754468 | 756135 | - | MAEERKKLFVD... | ||||
MMDBg5765266 | MFER_RS03985 | 756153 | 756902 | - | MAQFYPGSTKI... | ||||
MMDBg5765267 | MFER_RS03990 | 756921 | 757532 | - | MIGRTTHIVDC... | ||||
MMDBg5765268 | MFER_RS03995 | 757533 | 757979 | - | MDVEIFPHRLL... | ||||
MMDBg5765269 | MFER_RS04000 | 758008 | 759339 | - | MPKYEDKVDLY... | ||||
MMDBg5765270 | MFER_RS04005 | 759531 | 760796 | + | MQIIADVGGRP... | ||||
MMDBg5765274 | MFER_RS04025 | 764053 | 764460 | - | MPRPRRFRRVI... | ||||
MMDBg5765275 | MFER_RS04030 | 764520 | 765179 | + | MKVAVVTDGRY... | ||||
MMDBg5765276 | MFER_RS04035 | 765286 | 765930 | + | MHIPDGYIPLW... | ||||
MMDBg5765277 | MFER_RS04040 | 765927 | 766208 | + | MKDTHKIIIVG... | ||||
MMDBg5765278 | MFER_RS04045 | 766236 | 767033 | + | MTGIDDIIFIE... | ||||
MMDBg5765279 | MFER_RS04050 | 767019 | 767705 | - | MRKTSIFFMVF... | ||||
MMDBg5765280 | MFER_RS04075 | 773051 | 774955 | - | MSVIAELKTIK... | ||||
MMDBg5765282 | MFER_RS04085 | 775611 | 775799 | - | MYEMRIPPGVS... | ||||
MMDBg5765284 | MFER_RS04095 | 777253 | 777957 | + | MRVAWAFTGAG... | ||||
MMDBg5765285 | MFER_RS04100 | 777941 | 778321 | - | MDNQRHLKFLI... | ||||
MMDBg5765286 | MFER_RS04105 | 778299 | 779273 | - | MAIKDLIKMNN... | ||||
MMDBg5765287 | MFER_RS04110 | 779286 | 780725 | - | MSKVRTVVKNT... | ||||
MMDBg5765290 | MFER_RS04125 | 783051 | 783881 | + | MKDVAVAYRIY... | ||||
MMDBg5765292 | MFER_RS04135 | 785018 | 785848 | - | MVVKIGVIKCG... | ||||
MMDBg5765293 | MFER_RS04140 | 786078 | 786935 | + | MLSSETSNKLE... | ||||
MMDBg5765295 | MFER_RS04150 | 787941 | 788534 | - | MKIAWGITGAG... | ||||
MMDBg5765296 | MFER_RS04155 | 788624 | 789301 | + | MTKREILNKAS... | ||||
MMDBg5765297 | MFER_RS04160 | 789339 | 789662 | + | MKEEVFYAKGV... | ||||
MMDBg5765298 | MFER_RS04165 | 789677 | 790222 | + | MYKYIREAWKR... | ||||
MMDBg5765299 | MFER_RS04170 | 790219 | 790638 | + | MIHNISYRVFV... | ||||
MMDBg5765300 | MFER_RS04175 | 790625 | 791329 | + | MKFYELCIVGS... | ||||
MMDBg5765301 | MFER_RS04180 | 791326 | 791724 | + | MKLKILPSSLR... | ||||
MMDBg5765302 | MFER_RS04185 | 791847 | 792602 | + | MQPLQSAGYDR... | ||||
MMDBg5765303 | MFER_RS04190 | 792606 | 793307 | + | MVSIEDAVIAR... | ||||
MMDBg5765304 | MFER_RS04195 | 793319 | 793987 | + | MLFVKERDIVV... | ||||
MMDBg5765307 | MFER_RS04210 | 795509 | 795781 | + | MGRTKKVGITG... | ||||
MMDBg5765308 | MFER_RS04215 | 795782 | 795913 | + | MYKCLRCGTTI... | ||||
MMDBg5765309 | MFER_RS06795 | 795916 | 796419 | + | MPSILITTSRR... | ||||
MMDBg5765310 | MFER_RS04225 | 796409 | 796675 | + | MGLESIISDIE... | ||||
MMDBg5765311 | MFER_RS04230 | 796675 | 797031 | + | MEQLPKSVQHQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765312 | MFER_RS04235 | 797335 | 798267 | + | MSLILAYVGKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765313 | MFER_RS04240 | 798303 | 799088 | + | MGEVGFATITQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765315 | MFER_RS06940 | 800394 | 800552 | + | MSYIYTYKSRL... | ||||
MMDBg5765317 | MFER_RS04255 | 801396 | 801647 | - | MRADLVVLFGI... | ||||
MMDBg5765318 | MFER_RS06800 | 801695 | 802159 | - | MYELVLFTGGV... | ||||
MMDBg5765319 | MFER_RS04265 | 802260 | 803033 | + | MNIKKYLLLAL... | ||||
MMDBg5765320 | MFER_RS04270 | 803318 | 804103 | + | MKKEIGIIVLA... | ||||
MMDBg5765324 | MFER_RS04290 | 809990 | 811039 | - | MKICIIAELAP... | ||||
MMDBg5765325 | MFER_RS04295 | 811036 | 812097 | - | MSKDIFHPLIF... | ||||
MMDBg5765328 | MFER_RS04310 | 815078 | 816277 | - | MMIAKLLSEKC... | ||||
MMDBg5765329 | MFER_RS04315 | 816282 | 820406 | - | MVNEYFDSLEK... | ||||
MMDBg5765332 | MFER_RS04330 | 826353 | 827159 | + | MVSILSIFIPD... | ||||
MMDBg5765333 | MFER_RS04335 | 827174 | 828175 | + | MAKHHRPRRGS... | ||||
MMDBg5765334 | MFER_RS04340 | 828185 | 828952 | + | MKANVYSLDGE... | ||||
MMDBg5765338 | MFER_RS04360 | 830390 | 830851 | + | MPKLKYAYRPK... | ||||
MMDBg5765339 | MFER_RS04370 | 831558 | 831725 | + | MSVKELEKKLE... | ||||
MMDBg5765341 | MFER_RS04380 | 832044 | 832325 | + | MITPRNVFRHE... | ||||
MMDBg5765344 | MFER_RS04395 | 833059 | 833430 | + | MPKIKSKQPRK... | ||||
MMDBg5765345 | MFER_RS04400 | 833433 | 834155 | + | MARMGSRRHLK... | ||||
MMDBg5765347 | MFER_RS04410 | 834675 | 834821 | + | MPRKKFGKGAI... | ||||
MMDBg5765350 | MFER_RS04425 | 835791 | 836117 | + | MKKRFKRQEYA... | ||||
MMDBg5765351 | MFER_RS04430 | 836133 | 836582 | + | MDLSTQKRLAA... | ||||
MMDBg5765352 | MFER_RS04435 | 836596 | 837177 | + | MAHGPRYRVPF... | ||||
MMDBg5765354 | MFER_RS04445 | 837813 | 838268 | + | MYAVVRVRGRV... | ||||
MMDBg5765355 | MFER_RS04450 | 838279 | 838710 | + | MIRKRRKITRM... | ||||
MMDBg5765356 | MFER_RS04455 | 838721 | 840094 | + | MQEVSKLKRSF... | ||||
MMDBg5765357 | MFER_RS04460 | 840105 | 840674 | + | MKTVVITGVPG... | ||||
MMDBg5765358 | MFER_RS04465 | 840671 | 841201 | + | MTIFLNPVALD... | ||||
MMDBg5765359 | MFER_RS04470 | 841217 | 841486 | + | MPQPRYRSRSY... | ||||
MMDBg5765360 | MFER_RS04475 | 841483 | 842013 | + | MIITISGLAGS... | ||||
MMDBg5765361 | MFER_RS04480 | 842001 | 842243 | + | MAAIDIGRVCI... | ||||
MMDBg5765364 | MFER_RS04500 | 843910 | 844431 | + | MGHPKKPRKKY... | ||||
MMDBg5765366 | MFER_RS04510 | 844850 | 845644 | + | MDVVVNKENNT... | ||||
MMDBg5765367 | MFER_RS04515 | 845646 | 846011 | + | MPLNITKTNPY... | ||||
MMDBg5765368 | MFER_RS04520 | 846020 | 846442 | + | MYIDGEGHILG... | ||||
MMDBg5765370 | MFER_RS04530 | 846877 | 847044 | + | MIPVRCFTCGN... | ||||
MMDBg5765371 | MFER_RS04540 | 847186 | 847362 | + | MSKKLTRFEKD... | ||||
MMDBg5765373 | MFER_RS04550 | 848629 | 849225 | + | MSELLIPLDNY... | ||||
MMDBg5765374 | MFER_RS04555 | 849238 | 850080 | + | MKRKPAVAGTF... | ||||
MMDBg5765375 | MFER_RS04560 | 850092 | 851042 | + | MHSVASAPNKI... | ||||
MMDBg5765376 | MFER_RS04565 | 851051 | 851806 | + | MIIIKIGGSVI... | ||||
MMDBg5765377 | MFER_RS04570 | 851828 | 852889 | + | MTSNRKLEHLI... | ||||
MMDBg5765378 | MFER_RS04575 | 852879 | 854231 | + | MDVEIISIGGY... | ||||
MMDBg5765382 | MFER_RS04595 | 858127 | 858531 | + | MNMTKLNQVYR... | ||||
MMDBg5765383 | MFER_RS04600 | 858541 | 859065 | + | MRKILLSLFFI... | ||||
MMDBg5765387 | MFER_RS04615 | 861966 | 863327 | - | MTQKKLQSLLN... | ||||
MMDBg5765388 | MFER_RS04620 | 863293 | 863697 | - | MRGRKPDWVDY... | ||||
MMDBg5765392 | MFER_RS04640 | 866507 | 867625 | - | MDSKSSRDRYE... | ||||
MMDBg5765393 | MFER_RS06980 | 867759 | 868208 | + | MLWRGILYIIL... | ||||
MMDBg5765394 | MFER_RS04650 | 868220 | 868420 | - | MFKLVEPHKHC... | ||||
MMDBg5765396 | MFER_RS07060 | 869176 | 869352 | + | MEEDDLFDFEE... | ||||
MMDBg5765397 | MFER_RS04660 | 869430 | 870056 | + | MIEDKIKLLRK... | ||||
MMDBg5765400 | MFER_RS04675 | 871748 | 872899 | + | MNIKEFENKEE... | ||||
MMDBg5765401 | MFER_RS04680 | 873134 | 873343 | + | MGELPIAPIGR... | ||||
MMDBg5765403 | MFER_RS04690 | 875246 | 875548 | - | MTRGVKSTAEK... | ||||
MMDBg5765406 | MFER_RS04705 | 877504 | 878547 | + | MKALKYPTVRE... | ||||
MMDBg5765407 | MFER_RS04710 | 878544 | 879098 | + | MNGVEALNKIC... | ||||
MMDBg5765408 | MFER_RS04715 | 879410 | 879667 | - | MSEKETIQHVN... | ||||
MMDBg5765409 | MFER_RS04720 | 880014 | 881189 | + | MVVVIGSGAGG... | ||||
MMDBg5765410 | MFER_RS06810 | 881386 | 882255 | + | MALVCVSGAHA... | ||||
MMDBg5765411 | MFER_RS04730 | 882494 | 883612 | + | MKLLIVGINTR... | ||||
MMDBg5765412 | MFER_RS04735 | 883620 | 884048 | + | MRDLDKLGRIL... | ||||
MMDBg5765413 | MFER_RS07065 | 884050 | 884205 | + | MYKDPLTELLE... | ||||
MMDBg5765414 | MFER_RS04740 | 884215 | 885375 | + | MKKIIAFVILI... | ||||
MMDBg5765415 | MFER_RS04745 | 885404 | 886417 | + | MRVMIISITEQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765417 | MFER_RS04755 | 886967 | 889159 | - | MGVVDLEYISH... | ||||
MMDBg5765418 | MFER_RS04760 | 889385 | 889840 | - | MVSRLKLLEVT... | ||||
MMDBg5765419 | MFER_RS04765 | 890276 | 892750 | + | MKSKAVLILST... | ||||
MMDBg5765420 | MFER_RS04770 | 892902 | 893177 | + | MAKGVVYVLAA... | ||||
MMDBg5765421 | MFER_RS06815 | 893280 | 894047 | + | MKSFYIWTVLV... | ||||
MMDBg5765422 | MFER_RS04780 | 894124 | 894891 | + | MKELSESQKTF... | ||||
MMDBg5765423 | MFER_RS04785 | 895168 | 895479 | + | MKNIIFLALLV... | ||||
MMDBg5765424 | MFER_RS04790 | 895590 | 896492 | - | MSLTSFIKIKD... | ||||
MMDBg5765425 | MFER_RS06820 | 896545 | 899422 | - | LDCNIIPVYTD... | ||||
MMDBg5765426 | MFER_RS06830 | 899407 | 900102 | - | MKPNILLISTV... | ||||
MMDBg5765427 | MFER_RS04800 | 900248 | 900580 | + | MEEKLPFAKAE... | ||||
MMDBg5765428 | MFER_RS04805 | 900575 | 901132 | - | MQQKMIANCPL... | ||||
MMDBg5765429 | MFER_RS04810 | 901110 | 902087 | - | MKKKPYVILIG... | ||||
MMDBg5765430 | MFER_RS04815 | 902101 | 902448 | - | MISRVLRDLTR... | ||||
MMDBg5765431 | MFER_RS04820 | 902494 | 902709 | - | MKIKNDKILFE... | ||||
MMDBg5765432 | MFER_RS04825 | 902693 | 903106 | - | MEEIIKAEKKI... | ||||
MMDBg5765433 | MFER_RS04830 | 903197 | 903879 | + | LHIMEGYLPPI... | ||||
MMDBg5765434 | MFER_RS04835 | 903881 | 904168 | + | MDRITIVSLIL... | ||||
MMDBg5765435 | MFER_RS04840 | 904200 | 904979 | + | MFENNLDYIAH... | ||||
MMDBg5765438 | MFER_RS04855 | 907332 | 908177 | + | MASESLGVRSL... | ||||
MMDBg5765440 | MFER_RS04865 | 909378 | 909731 | - | MNCFETKYFIL... | ||||
MMDBg5765441 | MFER_RS04870 | 909797 | 910801 | - | MIKEAYLYEKI... | ||||
MMDBg5765443 | MFER_RS04880 | 911905 | 912303 | + | MSEITRTWRHI... | ||||
MMDBg5765444 | MFER_RS04885 | 912275 | 912715 | + | MASNLDQKNDI... | ||||
MMDBg5765445 | MFER_RS04890 | 912808 | 913542 | + | MLTLIDERNKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765448 | MFER_RS04905 | 916095 | 916619 | + | MIKSIKKIEKD... | ||||
MMDBg5765449 | MFER_RS04910 | 916641 | 917624 | + | MGVNLRDIIFF... | ||||
MMDBg5765450 | MFER_RS04915 | 917593 | 919593 | - | MVRIKRKIKNY... | ||||
MMDBg5765451 | MFER_RS04920 | 919603 | 920190 | - | MIQKSSKPVRL... | ||||
MMDBg5765454 | MFER_RS06990 | 923991 | 926363 | + | MSRKILAIALL... | ||||
MMDBg5765456 | MFER_RS04950 | 929155 | 929619 | + | MPSHLASALKC... | ||||
MMDBg5765458 | MFER_RS04960 | 930650 | 930898 | + | MALELKVYPDL... | ||||
MMDBg5765459 | MFER_RS04965 | 930895 | 931278 | + | MKAILNTGRTI... | ||||
MMDBg5765460 | MFER_RS04970 | 931292 | 933031 | + | MEYIIKNGFVY... | ||||
MMDBg5765461 | MFER_RS04975 | 933042 | 933854 | + | MKELILVPKDQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765465 | MFER_RS04995 | 937035 | 938063 | - | MYKKIAIIIII... | ||||
MMDBg5765466 | MFER_RS05000 | 938166 | 939353 | - | MEPMHTCKLFG... | ||||
MMDBg5765468 | MFER_RS05010 | 940893 | 941531 | - | MIKLDPHIHTL... | ||||
MMDBg5765470 | MFER_RS05025 | 943604 | 944035 | - | MKSIKFLTLVF... | ||||
MMDBg5765472 | MFER_RS05035 | 946019 | 946267 | - | MKTLILPLALT... | ||||
MMDBg5765473 | MFER_RS05040 | 946224 | 946481 | - | MRLNEVKTGEI... | ||||
MMDBg5765474 | MFER_RS05045 | 946496 | 947203 | - | MLVTNVKPKEE... | ||||
MMDBg5765475 | MFER_RS05050 | 947300 | 947656 | - | MEGKNQKHGVK... | ||||
MMDBg5765476 | MFER_RS05055 | 947785 | 948144 | + | MSYDKEFVKRF... | ||||
MMDBg5765484 | MFER_RS05085 | 953752 | 954027 | + | MTSQIEFICKN... | ||||
MMDBg5765485 | MFER_RS05090 | 954037 | 955593 | + | MKNKLPLILLA... | ||||
MMDBg5765489 | MFER_RS05110 | 959120 | 960334 | + | MIGMKEIVKEI... | ||||
MMDBg5765490 | MFER_RS05115 | 960350 | 960643 | + | MKGSKGLRSGT... | ||||
MMDBg5765491 | MFER_RS05120 | 960649 | 960990 | + | MIAKEIIESTP... | ||||
MMDBg5765492 | MFER_RS05125 | 961002 | 961607 | + | MEKYAIILDYL... | ||||
MMDBg5765494 | MFER_RS05135 | 962433 | 963020 | + | MIKYKNLKFKT... | ||||
MMDBg5765496 | MFER_RS05145 | 963585 | 964598 | + | MKYDFKLNKVI... | ||||
MMDBg5765497 | MFER_RS05150 | 964588 | 965187 | + | MKTKVKSGDLV... | ||||
MMDBg5765498 | MFER_RS05155 | 965177 | 965437 | + | MKIKITKETKN... | ||||
MMDBg5765499 | MFER_RS05160 | 965434 | 966027 | + | MIKKFRRIKEE... | ||||
MMDBg5765501 | MFER_RS05170 | 966487 | 966804 | + | MEFCPKCKALM... | ||||
MMDBg5765502 | MFER_RS05175 | 966822 | 967115 | + | MKKILHEKISK... | ||||
MMDBg5765503 | MFER_RS05180 | 967116 | 967847 | + | MLKARLSDPDI... | ||||
MMDBg5765504 | MFER_RS05185 | 967877 | 968425 | + | MDLRKFFKKLR... | ||||
MMDBg5765505 | MFER_RS05190 | 968436 | 968711 | + | MKIPKEVRRYC... | ||||
MMDBg5765506 | MFER_RS05195 | 968723 | 968896 | + | MRPQSRFIKIK... | ||||
MMDBg5765507 | MFER_RS05200 | 968908 | 969681 | + | MALKEWPEEGE... | ||||
MMDBg5765508 | MFER_RS05205 | 969678 | 969851 | + | MKMKKCKVCGE... | ||||
MMDBg5765509 | MFER_RS05210 | 969848 | 970618 | + | MKNTFIKVLKE... | ||||
MMDBg5765510 | MFER_RS05215 | 970621 | 971784 | + | MIVNVDLHIHS... | ||||
MMDBg5765511 | MFER_RS05225 | 971877 | 973295 | - | MKDVILINPLD... | ||||
MMDBg5765513 | MFER_RS05235 | 974972 | 975304 | + | MEKVKLIFYFI... | ||||
MMDBg5765514 | MFER_RS05240 | 975310 | 975648 | - | MEKIKNIMNVV... | ||||
MMDBg5765517 | MFER_RS05255 | 977561 | 978298 | + | MLGLKSESAEE... | ||||
MMDBg5765518 | MFER_RS05260 | 978311 | 979153 | + | MVLGKYVEAVA... | ||||
MMDBg5765519 | MFER_RS05265 | 979154 | 979534 | - | MRVEEVMNKDI... | ||||
MMDBg5765522 | MFER_RS05290 | 981680 | 982351 | - | MRTCSMIPVSE... | ||||
MMDBg5765523 | MFER_RS05295 | 982363 | 983010 | - | MNVRIFLVILF... | ||||
MMDBg5765525 | MFER_RS05310 | 984571 | 985308 | - | MPLEDKIIESG... | ||||
MMDBg5765526 | MFER_RS05315 | 985292 | 985732 | - | MNSKKSIALAI... | ||||
MMDBg5765527 | MFER_RS05320 | 986015 | 986704 | + | MRKFMIFIAII... | ||||
MMDBg5765528 | MFER_RS05325 | 986691 | 987839 | - | METIREGKVKI... | ||||
MMDBg5765529 | MFER_RS05330 | 987926 | 988837 | + | MSKFLLRVKEG... | ||||
MMDBg5765532 | MFER_RS05345 | 990316 | 991098 | - | MKKCKFFVTPY... | ||||
MMDBg5765535 | MFER_RS05360 | 993183 | 993422 | + | MCIAAPAKIVD... | ||||
MMDBg5765536 | MFER_RS05365 | 993650 | 994171 | + | MLEKHGIIDEL... | ||||
MMDBg5765537 | MFER_RS05370 | 994158 | 994664 | + | MSKNKSKIFKL... | ||||
MMDBg5765538 | MFER_RS05375 | 994665 | 995579 | - | MNLILCSIEES... | ||||
MMDBg5765539 | MFER_RS05380 | 995576 | 996409 | - | MKYEAIPVKTR... | ||||
MMDBg5765540 | MFER_RS05385 | 996406 | 997047 | - | MGTRKLEEIVN... | ||||
MMDBg5765541 | MFER_RS05390 | 997050 | 997751 | - | MKLVIVAGTPG... | ||||
MMDBg5765542 | MFER_RS05395 | 997757 | 998518 | - | MINSLTIIGGY... | ||||
MMDBg5765543 | MFER_RS05400 | 998515 | 999294 | - | MKAFEFLRPKR... | ||||
MMDBg5765544 | MFER_RS05405 | 999404 | 1000615 | - | MNSHIPMALIL... | ||||
MMDBg5765545 | MFER_RS05410 | 1000647 | 1002182 | - | MSTSKLVKGTF... | ||||
MMDBg5765547 | MFER_RS05445 | 1003847 | 1004263 | + | MYRKGYCRELD... | ||||
MMDBg5765548 | MFER_RS05450 | 1004257 | 1005192 | - | MIKNLKSKYLW... | ||||
MMDBg5765549 | MFER_RS05455 | 1005217 | 1006371 | - | MKVGIFHESFV... | ||||
MMDBg5765550 | MFER_RS06950 | 1006554 | 1006949 | + | MVDNNSDPRSR... | ||||
MMDBg5765551 | MFER_RS05465 | 1006906 | 1007265 | + | MSNILKSYLKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765553 | MFER_RS05480 | 1010061 | 1010765 | - | MKVKLSTVMII... | ||||
MMDBg5765555 | MFER_RS05490 | 1011486 | 1012484 | + | MSKKSIIIFSI... | ||||
MMDBg5765556 | MFER_RS05495 | 1012490 | 1013368 | + | MDDVAIIILNW... | ||||
MMDBg5765558 | MFER_RS05505 | 1014435 | 1015196 | + | MISVICVYNNE... | ||||
MMDBg5765559 | MFER_RS05510 | 1015211 | 1016239 | + | MKVCYFGSYPE... | ||||
MMDBg5765560 | MFER_RS05520 | 1019328 | 1020458 | - | MKILHVVPYFK... | ||||
MMDBg5765561 | MFER_RS05525 | 1020460 | 1021620 | - | MRILLLQESDW... | ||||
MMDBg5765565 | MFER_RS05545 | 1024449 | 1026002 | - | MKGVDKYLLTL... | ||||
MMDBg5765566 | MFER_RS05550 | 1025986 | 1027536 | - | MHPKKDKKMIS... | ||||
MMDBg5765567 | MFER_RS05560 | 1028051 | 1030294 | + | MSLVILSLNGV... | ||||
MMDBg5765568 | MFER_RS05565 | 1030421 | 1031140 | + | MSLRSVRYSKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765570 | MFER_RS05575 | 1032619 | 1033110 | + | MEILDASAIIC... | ||||
MMDBg5765573 | MFER_RS05585 | 1033792 | 1034901 | + | MLKIGVVVHGP... | ||||
MMDBg5765575 | MFER_RS05595 | 1035964 | 1037496 | + | MLVEVNGKKVD... | ||||
MMDBg5765576 | MFER_RS05600 | 1037477 | 1037902 | + | MSKKENKITKM... | ||||
MMDBg5765577 | MFER_RS05605 | 1037899 | 1038249 | + | MKITNSSDAEE... | ||||
MMDBg5765578 | MFER_RS05610 | 1038258 | 1038707 | + | MMKVLIFPPNS... | ||||
MMDBg5765580 | MFER_RS05620 | 1039927 | 1040820 | - | MYINDVFIEDT... | ||||
MMDBg5765581 | MFER_RS05625 | 1040820 | 1041824 | - | MKLFISDCEGP... | ||||
MMDBg5765583 | MFER_RS05635 | 1042752 | 1043036 | - | MKRNKSLGKGL... | ||||
MMDBg5765585 | MFER_RS05645 | 1043823 | 1045391 | - | MKIVLTADETL... | ||||
MMDBg5765586 | MFER_RS05650 | 1045492 | 1046799 | + | MTKVEKIFLII... | ||||
MMDBg5765588 | MFER_RS05660 | 1048149 | 1048838 | + | MKEVVIDAESK... | ||||
MMDBg5765589 | MFER_RS05665 | 1048841 | 1049917 | + | MGGEDKIAMVG... | ||||
MMDBg5765593 | MFER_RS05685 | 1053814 | 1054458 | - | MKKILWIGIFL... | ||||
MMDBg5765599 | MFER_RS05720 | 1061234 | 1062442 | + | MRNIRVESVKQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765603 | MFER_RS05735 | 1067913 | 1068329 | + | MNFKREVIRQT... | ||||
MMDBg5765606 | MFER_RS05750 | 1074512 | 1075060 | - | MEVEVKAHVNN... | ||||
MMDBg5765607 | MFER_RS05755 | 1075360 | 1075605 | + | MPKATLATGII... | ||||
MMDBg5765609 | MFER_RS05765 | 1077032 | 1077772 | + | MKNMKKVKTGI... | ||||
MMDBg5765610 | MFER_RS05770 | 1077785 | 1078276 | + | MIPLVPTSKTE... | ||||
MMDBg5765611 | MFER_RS05775 | 1078279 | 1078758 | - | MEIKEKIREWL... | ||||
MMDBg5765612 | MFER_RS05780 | 1078773 | 1079576 | - | MILSTDLLLSL... | ||||
MMDBg5765614 | MFER_RS05790 | 1080842 | 1081141 | - | MKAMMEHVIFI... | ||||
MMDBg5765615 | MFER_RS05795 | 1081107 | 1081832 | - | MERGYIISNMT... | ||||
MMDBg5765617 | MFER_RS05805 | 1082699 | 1082962 | - | MYLLIVYDVDV... | ||||
MMDBg5765618 | MFER_RS05810 | 1083047 | 1084017 | - | VKDPLYITSNG... | ||||
MMDBg5765619 | MFER_RS07150 | 1084031 | 1084485 | - | MVCKRKLWFFA... | ||||
MMDBg5765620 | MFER_RS07155 | 1084534 | 1086940 | - | MDLKEFVSNHK... | ||||
MMDBg5765621 | MFER_RS05830 | 1087226 | 1087699 | - | MEAVRFIVEGL... | ||||
MMDBg5765622 | MFER_RS06845 | 1087711 | 1088040 | - | MAYLVDALKSI... | ||||
MMDBg5765623 | MFER_RS05835 | 1088025 | 1088621 | - | MNRTFVNIGYI... | ||||
MMDBg5765624 | MFER_RS05840 | 1088623 | 1089474 | - | MIPEDYLEESS... | ||||
MMDBg5765625 | MFER_RS05845 | 1089626 | 1090300 | - | MIKISFEKRDF... | ||||
MMDBg5765626 | MFER_RS05850 | 1090297 | 1091010 | - | MRLLIKFKPKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765627 | MFER_RS05855 | 1091238 | 1091972 | - | MNIKKYLLLAL... | ||||
MMDBg5765628 | MFER_RS05860 | 1092189 | 1093262 | + | MQEINSLKNTE... | ||||
MMDBg5765629 | MFER_RS05870 | 1093583 | 1094065 | - | MSSVIIEYSFI... | ||||
MMDBg5765630 | MFER_RS07070 | 1094294 | 1094446 | + | MELDMLSVKDL... | ||||
MMDBg5765632 | MFER_RS05885 | 1095984 | 1096928 | + | MKTIKISPIRW... | ||||
MMDBg5765633 | MFER_RS05890 | 1097011 | 1097997 | + | MLEEYHRISKN... | ||||
MMDBg5765634 | MFER_RS05895 | 1098103 | 1098498 | + | MAEKKEIEKYF... | ||||
MMDBg5765635 | MFER_RS05900 | 1098548 | 1099252 | + | MLFEIISDSIR... | ||||
MMDBg5765636 | MFER_RS05905 | 1099309 | 1100136 | + | MVPKILRTIIP... | ||||
MMDBg5765637 | MFER_RS05910 | 1100133 | 1100624 | + | MNDEDVTSILQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765638 | MFER_RS05920 | 1104440 | 1105312 | + | MKTIKISPIRW... | ||||
MMDBg5765641 | MFER_RS05930 | 1106821 | 1107900 | + | MKCYLVTCIAG... | ||||
MMDBg5765642 | MFER_RS05935 | 1107897 | 1108553 | + | MIELPNFRFYK... | ||||
MMDBg5765643 | MFER_RS05940 | 1108560 | 1108958 | - | MIVDDLKDIIL... | ||||
MMDBg5765647 | MFER_RS05965 | 1113693 | 1113902 | + | MKISAQNRLKG... | ||||
MMDBg5765648 | MFER_RS05970 | 1114260 | 1114832 | + | MNIEIDTKPFL... | ||||
MMDBg5765649 | MFER_RS05975 | 1114835 | 1116034 | + | MGFLLKPKRFF... | ||||
MMDBg5765650 | MFER_RS05980 | 1116035 | 1117348 | + | MKVYKNITCPV... | ||||
MMDBg5765651 | MFER_RS05985 | 1117734 | 1118411 | + | MKIISVIGKKD... | ||||
MMDBg5765653 | MFER_RS05995 | 1118884 | 1120089 | - | MNFTKFIKEPR... | ||||
MMDBg5765655 | MFER_RS06005 | 1120915 | 1121400 | - | MKINPIVIYYS... | ||||
MMDBg5765657 | MFER_RS06015 | 1122434 | 1122871 | - | MATGTFDIIHP... | ||||
MMDBg5765659 | MFER_RS06030 | 1124140 | 1124925 | + | MHTPKVLKIDE... | ||||
MMDBg5765661 | MFER_RS06040 | 1125911 | 1126804 | - | MKCKFCNKEAE... | ||||
MMDBg5765663 | MFER_RS06050 | 1127948 | 1128445 | - | MGLPICDVCLK... | ||||
MMDBg5765664 | MFER_RS06055 | 1128485 | 1129000 | - | MRKIVLFILLL... | ||||
MMDBg5765665 | MFER_RS06060 | 1129012 | 1129548 | - | MVGISKRDLEK... | ||||
MMDBg5765666 | MFER_RS06065 | 1129775 | 1130326 | + | MIKIECYDKKG... | ||||
MMDBg5765667 | MFER_RS06070 | 1130329 | 1131183 | + | MTPRQTRFAHF... | ||||
MMDBg5765668 | MFER_RS06075 | 1131185 | 1132177 | + | MFGIKVHKKDA... | ||||
MMDBg5765672 | MFER_RS06090 | 1134187 | 1134690 | - | MSVLRTVFLAI... | ||||
MMDBg5765673 | MFER_RS06095 | 1134776 | 1136188 | - | MGSNLLEELSK... | ||||
MMDBg5765674 | MFER_RS06105 | 1136660 | 1137322 | + | MLIKQRFVLDT... | ||||
MMDBg5765677 | MFER_RS06120 | 1138988 | 1140805 | + | MRIVPDTSVIV... | ||||
MMDBg5765679 | MFER_RS06130 | 1141577 | 1142251 | + | MKIAIIGGTGD... | ||||
MMDBg5765681 | MFER_RS06140 | 1142871 | 1143377 | + | MRCQLIRDSVV... | ||||
MMDBg5765682 | MFER_RS06145 | 1143387 | 1144487 | + | MIDPWSSESLN... | ||||
MMDBg5765683 | MFER_RS06150 | 1144477 | 1145109 | + | MVRKEGYESTL... | ||||
MMDBg5765685 | MFER_RS06160 | 1146506 | 1146715 | + | MELPIAPIGRI... | ||||
MMDBg5765687 | MFER_RS06170 | 1147592 | 1147981 | - | MAKKVVEVRTL... | ||||
MMDBg5765688 | MFER_RS06175 | 1148056 | 1148499 | + | MNIAITSGKSE... | ||||
MMDBg5765691 | MFER_RS06190 | 1150206 | 1151519 | + | MDVLVVDLTHG... | ||||
MMDBg5765694 | MFER_RS06205 | 1153352 | 1153942 | + | MNKELIKKAQE... | ||||
MMDBg5765695 | MFER_RS06210 | 1153948 | 1155282 | + | MRFRLAIILGK... | ||||
MMDBg5765696 | MFER_RS06215 | 1155279 | 1155998 | + | MKLKLLHMYPD... | ||||
MMDBg5765699 | MFER_RS06225 | 1157465 | 1157722 | - | MSITTILFAII... | ||||
MMDBg5765701 | MFER_RS06235 | 1158959 | 1159684 | + | MTPKIHIICKD... | ||||
MMDBg5765702 | MFER_RS06245 | 1160584 | 1161240 | - | MKNLAITVKTV... | ||||
MMDBg5765705 | MFER_RS06255 | 1163615 | 1164358 | - | MESRFIKAERD... | ||||
MMDBg5765706 | MFER_RS06260 | 1164340 | 1164819 | - | MKVKKRHFLKK... | ||||
MMDBg5765708 | MFER_RS06270 | 1165737 | 1165898 | + | MKVCEWCMYCG... | ||||
MMDBg5765710 | MFER_RS06280 | 1167081 | 1167563 | - | MEIKKINIDVP... | ||||
MMDBg5765711 | MFER_RS06285 | 1167576 | 1167866 | - | MKCPNCGNKIS... | ||||
MMDBg5765712 | MFER_RS06290 | 1167898 | 1168899 | + | MNVIDKIKNFR... | ||||
MMDBg5765714 | MFER_RS06300 | 1170274 | 1170501 | + | MAQNIINMLKW... | ||||
MMDBg5765715 | MFER_RS06305 | 1170506 | 1171306 | + | MADKALVKDYM... | ||||
MMDBg5765716 | MFER_RS06310 | 1171290 | 1171571 | + | MKILNEVYKVL... | ||||
MMDBg5765717 | MFER_RS06315 | 1171554 | 1172315 | - | MREILKKLADG... | ||||
MMDBg5765719 | MFER_RS06325 | 1174627 | 1175082 | - | MKIIDAEKILE... | ||||
MMDBg5765720 | MFER_RS06340 | 1175666 | 1176220 | + | MKKLVAILSIF... | ||||
MMDBg5765722 | MFER_RS06350 | 1178078 | 1179106 | + | MKFLITTPRGL... | ||||
MMDBg5765723 | MFER_RS06855 | 1179112 | 1179729 | - | MTKKWYLIALV... | ||||
MMDBg5765724 | MFER_RS06360 | 1179797 | 1180516 | - | MKVTLSLEKSK... | ||||
MMDBg5765725 | MFER_RS06365 | 1180552 | 1181079 | + | MKIVTTPMCEK... | ||||
MMDBg5765726 | MFER_RS06370 | 1181064 | 1181969 | + | MYETLIYKGGV... | ||||
MMDBg5765727 | MFER_RS06375 | 1181973 | 1182758 | + | MNIKIIGTAHV... | ||||
MMDBg5765728 | MFER_RS06380 | 1182749 | 1182973 | + | MYLIFRCDCGR... | ||||
MMDBg5765731 | MFER_RS06395 | 1185458 | 1185739 | + | MVPVGTNSTSL... | ||||
MMDBg5765732 | MFER_RS06400 | 1185768 | 1186088 | + | MVQISDAIREI... | ||||
MMDBg5765733 | MFER_RS06405 | 1186094 | 1188067 | + | MLLPARMRKLY... | ||||
MMDBg5765734 | MFER_RS06410 | 1188084 | 1188329 | + | MPALTLGTALT... | ||||
MMDBg5765735 | MFER_RS06415 | 1188334 | 1188957 | + | MAAGVKKIVST... | ||||
MMDBg5765736 | MFER_RS06420 | 1188969 | 1190093 | + | MAEAIGDPIIF... | ||||
MMDBg5765737 | MFER_RS06425 | 1190103 | 1190417 | + | MASKIAVMGDE... | ||||
MMDBg5765739 | MFER_RS06440 | 1194649 | 1195290 | + | MPQEIMEGVNP... | ||||
MMDBg5765740 | MFER_RS06445 | 1195290 | 1195673 | + | MVKLMTRFREI... | ||||
MMDBg5765742 | MFER_RS06455 | 1197210 | 1198157 | - | MNANYVSKSAQ... | ||||
MMDBg5765745 | MFER_RS06475 | 1205902 | 1206306 | - | MRVWLYFSKEI... | ||||
MMDBg5765746 | MFER_RS06480 | 1206303 | 1207835 | - | MKSLEEINQKI... | ||||
MMDBg5765750 | MFER_RS06495 | 1210047 | 1210610 | + | MLSEEEGEFLI... | ||||
MMDBg5765751 | MFER_RS06500 | 1210613 | 1211620 | + | MIIPDIPTYKE... | ||||
MMDBg5765752 | MFER_RS06505 | 1211586 | 1212062 | + | MKDWKEKFGKP... | ||||
MMDBg5765753 | MFER_RS06510 | 1212049 | 1212669 | - | MQNLGLSKLKM... | ||||
MMDBg5765754 | MFER_RS06515 | 1212669 | 1213136 | - | MRELKKISEFK... | ||||
MMDBg5765755 | MFER_RS06520 | 1213198 | 1213755 | + | MKEIVMLKKAL... | ||||
MMDBg5765757 | MFER_RS06530 | 1214774 | 1214974 | + | MGNLRYLVILI... | ||||
MMDBg5765761 | MFER_RS06550 | 1218134 | 1218463 | + | MKVHLQIFVEI... | ||||
MMDBg5765763 | MFER_RS06565 | 1219459 | 1220649 | - | MGRILRFILSF... | ||||
MMDBg5765764 | MFER_RS06570 | 1220650 | 1221651 | - | MIIDASNIAHH... | ||||
MMDBg5765765 | MFER_RS06575 | 1221662 | 1222405 | - | MIIAHLSDFHV... | ||||
MMDBg5765766 | MFER_RS06580 | 1222406 | 1222747 | - | MIPGMDPRQLR... | ||||
MMDBg5765768 | MFER_RS06590 | 1224720 | 1225853 | - | MKLDSRVSKLL... | ||||
MMDBg5765769 | MFER_RS06595 | 1226004 | 1226699 | + | MIISHFSVSDK... | ||||
MMDBg5765770 | MFER_RS06600 | 1226680 | 1226970 | - | MSKGLIRIVLD... | ||||
MMDBg5765771 | MFER_RS06605 | 1227103 | 1227855 | - | MKDPLIELSNN... | ||||
MMDBg5765772 | MFER_RS06610 | 1227836 | 1228243 | - | MYKKRFIAFVI... | ||||
MMDBg5765774 | MFER_RS06620 | 1229281 | 1229844 | - | MISDEEILKSK... | ||||
MMDBg5765776 | MFER_RS06630 | 1230406 | 1231572 | - | MKFIRDSIHGN... | ||||
MMDBg5765777 | MFER_RS06635 | 1231574 | 1231960 | - | MFVKISEAEKN... | ||||
MMDBg5765778 | MFER_RS06640 | 1231941 | 1232483 | - | MRGLMVGRLQP... | ||||
MMDBg5765781 | MFER_RS06655 | 1234764 | 1235171 | + | MTFKKIMIATD... | ||||
MMDBg5765782 | MFER_RS06660 | 1235168 | 1235977 | - | MKIFKGKGELT... | ||||
MMDBg5765783 | MFER_RS06665 | 1235974 | 1237341 | - | MKSELLHKFLH... | ||||
MMDBg5765784 | MFER_RS06670 | 1237338 | 1237544 | - | MPKKDAVKDPT... | ||||
MMDBg5765785 | MFER_RS06675 | 1237603 | 1238391 | - | MEMKNKIIAVT... | ||||
MMDBg5765788 | MFER_RS06685 | 1239168 | 1239728 | + | MKTISILLKNR... | ||||
MMDBg5765789 | MFER_RS06690 | 1239658 | 1241679 | + | MVLLNLQAARS... | ||||
MMDBg5765792 | MFER_RS06700 | 1242347 | 1242598 | - | MKYRVKIKIKL... | ||||
MMDBg5765493 | MFER_RS05130 | RsmA | 16S rRNA A1518 and A1519 N6-dimethyltransferase RsmA/KsgA/DIM1 (may also have DNA glycosylase/AP lyase activity) | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 6.54E-116 | 961613 | 962455 | + | MSSLLHETKYI... |
MMDBg5765179 | MFER_RS03555 | YcgM | 2-keto-4-pentenoate hydratase/2-oxohepta-3-ene-1,7-dioic acid hydratase (catechol pathway) | Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism | 2.21E-84 | 680634 | 681404 | - | MKFLRFKDNGA... |
MMDBg5765149 | MFER_RS03410 | PrpD | 2-methylcitrate dehydratase PrpD | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 9.37E-108 | 651604 | 652932 | + | MISKDLANFIK... |
MMDBg5764845 | MFER_RS01910 | RlhA | 23S rRNA C2501 and tRNA U34 5'-hydroxylation protein RlhA/YrrN/YrrO, U32 peptidase family | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 4.59E-97 | 366348 | 367538 | + | MVELLAPARDF... |
MMDBg5765135 | MFER_RS03340 | RlmK | 23S rRNA G2069 N7-methylase RlmK or C1962 C5-methylase RlmI | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.59E-97 | 639214 | 640314 | + | MKFYVTFPPGL... |
MMDBg5765134 | MFER_RS03340 | RlmL | 23S rRNA G2445 N2-methylase RlmL | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 7.70E-140 | 639214 | 640314 | + | MKFYVTFPPGL... |
MMDBg5764941 | MFER_RS02390 | RlmE | 23S rRNA U2552 (ribose-2'-O)-methylase RlmE/FtsJ | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 4.25E-93 | 452678 | 453289 | - | MGKRWWRQRKK... |
MMDBg5765594 | MFER_RS05690 | AroD | 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.82E-76 | 1054463 | 1055125 | - | MKIKICVPAFE... |
MMDBg5764656 | MFER_RS01060 | LeuD | 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 7.30E-100 | 202382 | 202870 | - | MIIKGKVWKFG... |
MMDBg5765058 | MFER_RS02960 | LeuD | 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 7.30E-100 | 567202 | 567684 | + | MKGRVWKFGDN... |
MMDBg5764524 | MFER_RS00425 | FabH | 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III | Lipid transport and metabolism | 2.10E-112 | 86657 | 87697 | - | MVGIVGYGVYI... |
MMDBg5764602 | MFER_RS00800 | Pgk | 3-phosphoglycerate kinase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 4.88E-169 | 154618 | 155832 | - | MDDFDYSGSRV... |
MMDBg5765437 | MFER_RS04850 | UbiD | 3-polyprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate decarboxylase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 906068 | 907303 | + | MEILDEKYGVK... |
MMDBg5764808 | MFER_RS01735 | RibB | 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.98E-98 | 333055 | 333747 | + | MIKEALRALRK... |
MMDBg5765070 | MFER_RS03020 | TatD | 3'->5' ssDNA/RNA exonuclease TatD | Cell motility | 3.05E-106 | 577712 | 578458 | + | MIDIHCHLDFK... |
MMDBg5764636 | MFER_RS00970 | ThiC | 4-amino-2-methyl-5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine (HMP) synthase ThiC | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 188459 | 189736 | - | MTQMDEAKKGK... |
MMDBg5764973 | MFER_RS02560 | ThiC | 4-amino-2-methyl-5-hydroxymethylpyrimidine (HMP) synthase ThiC | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 479464 | 480729 | + | MTLMEEAAKGN... |
MMDBg5765156 | MFER_RS03440 | DapB | 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.41E-114 | 657056 | 657874 | - | MMKIVVCGACG... |
MMDBg5765157 | MFER_RS03445 | DapA | 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase/N-acetylneuraminate lyase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.18E-116 | 657888 | 658775 | - | MKIEGTIVAMV... |
MMDBg5764834 | MFER_RS01860 | AroA | 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 9.06E-166 | 355867 | 357138 | - | MDLIVKKTEGI... |
MMDBg5765669 | MFER_RS06080 | MtnA | 5-methylthioribose/5-deoxyribulose 1-phosphate isomerase (methionine salvage pathway), a paralog of eIF-2B alpha subunit | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 5.14E-155 | 1132172 | 1133101 | - | MKTIIWEDNKL... |
MMDBg5765416 | MFER_RS04750 | AraD | 5-methylthioribulose/5-deoxyribulose/Fuculose 1-phosphate aldolase (methionine salvage, sugar degradation) | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.62E-62 | 886417 | 886965 | + | MKKIVKYAHYL... |
MMDBg5764685 | MFER_RS01200 | QueD | 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 2.00E-37 | 233059 | 233547 | + | MEVVLNGIHAN... |
MMDBg5765061 | MFER_RS02975 | RibE | 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase (Riboflavin synthase beta chain) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 7.22E-64 | 569955 | 570362 | + | MVKLGIVVSEF... |
MMDBg5764851 | MFER_RS01940 | QueC | 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase (queuosine biosynthesis) | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 6.04E-93 | 370791 | 371486 | + | MVKAPRAISIL... |
MMDBg5765027 | MFER_RS02815 | FepC | ABC-type cobalamin/Fe3+-siderophores transport system, ATPase component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 3.18E-121 | 539234 | 540040 | - | MEKDIVISLNK... |
MMDBg5765463 | MFER_RS04985 | PotA | ABC-type Fe3+/spermidine/putrescine transport systems, ATPase component | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.92E-137 | 935178 | 936230 | - | MIELKNINKDW... |
MMDBg5764501 | MFER_RS00310 | ZnuC | ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, ATPase component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 2.55E-85 | 61005 | 61754 | - | MNNSTVVEMKN... |
MMDBg5764500 | MFER_RS00305 | ZnuB | ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, permease component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.10E-59 | 60195 | 60992 | - | MFSVIQCQFMQ... |
MMDBg5765025 | MFER_RS02805 | ZnuB | ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, permease component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.10E-59 | 537629 | 538426 | - | MMIFLDLFKMF... |
MMDBg5765026 | MFER_RS02810 | ZnuB | ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, permease component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.10E-59 | 538423 | 539259 | - | MLLDILTSNFI... |
MMDBg5764779 | MFER_RS01605 | CcmA | ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component | Defense mechanisms | 1.77E-84 | 302894 | 304489 | - | MNFIELKNVSK... |
MMDBg5764780 | MFER_RS01605 | CcmA | ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component | Defense mechanisms | 2.17E-64 | 302894 | 304489 | - | MNFIELKNVSK... |
MMDBg5764875 | MFER_RS02060 | CcmA | ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component | Defense mechanisms | 3.23E-86 | 392778 | 393692 | + | MKAVELKGVSK... |
MMDBg5764967 | MFER_RS02525 | CcmA | ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component | Defense mechanisms | 3.77E-86 | 474843 | 475769 | - | MKFIIKTKNIT... |
MMDBg5764968 | MFER_RS02525 | CcmA | ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component | Defense mechanisms | 3.96E-75 | 474843 | 475769 | - | MKFIIKTKNIT... |
MMDBg5765477 | MFER_RS05060 | CcmA | ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component | Defense mechanisms | 3.77E-86 | 948149 | 949117 | + | MKYAIETFNLT... |
MMDBg5765478 | MFER_RS05060 | CcmA | ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component | Defense mechanisms | 3.96E-75 | 948149 | 949117 | + | MKYAIETFNLT... |
MMDBg5764778 | MFER_RS01605 | YadH | ABC-type multidrug transport system, permease component | Defense mechanisms | 4.15E-30 | 302894 | 304489 | - | MNFIELKNVSK... |
MMDBg5764966 | MFER_RS02520 | YadH | ABC-type multidrug transport system, permease component | Defense mechanisms | 1.92E-38 | 474077 | 474841 | - | MSEIEGIYVVW... |
MMDBg5765479 | MFER_RS05065 | YadH | ABC-type multidrug transport system, permease component | Defense mechanisms | 1.92E-38 | 949107 | 950255 | + | MEIEIKKLYWM... |
MMDBg5765094 | MFER_RS03130 | TauB | ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, ATPase component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.63E-111 | 600439 | 601194 | + | MIIVKNLSKKF... |
MMDBg5765092 | MFER_RS03120 | TauA | ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, periplasmic component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 7.43E-53 | 598706 | 599653 | + | MDKKILVVIAI... |
MMDBg5765093 | MFER_RS03125 | TauC | ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, permease component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 6.70E-58 | 599690 | 600442 | + | MKKYLEMTLSP... |
MMDBg5764726 | MFER_RS01370 | PstB | ABC-type phosphate transport system, ATPase component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 3.49E-172 | 257783 | 258535 | - | MYRIETEDLNV... |
MMDBg5764728 | MFER_RS01375 | PstA | ABC-type phosphate transport system, auxiliary component PstA | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.20E-142 | 258537 | 259391 | - | MIKRRFVSPQI... |
MMDBg5764730 | MFER_RS01385 | PstS | ABC-type phosphate transport system, periplasmic component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.41E-43 | 260369 | 261220 | - | MSKKVVIGIIA... |
MMDBg5764727 | MFER_RS01375 | PstA | ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.32E-75 | 258537 | 259391 | - | MIKRRFVSPQI... |
MMDBg5764729 | MFER_RS01380 | PstC | ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 5.55E-87 | 259392 | 260273 | - | MSMKDEELFVK... |
MMDBg5764652 | MFER_RS01035 | GlnQ | ABC-type polar amino acid transport system, ATPase component | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.24E-133 | 198668 | 199537 | - | MNIIEAENVSY... |
MMDBg5765779 | MFER_RS06645 | GlnQ | ABC-type polar amino acid transport system, ATPase component | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.19E-134 | 1232520 | 1234220 | + | MIKIVNLSKTY... |
MMDBg5765321 | MFER_RS04275 | CysU | ABC-type sulfate transport system, permease component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.45E-102 | 804114 | 804878 | + | MKFKHVLIFFS... |
MMDBg5765464 | MFER_RS04990 | CysU | ABC-type sulfate transport system, permease component | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 4.71E-90 | 936227 | 936997 | - | MKDYMKIFFIS... |
MMDBg5764502 | MFER_RS00315 | ZnuA | ABC-type Zn uptake system ZnuABC, Zn-binding component ZnuA | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 2.20E-73 | 61747 | 62601 | - | MSARRLTLASI... |
MMDBg5764866 | MFER_RS02010 | AcuC | Acetoin utilization deacetylase AcuC or a related deacetylase | Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism | 1.58E-95 | 384421 | 385461 | - | MSIIYSKKYNL... |
MMDBg5764493 | MFER_RS00270 | IlvB | Acetolactate synthase large subunit or other thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzyme | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 54672 | 56393 | + | MNGGEALVKSL... |
MMDBg5764854 | MFER_RS01950 | IlvB | Acetolactate synthase large subunit or other thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzyme | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 373230 | 373778 | - | MERIEAIKKIM... |
MMDBg5765101 | MFER_RS03160 | IlvB | Acetolactate synthase large subunit or other thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzyme | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 606933 | 608543 | + | MKFRCADAIIK... |
MMDBg5764494 | MFER_RS00275 | IlvH | Acetolactate synthase, small subunit | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.53E-60 | 56399 | 56890 | + | MRTHTISALVE... |
MMDBg5764523 | MFER_RS00420 | PaaJ | Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase | Lipid transport and metabolism | 1.73E-52 | 85490 | 86647 | - | MRDVAIIGAFQ... |
MMDBg5765004 | MFER_RS02700 | ArgD | Acetylornithine/succinyldiaminopimelate/putrescine aminotransferase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 510722 | 511888 | - | MKASEIMELER... |
MMDBg5764627 | MFER_RS00925 | ACT | ACT domain, binds amino acids and other small ligands | Signal transduction mechanisms | 9.15E-19 | 177077 | 178543 | - | MVIFDLDNVLL... |
MMDBg5765579 | MFER_RS05615 | YjiL | Activator of 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA dehydratase (HSP70-class ATPase domain) | Lipid transport and metabolism | 2.81E-94 | 1038700 | 1039926 | + | MVKIAQISCGT... |
MMDBg5765572 | MFER_RS05580 | AcpA | Acyl carrier protein/domain | Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism | 1.66E-24 | 1033112 | 1033654 | - | MKIALLIIDML... |
MMDBg5765174 | MFER_RS03530 | AdhE | Acyl-CoA reductase or other NAD-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase | Lipid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 671510 | 672922 | + | MEMLINGKNVT... |
MMDBg5765482 | MFER_RS05080 | PatZN | Acyl-CoA synthetase (NDP forming) | Energy production and conversion | 1.00E-200 | 951577 | 953661 | - | MSLKNIFYPNS... |
MMDBg5764515 | MFER_RS00380 | Acs | Acyl-coenzyme A synthetase/AMP-(fatty) acid ligase | Lipid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 73760 | 75643 | - | MKENFEDMIIE... |
MMDBg5764883 | MFER_RS02095 | Acs | Acyl-coenzyme A synthetase/AMP-(fatty) acid ligase | Lipid transport and metabolism | 2.67E-164 | 400880 | 402574 | + | MASLLNEFVNR... |
MMDBg5765011 | MFER_RS02735 | AcyP | Acylphosphatase | Energy production and conversion | 1.13E-26 | 523602 | 523877 | + | MKVRAHIFISG... |
MMDBg5765495 | MFER_RS05140 | Apt | Adenine/guanine phosphoribosyltransferase or related PRPP-binding protein | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.93E-43 | 963026 | 963595 | + | MLEKLKSTLEK... |
MMDBg5765000 | MFER_RS02680 | AdeC | Adenine/N6-methyladenosine deaminase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 506644 | 508356 | + | MKVLKRLIHVS... |
MMDBg5765050 | MFER_RS02920 | PurB | Adenylosuccinate lyase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.34E-160 | 560782 | 562143 | + | MPIHPIEFRYG... |
MMDBg5765520 | MFER_RS05280 | PurA | Adenylosuccinate synthase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 979902 | 980924 | + | MTCSVLVGGEW... |
MMDBg5764594 | MFER_RS00765 | ThiI | Adenylyl- and sulfurtransferase ThiI (thiamine and tRNA 4-thiouridine biosynthesis) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 6.40E-130 | 150355 | 151476 | + | MENFTYDLIIA... |
MMDBg5765500 | MFER_RS05165 | YjhB | ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase YjhB, NUDIX family | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.97E-27 | 966014 | 966442 | + | MAKYKSPKLTV... |
MMDBg5764592 | MFER_RS00755 | AlaS | Alanyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 146473 | 149151 | + | MELEKLGYKRF... |
MMDBg5764479 | MFER_RS00200 | AhpC | Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit AhpC (peroxiredoxin) | Defense mechanisms | 1.65E-74 | 40078 | 40704 | + | MLIGEKFPSLD... |
MMDBg5765552 | MFER_RS05475 | NrdD | Anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1007468 | 1009744 | - | MYVPSKAGITI... |
MMDBg5765704 | MFER_RS06250 | NrdD | Anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 6.23E-07 | 1161259 | 1163628 | - | MKLSKNALEVL... |
MMDBg5764533 | MFER_RS00485 | TrpD | Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, glycosyltransferase domain | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.43E-129 | 94897 | 95943 | - | MRKYLKKIVSN... |
MMDBg5764540 | MFER_RS00510 | PabA | Anthranilate/para-aminobenzoate synthase component II (glutamine amidotransferase) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.25E-110 | 99366 | 99953 | - | MILIIDNYDSF... |
MMDBg5764541 | MFER_RS00515 | TrpE | Anthranilate/para-aminobenzoate synthases component I | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.47E-177 | 99934 | 101316 | - | MFGGVDINVKV... |
MMDBg5764954 | MFER_RS02465 | PucG | Archaeal aspartate aminotransferase or a related aminotransferase, includes purine catabolism protein PucG | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.42E-116 | 464535 | 465677 | - | MDQLLMIPGPT... |
MMDBg5765689 | MFER_RS06180 | SuhB | Archaeal fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase or related enzyme, inositol monophosphatase family | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.19E-99 | 1148512 | 1149357 | + | MDESEIRKWKK... |
MMDBg5765686 | MFER_RS06165 | SpeB | Arginase/agmatinase family enzyme | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.93E-80 | 1146733 | 1147590 | - | MGLKFAYSKDP... |
MMDBg5764907 | MFER_RS02205 | ArgH | Argininosuccinate lyase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 425403 | 426812 | - | MDIRSRLKKDM... |
MMDBg5765700 | MFER_RS06230 | ArgG | Argininosuccinate synthase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1157727 | 1158899 | - | MNKAVLAFSGG... |
MMDBg5764521 | MFER_RS00410 | ArgS | Arginyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 81958 | 83640 | + | MFMEIEEKIKN... |
MMDBg5764819 | MFER_RS01780 | GatA | Asp-tRNAAsn/Glu-tRNAGln amidotransferase A subunit or related amidase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 6.05E-166 | 340690 | 342057 | + | MEILEKVKAIK... |
MMDBg5764977 | MFER_RS02580 | GatB | Asp-tRNAAsn/Glu-tRNAGln amidotransferase B subunit | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 483948 | 485813 | + | MDWKKIGLKVG... |
MMDBg5765713 | MFER_RS06295 | GatB | Asp-tRNAAsn/Glu-tRNAGln amidotransferase B subunit | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 1168907 | 1170271 | + | MKCGFEIHIQL... |
MMDBg5765096 | MFER_RS03140 | AsnB | Asparagine synthetase B (glutamine-hydrolyzing) | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.15E-160 | 601833 | 603248 | + | MCGIAGFSGKN... |
MMDBg5764443 | MFER_RS00015 | PyrB | Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, catalytic subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 5.46E-145 | 3026 | 3937 | - | MLKLKDIISIR... |
MMDBg5765652 | MFER_RS05990 | PyrI | Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, regulatory subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 4.28E-68 | 1118403 | 1118867 | - | MRKIRELKVKP... |
MMDBg5765158 | MFER_RS03450 | MetL1 | Aspartate kinase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.65E-143 | 658829 | 660055 | - | MALIVVKFGGT... |
MMDBg5765155 | MFER_RS03435 | Asd | Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 4.80E-117 | 656005 | 657051 | - | MLKVGILGATG... |
MMDBg5764466 | MFER_RS00115 | AspB | Aspartate/methionine/tyrosine aminotransferase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.84E-126 | 22480 | 23598 | + | MFAKRIEKVKL... |
MMDBg5765381 | MFER_RS04590 | AspB | Aspartate/methionine/tyrosine aminotransferase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.07E-129 | 856900 | 858123 | + | MAKINENYLLL... |
MMDBg5765404 | MFER_RS04695 | AspB | Aspartate/methionine/tyrosine aminotransferase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.84E-126 | 875553 | 876689 | - | MKTLSEGLKPS... |
MMDBg5765065 | MFER_RS02995 | AsnS | Aspartyl/asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 573044 | 574354 | + | MINVKKRTHYS... |
MMDBg5765218 | MFER_RS03750 | HisG | ATP phosphoribosyltransferase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.62E-121 | 716374 | 717252 | + | MTKREDSKVRI... |
MMDBg5764879 | MFER_RS02080 | Lon | ATP-dependent Lon protease, bacterial type | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.00E-200 | 396772 | 398631 | - | MSEFEYKTTKD... |
MMDBg5764738 | MFER_RS01420 | HflB | ATP-dependent Zn proteases | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.00E-200 | 268285 | 269346 | + | MLTNKEAKLVV... |
MMDBg5764990 | MFER_RS02635 | HflB | ATP-dependent Zn proteases | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.00E-200 | 494567 | 495799 | - | MRDSPAQLFKR... |
MMDBg5765453 | MFER_RS04930 | HflB | ATP-dependent Zn proteases | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.00E-200 | 921494 | 923692 | - | MEKNEVKAKVA... |
MMDBg5765402 | MFER_RS04685 | Uup | ATPase components of ABC transporters with duplicated ATPase domains | General function prediction only | 1.00E-200 | 873377 | 875155 | + | MSRLAILDKDR... |
MMDBg5764575 | MFER_RS00665 | GlmU | Bifunctional protein GlmU, N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate-uridyltransferase/glucosamine-1-phosphate-acetyltransferase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 133568 | 134875 | - | MQAMILTAGEG... |
MMDBg5764599 | MFER_RS00785 | TolQ | Biopolymer transport protein ExbB/TolQ | Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport | 2.29E-12 | 152656 | 153339 | - | MPAVPGSEALQ... |
MMDBg5765331 | MFER_RS04325 | TolQ | Biopolymer transport protein ExbB/TolQ | Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport | 2.29E-12 | 825606 | 826259 | + | MPAVPGSEALQ... |
MMDBg5764852 | MFER_RS01945 | AccB | Biotin carboxyl carrier protein | Lipid transport and metabolism | 6.44E-26 | 371489 | 373204 | - | MGIKIVETALR... |
MMDBg5764562 | MFER_RS00600 | AccC | Biotin carboxylase | Lipid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 120077 | 121567 | - | MFEKVLVANRG... |
MMDBg5764561 | MFER_RS00595 | BirA | Biotin operon repressor | Transcription | 2.56E-20 | 119124 | 120080 | - | MKEKVLNFLYE... |
MMDBg5765253 | MFER_RS03920 | BioB | Biotin synthase or related enzyme | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.43E-150 | 746007 | 747023 | - | MIKSILKKALK... |
MMDBg5764560 | MFER_RS00595 | BirA2 | Biotin-protein ligase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.52E-72 | 119124 | 120080 | - | MKEKVLNFLYE... |
MMDBg5765113 | MFER_RS03215 | IlvE | Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase/4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 8.83E-94 | 617080 | 617997 | + | MNFGKGKIWFN... |
MMDBg5765112 | MFER_RS03210 | SurE | Broad specificity polyphosphatase and 5'/3'-nucleotidase SurE | Replication, recombination and repair | 2.97E-117 | 616292 | 617077 | + | MKQILITNDDG... |
MMDBg5765773 | MFER_RS06615 | HypE | Carbamoyl dehydratase HypE (hydrogenase maturation factor) | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.70E-124 | 1228253 | 1229266 | - | MEKIKLSEGAG... |
MMDBg5764762 | MFER_RS01535 | CarB | Carbamoylphosphate synthase large subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 290009 | 293209 | + | MPKYKDIDSVL... |
MMDBg5764763 | MFER_RS01535 | CarB | Carbamoylphosphate synthase large subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 6.11E-83 | 290009 | 293209 | + | MPKYKDIDSVL... |
MMDBg5764761 | MFER_RS01530 | CarA | Carbamoylphosphate synthase small subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 288926 | 289999 | + | MMEAKLVLEDG... |
MMDBg5765481 | MFER_RS05075 | PaaY | Carbonic anhydrase or acetyltransferase, isoleucine patch superfamily | General function prediction only | 1.15E-69 | 951113 | 951574 | + | MAKILPGAKVI... |
MMDBg5764644 | MFER_RS01000 | CBS | CBS domain | Signal transduction mechanisms | 3.33E-13 | 193153 | 194637 | - | MYREKLEKAKT... |
MMDBg5764687 | MFER_RS01210 | CBS | CBS domain | Signal transduction mechanisms | 6.44E-21 | 234255 | 234821 | + | MDIETKITVRD... |
MMDBg5764972 | MFER_RS02555 | CBS | CBS domain | Signal transduction mechanisms | 5.15E-15 | 478856 | 479260 | - | MISTTKKKLKD... |
MMDBg5764704 | MFER_RS01290 | FtsZ | Cell division GTPase FtsZ | Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning | 4.60E-103 | 246213 | 247349 | - | MKLIEDALKNA... |
MMDBg5765398 | MFER_RS04665 | MreB | Cell shape-determining ATPase MreB, actin-like superfamily | Cytoskeleton | 2.16E-170 | 870058 | 871146 | + | MFFKKESEKKE... |
MMDBg5764516 | MFER_RS00385 | GroEL | Chaperonin GroEL (HSP60 family) | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.09E-164 | 75744 | 77333 | - | MRGLNTPIYIL... |
MMDBg5764522 | MFER_RS00415 | GroEL | Chaperonin GroEL (HSP60 family) | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.09E-164 | 83838 | 85472 | + | MVGERGAQLQQ... |
MMDBg5764694 | MFER_RS01240 | PheA | Chorismate mutase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.17E-21 | 239528 | 240367 | + | MKIGYLGPKGT... |
MMDBg5765099 | MFER_RS03150 | PheA | Chorismate mutase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.34E-23 | 603605 | 604918 | + | MKNKKVAVIGG... |
MMDBg5765314 | MFER_RS06935 | AroC | Chorismate synthase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 799133 | 800239 | - | MPGNTIGKMFR... |
MMDBg5765153 | MFER_RS03425 | GltA | Citrate synthase | Energy production and conversion | 1.73E-153 | 654676 | 655473 | + | MTKMRTKWRTS... |
MMDBg5765605 | MFER_RS05745 | CbiB | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobD/CbiB | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 2.60E-88 | 1073619 | 1074515 | - | MNFLIILFFAI... |
MMDBg5764607 | MFER_RS00835 | CobN | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobN, Mg-chelatase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 160766 | 164464 | - | MISFICYDARP... |
MMDBg5764794 | MFER_RS01660 | CobN | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobN, Mg-chelatase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 311920 | 316947 | - | MRNIIFMSIII... |
MMDBg5764902 | MFER_RS02180 | CobN | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobN, Mg-chelatase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 417537 | 421574 | - | MKLGKGINKKV... |
MMDBg5765010 | MFER_RS02730 | CobN | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobN, Mg-chelatase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 518242 | 523422 | - | MRKFLVIVLFA... |
MMDBg5765323 | MFER_RS04285 | CobN | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobN, Mg-chelatase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 805853 | 809989 | + | MIFVVLFCLFI... |
MMDBg5765330 | MFER_RS04320 | CobN | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobN, Mg-chelatase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 820582 | 825567 | + | MRKFLVIALFA... |
MMDBg5765604 | MFER_RS06835 | CobN | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobN, Mg-chelatase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1068650 | 1073461 | - | MRRTIILIAFL... |
MMDBg5765744 | MFER_RS06470 | CobN | Cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobN, Mg-chelatase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1201271 | 1205872 | + | MKAKSFLIILT... |
MMDBg5764566 | MFER_RS00625 | CobS | Cobalamin synthase CobS (adenosylcobinamide-GDP ribazoletransferase) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.69E-55 | 126077 | 126808 | + | MKRLLGLISFS... |
MMDBg5765671 | MFER_RS06085 | CbiG | Cobalt-precorrin 5A hydrolase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.72E-41 | 1133124 | 1134173 | - | MIRIVGIGPSR... |
MMDBg5765163 | MFER_RS03475 | CbiD | Cobalt-precorrin-5B methyltransferase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.10E-118 | 661743 | 662804 | + | MNKSKIGITTG... |
MMDBg5764880 | MFER_RS02085 | CobQ | Cobyric acid synthase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 398755 | 400278 | + | MANNLAKCLMV... |
MMDBg5765327 | MFER_RS04305 | CobB | Cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 6.83E-163 | 813705 | 815054 | - | MRVVLAGTGSA... |
MMDBg5764892 | MFER_RS02135 | PyrG | CTP synthase (UTP-ammonia lyase) | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 409788 | 411401 | + | MVKYIIFTGGV... |
MMDBg5764472 | MFER_RS00165 | QdoI | Cupin domain protein related to quercetin dioxygenase | General function prediction only | 1.68E-10 | 34560 | 35078 | - | MSISELSKSAG... |
MMDBg5764882 | MFER_RS02090 | QdoI | Cupin domain protein related to quercetin dioxygenase | General function prediction only | 4.15E-05 | 400302 | 400865 | + | MGGTILHEKSK... |
MMDBg5765186 | MFER_RS03590 | SsnA | Cytosine/adenosine deaminase or related metal-dependent hydrolase | General function prediction only | 3.90E-101 | 685342 | 686619 | + | MSILIKNAKIV... |
MMDBg5764682 | MFER_RS01185 | Dcd | dCTP deaminase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.31E-59 | 230121 | 230717 | + | MAILSDRDIEK... |
MMDBg5765709 | MFER_RS06275 | FixC | Dehydrogenase (flavoprotein) | Energy production and conversion | 3.06E-74 | 1165903 | 1167084 | + | MLKTDVLVVGA... |
MMDBg5765743 | MFER_RS06460 | HemB | Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, porphobilinogen synthase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1198161 | 1199123 | - | MKFPYTRMRRL... |
MMDBg5764871 | MFER_RS02040 | Nfi | Deoxyinosine 3'-endonuclease (endonuclease V) | Replication, recombination and repair | 3.93E-83 | 388342 | 389001 | - | MAESSLKMISY... |
MMDBg5765486 | MFER_RS05095 | LysA | Diaminopimelate decarboxylase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 9.98E-153 | 955625 | 956911 | + | MKINEKGHLVI... |
MMDBg5765487 | MFER_RS05100 | DapF | Diaminopimelate epimerase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.02E-130 | 956908 | 957780 | + | MNTKTILFTKM... |
MMDBg5765534 | MFER_RS05355 | Lpd | Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) component of pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex or glutathione oxidoreductase | Energy production and conversion | 3.20E-149 | 991822 | 993105 | - | MYVIIGGGPAG... |
MMDBg5765178 | MFER_RS03550 | AllB | Dihydroorotase or related cyclic amidohydrolase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.78E-136 | 678946 | 680235 | + | MVDLCIKNCKL... |
MMDBg5765639 | MFER_RS05925 | PyrD | Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 5.38E-94 | 1105752 | 1106657 | - | MNVETEICGLK... |
MMDBg5764519 | MFER_RS00400 | IlvD | Dihydroxyacid dehydratase/phosphogluconate dehydratase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 79876 | 81525 | + | MISDEIKKGVE... |
MMDBg5765236 | MFER_RS03840 | CutA1 | Divalent cation tolerance protein CutA | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.37E-40 | 730143 | 730454 | + | MFAIVYITAKD... |
MMDBg5765272 | MFER_RS04015 | FieF | Divalent metal cation (Fe/Co/Zn/Cd) efflux pump | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 2.42E-81 | 762057 | 763235 | - | MNLKRGEKVAK... |
MMDBg5764672 | MFER_RS01140 | PolB | DNA polymerase B elongation subunit | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.00E-200 | 219883 | 220548 | + | MLILEKEIILK... |
MMDBg5765384 | MFER_RS04605 | PolB | DNA polymerase B elongation subunit | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.00E-200 | 859026 | 860771 | - | MILLDADYKTE... |
MMDBg5764906 | MFER_RS02200 | DnaX | DNA polymerase III, gamma/tau subunits | Replication, recombination and repair | 4.61E-166 | 424441 | 425397 | - | MTGIWTEKYRP... |
MMDBg5764992 | MFER_RS06920 | AdaB | DNA repair enzyme Ada (O6-methylguanine-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferase) | Replication, recombination and repair | 2.88E-53 | 498438 | 498962 | + | MISLAKYRDKY... |
MMDBg5764547 | MFER_RS00535 | YrdD | DNA topoisomerase I, ssDNA-binding Zn-finger and Zn-ribbon domains | Replication, recombination and repair | 3.44E-13 | 104009 | 107560 | - | MYRAIYKGMCP... |
MMDBg5764625 | MFER_RS00920 | YrdD | DNA topoisomerase I, ssDNA-binding Zn-finger and Zn-ribbon domains | Replication, recombination and repair | 3.44E-13 | 174933 | 177050 | - | MTLVNEVIICE... |
MMDBg5764546 | MFER_RS00535 | TopA | DNA topoisomerase IA | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.00E-200 | 104009 | 107560 | - | MYRAIYKGMCP... |
MMDBg5764624 | MFER_RS00920 | TopA | DNA topoisomerase IA | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.00E-200 | 174933 | 177050 | - | MTLVNEVIICE... |
MMDBg5764867 | MFER_RS02015 | Lrp | DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, Lrp family | Transcription | 3.33E-44 | 385491 | 385976 | - | MSPKNKNNVML... |
MMDBg5765644 | MFER_RS05945 | RpiR | DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, MurR/RpiR family, contains HTH and SIS domains | Transcription | 4.56E-65 | 1109144 | 1109728 | + | MIIKEAINEII... |
MMDBg5765680 | MFER_RS06135 | RpiR | DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, MurR/RpiR family, contains HTH and SIS domains | Transcription | 4.56E-65 | 1142242 | 1142826 | + | MEIVMKTVKEI... |
MMDBg5764881 | MFER_RS02090 | XRE | DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, XRE-family HTH domain | Transcription | 1.55E-07 | 400302 | 400865 | + | MGGTILHEKSK... |
MMDBg5765130 | MFER_RS03305 | RpoB | DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit/140 kD subunit | Transcription | 1.00E-200 | 634964 | 636778 | - | MKKTKIYLNGE... |
MMDBg5765131 | MFER_RS03310 | RpoB | DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit/140 kD subunit | Transcription | 1.32E-83 | 636792 | 638333 | - | MKNDKWELVEA... |
MMDBg5765132 | MFER_RS03310 | RpoB | DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit/140 kD subunit | Transcription | 1.00E-200 | 636792 | 638333 | - | MKNDKWELVEA... |
MMDBg5765129 | MFER_RS03300 | RpoC | DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta' subunit/160 kD subunit | Transcription | 1.00E-200 | 632335 | 634947 | - | MIGTLKKIKEI... |
MMDBg5765530 | MFER_RS05335 | WecE | dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxygalactose transaminase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 3.13E-134 | 988803 | 989885 | + | MIPISKPMIGD... |
MMDBg5764741 | MFER_RS01435 | RfbC | dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase or related enzyme | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 9.87E-78 | 271998 | 272555 | + | MGKFKFKKTSI... |
MMDBg5764745 | MFER_RS01455 | RfbD | dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 4.99E-108 | 274675 | 275517 | + | MKVLVTGSTGM... |
MMDBg5764740 | MFER_RS01430 | RfbB | dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 269884 | 271572 | - | MKKLFERLKES... |
MMDBg5765289 | MFER_RS04120 | RfbB | dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 782110 | 783054 | + | MRILITGVAGF... |
MMDBg5765562 | MFER_RS05530 | RfbB | dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 1021629 | 1022636 | - | MERIIMSELKK... |
MMDBg5765564 | MFER_RS05540 | RfbB | dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 1023505 | 1024446 | - | METFRILVTGG... |
MMDBg5764746 | MFER_RS01460 | RmlA1 | dTDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 4.74E-148 | 275514 | 276407 | + | MKGIVLAGGEG... |
MMDBg5765088 | MFER_RS03100 | Nth | Endonuclease III | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.95E-106 | 592935 | 593564 | + | MKNKKMITIIL... |
MMDBg5765372 | MFER_RS04545 | Eno | Enolase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 847374 | 848624 | + | MNSIIEDIRVR... |
MMDBg5765247 | MFER_RS03890 | SufC | Fe-S cluster assembly ATPase SufC | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.55E-124 | 742193 | 742945 | - | MLLEINDLVVE... |
MMDBg5765246 | MFER_RS03885 | SufB | Fe-S cluster assembly scaffold protein SufB | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 4.18E-145 | 740973 | 742208 | - | MLRDIKKRAEK... |
MMDBg5765273 | MFER_RS04020 | Mrp | Fe-S cluster carrier ATPase, Mrp/ApbC/NBP35 family | Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning | 1.62E-73 | 763248 | 764039 | - | MEQDIKISKAM... |
MMDBg5764679 | MFER_RS01170 | GlpC | Fe-S cluster-containing oxidoreductase, includes glycolate oxidase subunit GlcF | Energy production and conversion | 1.96E-71 | 226867 | 228318 | + | MKIHVFRYDPK... |
MMDBg5764721 | MFER_RS01350 | HycB | Fe-S-cluster-containing hydrogenase component 2 | Energy production and conversion | 1.82E-47 | 255372 | 255866 | + | MKRIVIKPELC... |
MMDBg5764723 | MFER_RS01355 | HycB | Fe-S-cluster-containing hydrogenase component 2 | Energy production and conversion | 1.82E-47 | 255867 | 256253 | + | MKLISVPKLCV... |
MMDBg5764944 | MFER_RS02405 | FeoB | Fe2+ transporter FeoB | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 454110 | 455831 | + | MKILLMGNPNV... |
MMDBg5765471 | MFER_RS05030 | FeoB | Fe2+ transporter FeoB | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 944032 | 946026 | - | MNKKAVTIAVI... |
MMDBg5765598 | MFER_RS05715 | FIST | FIST domain protein MJ1623, contains FIST_N and FIST_C domains | Signal transduction mechanisms | 3.60E-104 | 1059854 | 1061080 | + | MGNVLKVGVGQ... |
MMDBg5765738 | MFER_RS06435 | FliI | Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPase FliI | Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport | 1.00E-200 | 1193236 | 1194621 | + | MSADIKTREYT... |
MMDBg5765775 | MFER_RS06625 | UbiX | Flavin prenyltransferase UbiX | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 7.87E-97 | 1229834 | 1230400 | - | MIIVGITGASG... |
MMDBg5764734 | MFER_RS01400 | SsuD | Flavin-dependent oxidoreductase, luciferase family (includes alkanesulfonate monooxygenase SsuD and methylene tetrahydromethanopterin reductase) | General function prediction only | 1.37E-62 | 263099 | 264064 | - | MKFGIEFVPQE... |
MMDBg5764895 | MFER_RS02150 | NorV | Flavorubredoxin | Energy production and conversion | 7.37E-113 | 412940 | 414160 | - | MKAKAVKIKDG... |
MMDBg5764896 | MFER_RS02150 | NorV | Flavorubredoxin | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 4.20E-21 | 412940 | 414160 | - | MKAKAVKIKDG... |
MMDBg5765201 | MFER_RS03665 | CrcB | Fluoride ion exporter CrcB/FEX, affects chromosome condensation | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 4.09E-24 | 700243 | 700662 | + | MHDRLFIINIF... |
MMDBg5764673 | MFER_RS01145 | YigB | FMN and 5-amino-6-(5-phospho-D-ribitylamino)uracil phosphatase YigB, HAD superfamily (riboflavin biosynthesis) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 9.73E-35 | 220567 | 221256 | + | MYKTVFFDIDD... |
MMDBg5765780 | MFER_RS06650 | RutF | FMN reductase RutF, DIM6/NTAB family | Energy production and conversion | 2.61E-30 | 1234223 | 1234774 | + | MKEISLNLAYK... |
MMDBg5765645 | MFER_RS06850 | FdhD | Formate dehydrogenase assembly factor FdhD, a sulfurtransferase | Energy production and conversion | 2.68E-111 | 1109720 | 1110418 | - | MENTNMLYREV... |
MMDBg5765111 | MFER_RS03205 | HyfB | Formate hydrogenlyase subunit 3/Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhD subunit | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 3.45E-85 | 614883 | 616196 | + | MNLEGMAIMIA... |
MMDBg5764718 | MFER_RS01340 | NuoI | Formate hydrogenlyase subunit 6/NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 23 kD subunit (chain I) | Energy production and conversion | 5.50E-08 | 253348 | 254484 | + | MEIMTGNKAVA... |
MMDBg5765457 | MFER_RS04955 | NuoI | Formate hydrogenlyase subunit 6/NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 23 kD subunit (chain I) | Energy production and conversion | 5.96E-36 | 929609 | 930634 | + | MEIETIHERSG... |
MMDBg5765075 | MFER_RS03040 | FbaB | Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase class Ia, DhnA family | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.02E-90 | 580633 | 581427 | + | MIGKKIRMERI... |
MMDBg5765756 | MFER_RS06525 | AgaS | Fructoselysine-6-P-deglycase FrlB or related protein, duplicated sugar isomerase (SIS) domain | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 5.25E-96 | 1213752 | 1214759 | + | MKYKMYNELQD... |
MMDBg5764898 | MFER_RS02160 | MsrC | GAF domain-containing protein, putative methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase | Signal transduction mechanisms | 2.13E-78 | 415046 | 415495 | + | MKRYETLIKNI... |
MMDBg5765379 | MFER_RS04580 | IspA | Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 5.13E-104 | 854232 | 855200 | + | MHYLEKYSKLI... |
MMDBg5764441 | MFER_RS00005 | GlmS | Glucosamine 6-phosphate synthetase, contains amidotransferase and phosphosugar isomerase domains | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 88 | 1869 | + | MCGIAGCILKD... |
MMDBg5765587 | MFER_RS05655 | GlmS | Glucosamine 6-phosphate synthetase, contains amidotransferase and phosphosugar isomerase domains | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 1047209 | 1048126 | + | MCGIAGIVCKD... |
MMDBg5765758 | MFER_RS06535 | ArgJ | Glutamate N-acetyltransferase (ornithine transacetylase) | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 4.00E-164 | 1214986 | 1216164 | + | MQRVNGGVCTV... |
MMDBg5764570 | MFER_RS00640 | GadA | Glutamate or tyrosine decarboxylase or a related PLP-dependent protein | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.03E-136 | 127809 | 128948 | - | MMEKGLSEKQV... |
MMDBg5765590 | MFER_RS05670 | GltB2 | Glutamate synthase domain 2 | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.65E-147 | 1049934 | 1051433 | + | MPFKVERKENI... |
MMDBg5765067 | MFER_RS03005 | HemL | Glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 574980 | 576236 | + | MNSKKLFEEAK... |
MMDBg5764844 | MFER_RS01905 | PurF | Glutamine phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 364940 | 366331 | + | MKDKCGIVGIY... |
MMDBg5765596 | MFER_RS05705 | GlnA | Glutamine synthetase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1056919 | 1058247 | + | MATIEEIIKKI... |
MMDBg5765380 | MFER_RS04585 | GlnS | Glutamyl- or glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 5.10E-124 | 855203 | 856888 | + | MIMVTDLKKLA... |
MMDBg5764774 | MFER_RS01590 | HemA | Glutamyl-tRNA reductase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 7.12E-163 | 300603 | 301787 | - | MIINIRVDHKM... |
MMDBg5765283 | MFER_RS04090 | GlyA | Glycine/serine hydroxymethyltransferase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 775965 | 777248 | + | MSRNLDYTNKI... |
MMDBg5764648 | MFER_RS01020 | WcaA | Glycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesis | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 2.04E-14 | 196903 | 197589 | - | MVDKVMVVVPA... |
MMDBg5764677 | MFER_RS01165 | RfaB | Glycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesis | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 3.41E-33 | 225295 | 226431 | - | MKICYIIDFFI... |
MMDBg5765164 | MFER_RS03480 | RfaB | Glycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesis | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.59E-38 | 662805 | 663893 | + | MKICLIGQYPP... |
MMDBg5765554 | MFER_RS05485 | WcaA | Glycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesis | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.38E-29 | 1010830 | 1011507 | + | MKKNIIIIPAY... |
MMDBg5765557 | MFER_RS05500 | RfaB | Glycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesis | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.66E-31 | 1013365 | 1014438 | + | MKINFTVKLTA... |
MMDBg5765563 | MFER_RS05535 | WcaA | Glycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesis | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.38E-29 | 1022621 | 1023538 | - | MDERILWYRIM... |
MMDBg5765721 | MFER_RS06345 | WcaA | Glycosyltransferase involved in cell wall bisynthesis | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.38E-29 | 1176248 | 1177960 | - | MYSMILIFIIF... |
MMDBg5765439 | MFER_RS04860 | BcsA | Glycosyltransferase, catalytic subunit of cellulose synthase and poly-beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosamine synthase | Cell motility | 1.32E-63 | 908167 | 909261 | - | MEEWPPVTILI... |
MMDBg5764969 | MFER_RS02540 | GloB | Glyoxylase or a related metal-dependent hydrolase, beta-lactamase superfamily II | General function prediction only | 3.47E-42 | 476324 | 476956 | + | MDIEDIIIIPG... |
MMDBg5764979 | MFER_RS02590 | GuaA1 | GMP synthase, glutamine amidotransferase domain | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 5.69E-77 | 486721 | 487275 | + | MIVIIDNYGQY... |
MMDBg5764981 | MFER_RS02595 | GuaA1 | GMP synthase, glutamine amidotransferase domain | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 5.69E-77 | 487280 | 488206 | + | MFKPQEFIEEA... |
MMDBg5764980 | MFER_RS02590 | GuaA2 | GMP synthase, PP-ATPase domain/subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 486721 | 487275 | + | MIVIIDNYGQY... |
MMDBg5764982 | MFER_RS02595 | GuaA2 | GMP synthase, PP-ATPase domain/subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 487280 | 488206 | + | MFKPQEFIEEA... |
MMDBg5764658 | MFER_RS01070 | MoaA | GTP 3',8-cyclase (molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein MoaA) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 6.05E-137 | 203846 | 205318 | - | MLKKKTKSLCP... |
MMDBg5765646 | MFER_RS05955 | MoaA | GTP 3',8-cyclase (molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein MoaA) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.27E-122 | 1110393 | 1111319 | - | MIKDRFGRPIK... |
MMDBg5764864 | MFER_RS02000 | FolE2 | GTP cyclohydrolase FolE2 | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.42E-77 | 382789 | 383736 | - | MSTCFPDTQNE... |
MMDBg5764809 | MFER_RS01735 | RibA | GTP cyclohydrolase II | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 5.89E-33 | 333055 | 333747 | + | MIKEALRALRK... |
MMDBg5765064 | MFER_RS02990 | HisD | Histidinol dehydrogenase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 571765 | 573057 | + | MEVVVFKKEKI... |
MMDBg5764788 | MFER_RS01640 | HisB1/GmhB | Histidinol phosphatase/D-glycero-mannoheptose bisphosphatephosphatase, HAD superfamily | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.89E-66 | 309034 | 309612 | - | MRKCKIERETL... |
MMDBg5764574 | MFER_RS00660 | HisC | Histidinol-phosphate/aromatic aminotransferase or cobyric acid decarboxylase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.13E-113 | 132489 | 133589 | - | MVKKRKIIEKI... |
MMDBg5765675 | MFER_RS06110 | HisS | Histidyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 5.88E-180 | 1137335 | 1138606 | + | MELRKPRGTRD... |
MMDBg5765057 | MFER_RS02955 | LeuC | Homoaconitase/3-isopropylmalate dehydratase large subunit | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 565938 | 567197 | + | MSMTMAEKILA... |
MMDBg5765447 | MFER_RS04900 | LeuC | Homoaconitase/3-isopropylmalate dehydratase large subunit | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 914851 | 916089 | + | MNLTEKILAKA... |
MMDBg5764890 | MFER_RS02125 | ThrA | Homoserine dehydrogenase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.24E-125 | 407601 | 408611 | + | MRLCLVGFGSV... |
MMDBg5764548 | MFER_RS00540 | HypD | Hydrogenase maturation factor HypD | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.00E-200 | 107792 | 108835 | + | MENLSKKITSM... |
MMDBg5765718 | MFER_RS06320 | HypF | Hydrogenase maturation factor HypF (carbamoyltransferase) | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.00E-200 | 1172367 | 1174643 | + | MQHAQIIVEGI... |
MMDBg5764869 | MFER_RS02025 | HypB | Hydrogenase/urease maturation factor HypB, Ni2+-binding GTPase | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 9.18E-76 | 386558 | 387211 | + | MHKIAEVEVEK... |
MMDBg5764549 | MFER_RS00545 | Cof | Hydroxymethylpyrimidine pyrophosphatase and other HAD family phosphatases | General function prediction only | 6.35E-70 | 108832 | 109506 | + | MKIEAIAVDID... |
MMDBg5765521 | MFER_RS05285 | ThiD | Hydroxymethylpyrimidine/phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.41E-116 | 980925 | 981686 | - | MVTLSIAGFDP... |
MMDBg5764510 | MFER_RS00355 | HisF | Imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase subunit HisF | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.66E-145 | 69675 | 70496 | + | MVAKRIIPCLD... |
MMDBg5764787 | MFER_RS01640 | HisB2 | Imidazoleglycerol phosphate dehydratase HisB | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.34E-104 | 309034 | 309612 | - | MRKCKIERETL... |
MMDBg5764825 | MFER_RS01815 | HisH | Imidazoleglycerol phosphate synthase glutamine amidotransferase subunit HisH | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.79E-98 | 347770 | 348363 | - | MIAVVDYGSGN... |
MMDBg5764642 | MFER_RS01000 | GuaB | IMP dehydrogenase/GMP reductase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 5.65E-19 | 193153 | 194637 | - | MYREKLEKAKT... |
MMDBg5764643 | MFER_RS01000 | GuaB | IMP dehydrogenase/GMP reductase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.60E-30 | 193153 | 194637 | - | MYREKLEKAKT... |
MMDBg5764536 | MFER_RS00500 | TrpC | Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.63E-110 | 97940 | 98596 | - | MEVKICGITRV... |
MMDBg5764538 | MFER_RS00505 | TrpC | Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.63E-110 | 98586 | 99365 | - | MYNKIVKQRLK... |
MMDBg5764913 | MFER_RS02235 | Ppa | Inorganic pyrophosphatase | Energy production and conversion | 2.16E-70 | 428542 | 429072 | - | MVDLWKDIKPG... |
MMDBg5765389 | MFER_RS04625 | RdgB | Inosine/xanthosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase, all-alpha NTP-PPase family | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 8.53E-87 | 863694 | 864263 | - | MKKVIFITSNL... |
MMDBg5765571 | MFER_RS05580 | EntB1 | Isochorismate hydrolase | Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism | 3.79E-127 | 1033112 | 1033654 | - | MKIALLIIDML... |
MMDBg5765059 | MFER_RS02965 | LeuB | Isocitrate/isopropylmalate dehydrogenase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 4.34E-163 | 567706 | 568680 | + | MKIAVIPGDGI... |
MMDBg5765760 | MFER_RS06545 | LeuB | Isocitrate/isopropylmalate dehydrogenase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 4.34E-163 | 1217034 | 1218023 | - | MGKKKVVVIKG... |
MMDBg5765600 | MFER_RS05725 | IleS | Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 1062613 | 1065723 | + | MAIKEAEKFYK... |
MMDBg5764985 | MFER_RS02610 | LeuA | Isopropylmalate/homocitrate/citramalate synthases | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 6.13E-147 | 489615 | 491111 | - | MKVKILDTTLR... |
MMDBg5765446 | MFER_RS04895 | LeuA | Isopropylmalate/homocitrate/citramalate synthases | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 6.13E-147 | 913666 | 914838 | + | MKFFVSPFNKK... |
MMDBg5765467 | MFER_RS05005 | LeuA | Isopropylmalate/homocitrate/citramalate synthases | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 6.13E-147 | 939362 | 940891 | - | MYIEEVKKSLN... |
MMDBg5764489 | MFER_RS00250 | KdpB | K+ transport ATPase, ATPase subunit KdpB | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 48339 | 50402 | - | MIRTVKTKLPK... |
MMDBg5764490 | MFER_RS00255 | KdpA | K+-transporting ATPase, KdpA subunit | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 50407 | 52110 | - | MNADNITYIIA... |
MMDBg5764488 | MFER_RS00245 | KdpC | K+-transporting ATPase, KdpC subunit | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 7.34E-68 | 47753 | 48334 | - | MKIMNEIKIGI... |
MMDBg5764495 | MFER_RS00280 | IlvC | Ketol-acid reductoisomerase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 56905 | 57891 | + | MKIYHEKDIDM... |
MMDBg5764976 | MFER_RS02575 | AnsA | L-asparaginase/archaeal Glu-tRNAGln amidotransferase subunit D | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.56E-105 | 482636 | 483973 | + | MSSKVSAKKIL... |
MMDBg5764484 | MFER_RS00225 | AspD | L-aspartate dehydrogenase, NAD(P)-dependent | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.45E-87 | 42729 | 43496 | - | MRCGIIGCGAI... |
MMDBg5764554 | MFER_RS00565 | Lhr | Lhr-like helicase | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.00E-200 | 112085 | 114685 | + | MIVKQERKYSD... |
MMDBg5764449 | MFER_RS00045 | MgtA | Magnesium-transporting ATPase (P-type) | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 7529 | 10195 | - | MDGSDIRLEKL... |
MMDBg5764758 | MFER_RS01515 | MgtA | Magnesium-transporting ATPase (P-type) | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 285613 | 288120 | - | MEKLASMNTQE... |
MMDBg5764856 | MFER_RS01960 | AllD | Malate/lactate/ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase, LDH2 family | Energy production and conversion | 6.71E-140 | 374269 | 375288 | - | MIISPEEERSL... |
MMDBg5765017 | MFER_RS02765 | YedP | Mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase YedP/MpgP, HAD superfamily | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 8.36E-143 | 529631 | 530413 | + | MYVIFTDLDNT... |
MMDBg5765110 | MFER_RS03200 | NuoL | Membrane H+-translocase/NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 (chain L)/Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhA subunit | Energy production and conversion | 8.30E-139 | 613201 | 614886 | + | MKIILLLLIII... |
MMDBg5765613 | MFER_RS05785 | DedA | Membrane integrity protein DedA, putative transporter, DedA/Tvp38 family | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.68E-44 | 1079579 | 1080181 | - | MAGIVETIANF... |
MMDBg5765391 | MFER_RS04635 | PgpB | Membrane-associated phospholipid phosphatase | Lipid transport and metabolism | 8.33E-07 | 865943 | 866527 | + | MDFLDLIHYYN... |
MMDBg5765533 | MFER_RS05350 | NikR | Metal-responsive transcriptional regulator, contains CopG/Arc/MetJ DNA-binding domain | Transcription | 1.94E-31 | 991085 | 991507 | - | MMRISMSLPKK... |
MMDBg5765546 | MFER_RS05415 | Map | Methionine aminopeptidase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.61E-125 | 1002195 | 1003115 | - | MMEKFKKAGKI... |
MMDBg5764708 | MFER_RS01310 | MetE | Methionine synthase II (cobalamin-independent) | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 7.15E-151 | 249619 | 250542 | - | MLTTVVGSYPP... |
MMDBg5764709 | MFER_RS01310 | MetE | Methionine synthase II (cobalamin-independent) | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 6.00E-14 | 249619 | 250542 | - | MLTTVVGSYPP... |
MMDBg5765082 | MFER_RS03070 | MetG | Methionyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 586571 | 588214 | + | LKIFVTCALPY... |
MMDBg5764993 | MFER_RS06920 | AdaA | Methylphosphotriester-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferase (N-terminal fragment of Ada), contains Zn-binding and two AraC-type DNA-binding domains | Replication, recombination and repair | 2.64E-72 | 498438 | 498962 | + | MISLAKYRDKY... |
MMDBg5764962 | MFER_RS02505 | AcnX1 | Mevalonate 5-phosphate dehydratase subunit 1, aconitase superfamily (modified mevalonate pathway) | Lipid transport and metabolism | 1.05E-157 | 472051 | 472443 | - | MNVRVISKGNA... |
MMDBg5765385 | MFER_RS04610 | AcnX1 | Mevalonate 5-phosphate dehydratase subunit 1, aconitase superfamily (modified mevalonate pathway) | Lipid transport and metabolism | 1.05E-157 | 860778 | 861959 | - | MYNMYLTREEE... |
MMDBg5764963 | MFER_RS02505 | AcnX2 | Mevalonate 5-phosphate dehydratase subunit 2, swiveling domain (modified mevalonate pathway) | Lipid transport and metabolism | 2.47E-40 | 472051 | 472443 | - | MNVRVISKGNA... |
MMDBg5765386 | MFER_RS04610 | AcnX2 | Mevalonate 5-phosphate dehydratase subunit 2, swiveling domain (modified mevalonate pathway) | Lipid transport and metabolism | 2.47E-40 | 860778 | 861959 | - | MYNMYLTREEE... |
MMDBg5764606 | MFER_RS00830 | ChlI | Mg-chelatase subunit ChlI | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 2.42E-99 | 158880 | 160790 | - | MEYCERQLSFP... |
MMDBg5764750 | MFER_RS06885 | ChlI | Mg-chelatase subunit ChlI | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 2.42E-99 | 277857 | 279026 | - | MDNFTFPFTAI... |
MMDBg5764639 | MFER_RS00985 | MntR | Mn-dependent transcriptional regulator MntR, DtxR family | Transcription | 4.59E-32 | 191520 | 192239 | - | MKKKISQNIEE... |
MMDBg5765165 | MFER_RS03485 | MoaC | Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis enzyme MoaC | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.19E-78 | 663865 | 664311 | + | MKKVQMVEIRE... |
MMDBg5764582 | MFER_RS00705 | MoaB | Molybdopterin adenylyltransferase MoaB/MogA | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.38E-64 | 141125 | 141628 | - | MKSKSMLQHKK... |
MMDBg5764756 | MFER_RS01505 | MoeA | Molybdopterin Mo-transferase (molybdopterin biosynthesis) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.06E-158 | 283663 | 284880 | + | MTSEYLQTVEL... |
MMDBg5764874 | MFER_RS02055 | MoeA | Molybdopterin Mo-transferase (molybdopterin biosynthesis) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.06E-158 | 391500 | 392723 | - | MFFTKLFSINE... |
MMDBg5764641 | MFER_RS00995 | MobA | Molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein A | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.84E-64 | 192551 | 193141 | - | MIKSAIVLCGG... |
MMDBg5765003 | MFER_RS02695 | MoxR | MoxR-like ATPase | General function prediction only | 7.79E-43 | 509835 | 510686 | - | MSNKVSLEKLN... |
MMDBg5765656 | MFER_RS06010 | ArgC | N-acetyl-gamma-glutamylphosphate reductase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 4.75E-156 | 1121416 | 1122420 | - | MAEVAIVGASG... |
MMDBg5765759 | MFER_RS06540 | ArgB | N-acetylglutamate kinase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.78E-101 | 1216169 | 1217050 | + | MAKKIEVLIEA... |
MMDBg5765690 | MFER_RS06185 | NadK | NAD kinase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 2.15E-99 | 1149357 | 1150187 | + | MHIGLVARLDM... |
MMDBg5765640 | MFER_RS05925 | PreA | NAD-dependent dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, PreA subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 7.14E-13 | 1105752 | 1106657 | - | MNVETEICGLK... |
MMDBg5765698 | MFER_RS06220 | Nnr2 | NAD(P)H-hydrate repair enzyme Nnr, NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase domain | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.61E-86 | 1156025 | 1157473 | + | MKTEIIDRNAE... |
MMDBg5765697 | MFER_RS06220 | Nnr1 | NAD(P)H-hydrate repair enzyme Nnr, NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase domain | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.73E-64 | 1156025 | 1157473 | + | MKTEIIDRNAE... |
MMDBg5764872 | MFER_RS02045 | NirB | NAD(P)H-nitrite reductase, large subunit | Energy production and conversion | 1.00E-200 | 388994 | 390334 | - | MRVVIIGSGAG... |
MMDBg5765106 | MFER_RS03180 | NuoH | NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 1 (chain H) | Energy production and conversion | 4.51E-115 | 611141 | 612109 | + | MDYSVFTYTIS... |
MMDBg5764720 | MFER_RS01350 | GltD | NADPH-dependent glutamate synthase beta chain or related oxidoreductase | General function prediction only | 1.16E-160 | 255372 | 255866 | + | MKRIVIKPELC... |
MMDBg5764722 | MFER_RS01355 | GltD | NADPH-dependent glutamate synthase beta chain or related oxidoreductase | General function prediction only | 1.16E-160 | 255867 | 256253 | + | MKLISVPKLCV... |
MMDBg5765235 | MFER_RS03835 | NadE | NH3-dependent NAD+ synthetase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.11E-87 | 729374 | 730138 | + | MEYSEVINKIE... |
MMDBg5765210 | MFER_RS03710 | HyaB | Ni,Fe-hydrogenase I large subunit | Energy production and conversion | 1.00E-200 | 708319 | 709737 | + | MEKLVLEPVTR... |
MMDBg5765515 | MFER_RS05245 | HyaB | Ni,Fe-hydrogenase I large subunit | Energy production and conversion | 1.00E-200 | 975838 | 977064 | + | MAERVVISPTS... |
MMDBg5765105 | MFER_RS03175 | HycE1 | Ni,Fe-hydrogenase III component G | Energy production and conversion | 9.58E-76 | 609541 | 611151 | + | MDNTVEVHPSE... |
MMDBg5765104 | MFER_RS03175 | HycE2 | Ni,Fe-hydrogenase III large subunit | Energy production and conversion | 2.16E-170 | 609541 | 611151 | + | MDNTVEVHPSE... |
MMDBg5765103 | MFER_RS03170 | HycG | Ni,Fe-hydrogenase III small subunit | Energy production and conversion | 6.55E-73 | 609075 | 609548 | + | MQNKITNFFTK... |
MMDBg5765516 | MFER_RS05250 | HyaD | Ni,Fe-hydrogenase maturation factor | Energy production and conversion | 9.97E-33 | 977057 | 977533 | + | MYDAEILVVGC... |
MMDBg5765531 | MFER_RS05340 | HyaD | Ni,Fe-hydrogenase maturation factor | Energy production and conversion | 8.25E-28 | 989877 | 990275 | - | MRSDDGIGPYI... |
MMDBg5765224 | MFER_RS03780 | NadC | Nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 2.08E-116 | 720627 | 721463 | - | MIEYLKKYIME... |
MMDBg5765595 | MFER_RS05700 | GlnK | Nitrogen regulatory protein PII | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.15E-52 | 1056529 | 1056867 | + | MKMITAIIRPE... |
MMDBg5764739 | MFER_RS01425 | NfnB | Nitroreductase | Energy production and conversion | 5.92E-22 | 269372 | 269887 | + | MHVLKAIKERR... |
MMDBg5764463 | MFER_RS07095 | YjjX | Non-canonical (house-cleaning) NTP pyrophosphatase, all-alpha NTP-PPase family | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 7.45E-63 | 20000 | 20488 | + | MFKKIFKDREV... |
MMDBg5764917 | MFER_RS02260 | Ndk | Nucleoside diphosphate kinase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.39E-70 | 432901 | 433353 | - | MMEKTFVMIKP... |
MMDBg5765291 | MFER_RS04130 | WcaG | Nucleoside-diphosphate-sugar epimerase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 8.00E-61 | 783844 | 784785 | - | MKDKKIVITGG... |
MMDBg5764927 | MFER_RS02320 | UspA | Nucleotide-binding universal stress protein, UspA family | Signal transduction mechanisms | 7.22E-23 | 439777 | 440214 | - | MILYKKILLPT... |
MMDBg5764675 | MFER_RS01155 | YmdB | O-acetyl-ADP-ribose deacetylase (regulator of RNase III), contains Macro domain | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 3.20E-63 | 222840 | 223352 | - | MKDKIEIIKGD... |
MMDBg5764470 | MFER_RS00160 | MenE/FadK | O-succinylbenzoic acid-CoA ligase MenE or related acyl-CoA synthetase (AMP-forming) | Lipid transport and metabolism | 4.44E-151 | 32873 | 34531 | - | MVFTEKTIHEF... |
MMDBg5764686 | MFER_RS01205 | QueE | Organic radical activating enzyme NrdG/QueE | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.14E-51 | 233544 | 234242 | + | MKAPVYEIFSS... |
MMDBg5764491 | MFER_RS00260 | ArgF | Ornithine carbamoyltransferase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 9.40E-153 | 52353 | 53261 | - | MKHVLSVCDIK... |
MMDBg5764581 | MFER_RS00700 | PyrE | Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.15E-61 | 140595 | 141122 | + | MNDKDMLINLF... |
MMDBg5764731 | MFER_RS01385 | OmpA | Outer membrane protein OmpA and related peptidoglycan-associated (lipo)proteins | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.31E-23 | 260369 | 261220 | - | MSKKVVIGIIA... |
MMDBg5765584 | MFER_RS05640 | ParA | ParA-like ATPase involved in chromosome/plasmid partitioning or cellulose biosynthesis protein BcsQ | Cell motility | 4.30E-73 | 1043023 | 1043808 | - | MGEIISITNQK... |
MMDBg5764923 | MFER_RS02300 | SlpA | Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, FKBP type | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.92E-47 | 436550 | 437266 | + | MTVKKGDFVEL... |
MMDBg5765741 | MFER_RS06450 | PheS | Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha subunit | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 3.14E-163 | 1195694 | 1197229 | - | MVYKTDELHIY... |
MMDBg5764837 | MFER_RS01875 | PheT | Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta subunit | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 360276 | 361940 | + | MPVITIKFDEL... |
MMDBg5765232 | MFER_RS03820 | YkaA | Phosphate transport regulator YkaA, distantly related to PhoU, UPF0111/DUF47 family | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 2.73E-58 | 727769 | 728434 | - | MKKIKNLFYRE... |
MMDBg5764725 | MFER_RS01365 | PhoU | Phosphate uptake regulator PhoU | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 4.42E-53 | 257061 | 257753 | - | MAEKKYPRISF... |
MMDBg5764697 | MFER_RS01255 | PitA | Phosphate/sulfate permease | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 7.82E-48 | 241905 | 242879 | + | MELITIIAIFV... |
MMDBg5764571 | MFER_RS00645 | PpsA | Phosphoenolpyruvate synthase/pyruvate phosphate dikinase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 128926 | 131226 | - | MTYVAFFDEIT... |
MMDBg5765591 | MFER_RS05675 | PpsA | Phosphoenolpyruvate synthase/pyruvate phosphate dikinase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1051430 | 1052671 | - | MILTKGIGASP... |
MMDBg5765326 | MFER_RS04300 | SerA | Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase or related dehydrogenase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.44E-104 | 812112 | 813692 | - | MKKILVTDPIN... |
MMDBg5764576 | MFER_RS00670 | ManB | Phosphomannomutase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.01E-132 | 134863 | 136221 | - | MSMSLFGTSGI... |
MMDBg5765019 | MFER_RS02775 | ManB | Phosphomannomutase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.01E-132 | 532959 | 534314 | + | MGKLFGTFGVR... |
MMDBg5765662 | MFER_RS06045 | CoaBC | Phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase/decarboxylase CoaBC | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.84E-137 | 1126794 | 1127951 | - | MSMIVLCVTGS... |
MMDBg5765676 | MFER_RS06115 | HisI1 | Phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 8.08E-56 | 1138600 | 1139004 | + | MLNFRHEINGE... |
MMDBg5764492 | MFER_RS00265 | PurD | Phosphoribosylamine-glycine ligase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 53291 | 54604 | - | MKVLVVGGGAR... |
MMDBg5764857 | MFER_RS01965 | PurM | Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole (AIR) synthetase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 4.65E-176 | 375324 | 376343 | - | MVTYSESGVDI... |
MMDBg5765793 | MFER_RS06705 | PurC | Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.37E-101 | 1242595 | 1243308 | - | MKLGKLLHRGK... |
MMDBg5764537 | MFER_RS00500 | TrpF | Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.00E-68 | 97940 | 98596 | - | MEVKICGITRV... |
MMDBg5764539 | MFER_RS00505 | TrpF | Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.00E-68 | 98586 | 99365 | - | MYNKIVKQRLK... |
MMDBg5765436 | MFER_RS04845 | PurE | Phosphoribosylcarboxyaminoimidazole (NCAIR) mutase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.82E-78 | 905055 | 906047 | + | MKPKITIILGS... |
MMDBg5764597 | MFER_RS00775 | HisA | Phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide (ProFAR) isomerase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 5.70E-97 | 151672 | 152364 | - | MIEVIPVLDIK... |
MMDBg5765658 | MFER_RS06020 | HisA | Phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide (ProFAR) isomerase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 5.70E-97 | 1122874 | 1123587 | - | MIIIPAIDIKE... |
MMDBg5765602 | MFER_RS05730 | PurL2 | Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine (FGAM) synthase, glutamine amidotransferase domain | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.68E-81 | 1065737 | 1067893 | + | MLTNSELKYIK... |
MMDBg5765791 | MFER_RS06695 | PurL2 | Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine (FGAM) synthase, glutamine amidotransferase domain | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 2.68E-81 | 1241700 | 1242350 | - | MRIGIIRFPGS... |
MMDBg5765601 | MFER_RS05730 | PurL1 | Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine (FGAM) synthase, synthetase domain | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1065737 | 1067893 | + | MLTNSELKYIK... |
MMDBg5765790 | MFER_RS06695 | PurL1 | Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine (FGAM) synthase, synthetase domain | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 1241700 | 1242350 | - | MRIGIIRFPGS... |
MMDBg5764878 | MFER_RS02075 | PrsA | Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.60E-148 | 395914 | 396771 | + | MIIGGSASQKL... |
MMDBg5764626 | MFER_RS00925 | SerB | Phosphoserine phosphatase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.78E-70 | 177077 | 178543 | - | MVIFDLDNVLL... |
MMDBg5764946 | MFER_RS02415 | CpaF | Pilus assembly protein, ATPase of CpaF family | Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport | 2.69E-135 | 456889 | 458442 | - | MRKKRKKDALK... |
MMDBg5765692 | MFER_RS06195 | HemC | Porphobilinogen deaminase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.46E-154 | 1151531 | 1152400 | + | MIVGTRGSPLA... |
MMDBg5764608 | MFER_RS00840 | CobF | Precorrin-2 methylase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 2.98E-86 | 164539 | 165231 | + | MKGKFIGVGVG... |
MMDBg5765670 | MFER_RS06085 | CobJ | Precorrin-3B methylase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.16E-101 | 1133124 | 1134173 | - | MIRIVGIGPSR... |
MMDBg5765316 | MFER_RS04250 | CobM | Precorrin-4 methylase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 6.73E-120 | 800638 | 801393 | - | MHGKVFFIGGG... |
MMDBg5765066 | MFER_RS03000 | CobH | Precorrin-8X methylmutase CbiC/CobH | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 5.47E-67 | 574364 | 574990 | + | MGASTKQGYEI... |
MMDBg5764649 | MFER_RS01020 | Predicted acyltransferase, LPLAT superfamily | General function prediction only | 6.54E-159 | 196903 | 197589 | - | MVDKVMVVVPA... | |
MMDBg5765034 | MFER_RS02850 | AraJ | Predicted arabinose efflux permease AraJ, MFS family | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.26E-12 | 545678 | 547048 | - | MEQKKLLFALV... |
MMDBg5765569 | MFER_RS05570 | AraJ | Predicted arabinose efflux permease AraJ, MFS family | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.26E-12 | 1031142 | 1032494 | - | MSRSIYAIIIA... |
MMDBg5765693 | MFER_RS06200 | MviM | Predicted dehydrogenase | General function prediction only | 3.04E-56 | 1152397 | 1153359 | + | MKKLNVGVIGV... |
MMDBg5765455 | MFER_RS04945 | Predicted methyltransferase, contains TPR repeat | General function prediction only | 7.43E-07 | 928279 | 929055 | + | MEIDWNELWKE... | |
MMDBg5765175 | MFER_RS03535 | YjgC | Predicted molibdopterin-dependent oxidoreductase YjgC | General function prediction only | 1.00E-200 | 673174 | 675231 | + | MSFELKYTPNI... |
MMDBg5765462 | MFER_RS04980 | YjgC | Predicted molibdopterin-dependent oxidoreductase YjgC | General function prediction only | 1.00E-200 | 933871 | 935169 | + | MKLVKNVVCPF... |
MMDBg5764631 | MFER_RS00945 | YfdV | Predicted permease, AEC (auxin efflux carrier) family | General function prediction only | 2.60E-30 | 182665 | 183576 | + | MGSTETIISII... |
MMDBg5764942 | MFER_RS02395 | YfcE | Predicted phosphodiesterase, calcineurin family | General function prediction only | 1.64E-37 | 453300 | 453809 | - | MLIGVISDTHI... |
MMDBg5765660 | MFER_RS06035 | PerM | Predicted PurR-regulated permease PerM | General function prediction only | 1.02E-34 | 1124947 | 1125924 | + | MKADLGKVMTS... |
MMDBg5764693 | MFER_RS01240 | PheA2 | Prephenate dehydratase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.20E-125 | 239528 | 240367 | + | MKIGYLGPKGT... |
MMDBg5765098 | MFER_RS03150 | TyrA | Prephenate dehydrogenase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.99E-68 | 603605 | 604918 | + | MKNKKVAVIGG... |
MMDBg5765654 | MFER_RS06000 | SecF | Preprotein translocase subunit SecF | Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport | 9.88E-105 | 1120086 | 1120922 | - | MFKKLMKSYKL... |
MMDBg5765524 | MFER_RS05300 | ProS | Prolyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 983022 | 984422 | - | MENFSEWYHEI... |
MMDBg5765483 | MFER_RS05080 | RimL | Protein N-acetyltransferase, RimJ/RimL family | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.26E-10 | 951577 | 953661 | - | MSLKNIFYPNS... |
MMDBg5764654 | MFER_RS01050 | Pcm | Protein-L-isoaspartate O-methyltransferase | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 3.90E-85 | 201101 | 201754 | - | MKNEKERLIRE... |
MMDBg5764958 | MFER_RS02485 | XapA | Purine nucleoside phosphorylase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 3.58E-75 | 468385 | 469149 | + | MIGIIGGTGLY... |
MMDBg5765294 | MFER_RS04145 | FrvX | Putative aminopeptidase FrvX | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 8.47E-128 | 786932 | 787969 | - | MKKLIKKLTET... |
MMDBg5765072 | MFER_RS03025 | RibD | Pyrimidine reductase, riboflavin biosynthesis | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.78E-70 | 578463 | 579113 | + | MRPYVILNAAM... |
MMDBg5764573 | MFER_RS00655 | PflA | Pyruvate-formate lyase-activating enzyme | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.44E-43 | 131786 | 132478 | - | MKFGGSLISSI... |
MMDBg5765322 | MFER_RS06805 | PflA | Pyruvate-formate lyase-activating enzyme | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 5.56E-91 | 804856 | 805680 | - | MFKGKRHVPFI... |
MMDBg5764715 | MFER_RS01340 | PorA | Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase or related 2-oxoacid:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit | Energy production and conversion | 7.03E-109 | 253348 | 254484 | + | MEIMTGNKAVA... |
MMDBg5764716 | MFER_RS01340 | PorB | Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase or related 2-oxoacid:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, beta subunit | Energy production and conversion | 3.38E-56 | 253348 | 254484 | + | MEIMTGNKAVA... |
MMDBg5764717 | MFER_RS01340 | PorG | Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase or related 2-oxoacid:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, gamma subunit | Energy production and conversion | 2.70E-41 | 253348 | 254484 | + | MEIMTGNKAVA... |
MMDBg5764853 | MFER_RS01945 | OadA1 | Pyruvate/oxaloacetate carboxyltransferase | Energy production and conversion | 1.00E-200 | 371489 | 373204 | - | MGIKIVETALR... |
MMDBg5765767 | MFER_RS06585 | Tgt | Queuine/archaeosine tRNA-ribosyltransferase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 1222744 | 1224708 | - | MFEIKRKDGLG... |
MMDBg5765228 | MFER_RS03800 | NadA | Quinolinate synthase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 8.02E-148 | 723816 | 724739 | + | MGFVEIQEEIE... |
MMDBg5765512 | MFER_RS05230 | SkfB | Radical SAM superfamily maturase, SkfB/NifB/PqqE family | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.42E-64 | 973231 | 974694 | - | MDKMIHTFKKI... |
MMDBg5765405 | MFER_RS04700 | RecA | RecA/RadA recombinase | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.28E-116 | 876731 | 877435 | - | MKPLSEIAETE... |
MMDBg5765480 | MFER_RS05070 | HflC | Regulator of protease activity HflC, stomatin/prohibitin superfamily | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 3.44E-48 | 950335 | 951099 | + | MLWILVAVVIV... |
MMDBg5764595 | MFER_RS00765 | PspE | Rhodanese-related sulfurtransferase | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 4.56E-07 | 150355 | 151476 | + | MENFTYDLIIA... |
MMDBg5765071 | MFER_RS03025 | RibD1 | Riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibD, pyrimidine deaminase domain | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 2.84E-73 | 578463 | 579113 | + | MRPYVILNAAM... |
MMDBg5765225 | MFER_RS03785 | ElaC | Ribonuclease BN, tRNA processing enzyme | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.39E-99 | 721503 | 722486 | + | MEVVFLGTSSA... |
MMDBg5765399 | MFER_RS04670 | RnhB | Ribonuclease HII | Replication, recombination and repair | 3.31E-87 | 871143 | 871745 | + | MSILGIDEAGR... |
MMDBg5765305 | MFER_RS04200 | Rph | Ribonuclease PH | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 9.44E-98 | 793993 | 794703 | + | MIIVPDTVEFV... |
MMDBg5765306 | MFER_RS04205 | Rph | Ribonuclease PH | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 9.44E-98 | 794706 | 795503 | + | MEIIPEIMKED... |
MMDBg5765703 | MFER_RS06250 | NrdA | Ribonucleotide reductase alpha subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 4.76E-179 | 1161259 | 1163628 | - | MKLSKNALEVL... |
MMDBg5764445 | MFER_RS00025 | RpiA | Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 1.04E-95 | 4226 | 4900 | - | MDSRTLQKKLV... |
MMDBg5764589 | MFER_RS00740 | RplA | Ribosomal protein L1 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.08E-92 | 144444 | 145085 | + | MDNDNIVNAIK... |
MMDBg5764588 | MFER_RS00735 | RplK | Ribosomal protein L11 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 7.12E-65 | 143940 | 144422 | + | MPKETVEVLIE... |
MMDBg5765343 | MFER_RS04390 | RplN | Ribosomal protein L14 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 5.66E-61 | 832651 | 833049 | + | MKAIPAKVTRA... |
MMDBg5765336 | MFER_RS04350 | RplB | Ribosomal protein L2 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.05E-140 | 829242 | 829967 | + | MGKRIIPQRRG... |
MMDBg5765335 | MFER_RS04345 | RplW | Ribosomal protein L23 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.50E-28 | 828961 | 829221 | + | MDPHKILIRPH... |
MMDBg5765346 | MFER_RS04405 | RplE | Ribosomal protein L5 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.85E-95 | 834158 | 834670 | + | MNPMRKIRIEK... |
MMDBg5765349 | MFER_RS04420 | RplF | Ribosomal protein L6P/L9E | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.87E-74 | 835233 | 835772 | + | MVLTAIIKDEI... |
MMDBg5765121 | MFER_RS03260 | RpsJ | Ribosomal protein S10 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.15E-51 | 624341 | 624649 | - | MQEARIKLTGT... |
MMDBg5765365 | MFER_RS04505 | RpsK | Ribosomal protein S11 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 6.61E-65 | 844445 | 844849 | + | MAEKKKKREKW... |
MMDBg5765125 | MFER_RS03280 | RpsL | Ribosomal protein S12 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.34E-61 | 630007 | 630432 | - | MPGLFAARKLK... |
MMDBg5765363 | MFER_RS04495 | RpsM | Ribosomal protein S13 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.24E-52 | 843454 | 843900 | + | MEKEFKHIVRL... |
MMDBg5765342 | MFER_RS04385 | RpsQ | Ribosomal protein S17 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 3.63E-31 | 832331 | 832654 | + | MVGLDVKKPKK... |
MMDBg5764760 | MFER_RS01525 | RimI | Ribosomal protein S18 acetylase RimI and related acetyltransferases | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 7.47E-26 | 288485 | 288916 | + | MIIREFNPSDL... |
MMDBg5765337 | MFER_RS04355 | RpsS | Ribosomal protein S19 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.81E-45 | 829995 | 830378 | + | MYRGYKLEELQ... |
MMDBg5765353 | MFER_RS04440 | RpsE | Ribosomal protein S5 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.95E-70 | 837174 | 837803 | + | MSVDIEEWEPK... |
MMDBg5765124 | MFER_RS03275 | RpsG | Ribosomal protein S7 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 8.16E-67 | 629444 | 630001 | - | MFLYERWDPKE... |
MMDBg5765348 | MFER_RS04415 | RpsH | Ribosomal protein S8 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 6.73E-58 | 834831 | 835223 | + | MTLNDPLANAL... |
MMDBg5765369 | MFER_RS04525 | RpsI | Ribosomal protein S9 | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.96E-57 | 846452 | 846856 | + | MDRIVQVSGKR... |
MMDBg5764605 | MFER_RS00820 | GTP1 | Ribosome-binding ATPase YchF, GTP1/OBG family | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 157484 | 158674 | + | MIQIAVTGKPN... |
MMDBg5764559 | MFER_RS00590 | RCL1 | RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase | RNA processing and modification | 3.71E-136 | 118119 | 119132 | + | MIKIDGSYGEG... |
MMDBg5764858 | MFER_RS01970 | YSH1 | RNA processing exonuclease, beta-lactamase fold, Cft2 family | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.09E-109 | 376385 | 378292 | - | MTSEILKEIRK... |
MMDBg5764957 | MFER_RS02480 | RtcB | RNA-splicing ligase RtcB, repairs tRNA damage | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.93E-124 | 466911 | 468359 | + | MNIRDILIKKD... |
MMDBg5765452 | MFER_RS04925 | SAM1 | S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 920232 | 921485 | - | MSYKVRDISLA... |
MMDBg5765060 | MFER_RS02970 | CsdA | Selenocysteine lyase/Cysteine desulfurase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 3.52E-171 | 568682 | 569863 | + | MEINKIREDFP... |
MMDBg5765574 | MFER_RS05590 | SelD | Selenophosphate synthase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.70E-174 | 1034911 | 1035888 | + | MDLNNLVKSIK... |
MMDBg5764768 | MFER_RS01560 | MinD | Septum site-determining ATPase MinD | Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning | 2.82E-152 | 295901 | 296677 | + | MTRVIVVASGK... |
MMDBg5765238 | MFER_RS03850 | CysE | Serine acetyltransferase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.77E-18 | 733279 | 733905 | - | MSIKSLIFGEE... |
MMDBg5765597 | MFER_RS05710 | PotE | Serine transporter YbeC, amino acid:H+ symporter family | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 2.34E-35 | 1058332 | 1059741 | + | MDLKNLFRKKS... |
MMDBg5764754 | MFER_RS01495 | RIO1 | Serine/threonine-protein kinase RIO1 | Signal transduction mechanisms | 1.59E-68 | 282354 | 283118 | - | MPKKIDKIDEA... |
MMDBg5765707 | MFER_RS06265 | AroE | Shikimate 5-dehydrogenase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.01E-98 | 1164876 | 1165721 | + | MITGKTKVVGV... |
MMDBg5764609 | MFER_RS00845 | Ffh | Signal recognition particle GTPase | Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport | 1.00E-200 | 165220 | 166185 | - | MFESLKNKLNK... |
MMDBg5765488 | MFER_RS05105 | Ffh | Signal recognition particle GTPase | Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport | 1.00E-200 | 957789 | 959120 | + | MLGKLGEKLRK... |
MMDBg5764776 | MFER_RS01595 | CysG2 | Siroheme synthase (precorrin-2 oxidase/ferrochelatase domain) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.41E-72 | 301799 | 302398 | - | MAWIPIFLNVT... |
MMDBg5765787 | MFER_RS06680 | CysG2 | Siroheme synthase (precorrin-2 oxidase/ferrochelatase domain) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 4.87E-70 | 1238375 | 1239109 | - | MVVYLVGAGPG... |
MMDBg5764461 | MFER_RS00095 | XerD | Site-specific recombinase XerD | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.03E-145 | 17681 | 18496 | + | MKSKIREAIDD... |
MMDBg5765226 | MFER_RS03790 | MscS | Small-conductance mechanosensitive channel | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.87E-60 | 722479 | 723243 | + | MIKINFEILLK... |
MMDBg5764526 | MFER_RS00445 | SdhA | Succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase, flavoprotein subunit | Energy production and conversion | 1.00E-200 | 88848 | 90509 | - | MESEIIECDVL... |
MMDBg5764451 | MFER_RS00055 | SucD | Succinyl-CoA synthetase, alpha subunit | Energy production and conversion | 1.75E-149 | 11044 | 11898 | + | MIILDENVRCL... |
MMDBg5764473 | MFER_RS00170 | SucC | Succinyl-CoA synthetase, beta subunit | Energy production and conversion | 1.00E-200 | 35162 | 36265 | - | MKLYEYNAKKL... |
MMDBg5764637 | MFER_RS00975 | RbsK | Sugar or nucleoside kinase, ribokinase family | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 4.08E-67 | 189741 | 190661 | - | MTIDILAVGHT... |
MMDBg5764769 | MFER_RS01565 | RbsK | Sugar or nucleoside kinase, ribokinase family | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 9.04E-69 | 296684 | 297538 | + | MDLDVVSIGSC... |
MMDBg5765582 | MFER_RS05630 | RbsK | Sugar or nucleoside kinase, ribokinase family | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 7.94E-56 | 1041805 | 1042743 | - | MKYDVVGFGAL... |
MMDBg5765678 | MFER_RS06125 | YcjR | Sugar phosphate isomerase/epimerase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism | 4.05E-42 | 1140815 | 1141567 | + | MKFGVSTLALY... |
MMDBg5764933 | MFER_RS02350 | TauE | Sulfite exporter TauE/SafE/YfcA and related permeases, UPF0721 family | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.08E-32 | 445295 | 446104 | - | MSIDILGYIII... |
MMDBg5765608 | MFER_RS05760 | TauE | Sulfite exporter TauE/SafE/YfcA and related permeases, UPF0721 family | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 1.08E-32 | 1075803 | 1076582 | + | MIYYIIYFITG... |
MMDBg5764469 | MFER_RS00155 | RecQ | Superfamily II DNA helicase RecQ | Replication, recombination and repair | 1.00E-200 | 30427 | 32889 | - | MIILNKRRRKI... |
MMDBg5764569 | MFER_RS00635 | TtdA | Tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit/Fumarate hydratase class I, N-terminal domain | Energy production and conversion | 5.01E-120 | 127321 | 127812 | - | MIINTPVKKKD... |
MMDBg5764724 | MFER_RS01360 | TtdA | Tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit/Fumarate hydratase class I, N-terminal domain | Energy production and conversion | 2.29E-108 | 256231 | 257064 | + | MISQKTIEETV... |
MMDBg5765152 | MFER_RS03420 | TtdA | Tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit/Fumarate hydratase class I, N-terminal domain | Energy production and conversion | 5.23E-127 | 653820 | 654665 | + | MDLVKKVKKAV... |
MMDBg5764568 | MFER_RS00635 | FumA | Tartrate dehydratase beta subunit/Fumarate hydratase class I, C-terminal domain | Energy production and conversion | 2.34E-76 | 127321 | 127812 | - | MIINTPVKKKD... |
MMDBg5765151 | MFER_RS03420 | FumA | Tartrate dehydratase beta subunit/Fumarate hydratase class I, C-terminal domain | Energy production and conversion | 9.90E-78 | 653820 | 654665 | + | MDLVKKVKKAV... |
MMDBg5765183 | MFER_RS03575 | FumA | Tartrate dehydratase beta subunit/Fumarate hydratase class I, C-terminal domain | Energy production and conversion | 7.19E-71 | 683523 | 684113 | - | MKTLKTPISTK... |
MMDBg5764839 | MFER_RS01880 | YjbQ | Thiamin phosphate synthase YjbQ, UPF0047 family | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 5.91E-51 | 361921 | 362331 | - | MNIWRKSININ... |
MMDBg5765442 | MFER_RS04875 | ThiL | Thiamine monophosphate kinase | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.71E-123 | 910817 | 911809 | - | MKIKDLGEKNI... |
MMDBg5764978 | MFER_RS02585 | TrxB | Thioredoxin reductase | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 1.91E-118 | 485807 | 486724 | + | MMRYDIIVVGA... |
MMDBg5765684 | MFER_RS06155 | IlvA | Threonine deaminase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 8.09E-136 | 1145109 | 1146299 | + | MMRCVVCGKEY... |
MMDBg5765469 | MFER_RS05020 | ThrS | Threonyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 941770 | 943596 | + | MRILLIHADYL... |
MMDBg5765281 | MFER_RS04080 | Tmk | Thymidylate kinase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 1.64E-75 | 774958 | 775572 | - | MKSITIHTSHT... |
MMDBg5764471 | MFER_RS00165 | HipB | Transcriptional regulator, contains XRE-family HTH domain | Transcription | 4.52E-12 | 34560 | 35078 | - | MSISELSKSAG... |
MMDBg5765123 | MFER_RS07125 | FusA | Translation elongation factor EF-G, a GTPase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 626005 | 628176 | - | MNDEKYVYDLT... |
MMDBg5764914 | MFER_RS02245 | TufA | Translation elongation factor EF-Tu, a GTPase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 429474 | 430700 | - | MKLQSEVNIGM... |
MMDBg5765122 | MFER_RS03265 | TufA | Translation elongation factor EF-Tu, a GTPase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 624689 | 625927 | - | MAKEKEHINLA... |
MMDBg5765729 | MFER_RS06385 | TufA | Translation elongation factor EF-Tu, a GTPase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 1182966 | 1184555 | + | MNRDLISFIKK... |
MMDBg5765340 | MFER_RS04375 | SUI1 | Translation initiation factor 1 (eIF-1/SUI1) | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 4.54E-27 | 831739 | 832047 | + | MKKICEKCGLP... |
MMDBg5764916 | MFER_RS02255 | InfB | Translation initiation factor IF-2, a GTPase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 431100 | 432896 | - | MKIRSPIVSVL... |
MMDBg5765631 | MFER_RS05880 | InsQ | Transposase | Mobilome: prophages, transposons | 3.71E-50 | 1094475 | 1095539 | - | METLEICRHVY... |
MMDBg5765006 | MFER_RS02710 | TrkA | Trk/Ktr K+ transport system regulatory component TrkA/KtrA/KtrC, RCK domain | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 4.86E-12 | 513350 | 515260 | + | MDGFYPTNLKN... |
MMDBg5765747 | MFER_RS06485 | TrkA | Trk/Ktr K+ transport system regulatory component TrkA/KtrA/KtrC, RCK domain | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 7.70E-55 | 1207856 | 1208506 | - | MYVVIMGGGRV... |
MMDBg5765748 | MFER_RS06485 | TrkA | Trk/Ktr K+ transport system regulatory component TrkA/KtrA/KtrC, RCK domain | Inorganic ion transport and metabolism | 5.61E-28 | 1207856 | 1208506 | - | MYVVIMGGGRV... |
MMDBg5764555 | MFER_RS00570 | TrmO | tRNA (Thr-GGU) A37 N6-methylase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.27E-65 | 114663 | 115040 | - | MELYPIGIVKS... |
MMDBg5764653 | MFER_RS06875 | MiaB | tRNA A37 methylthiotransferase MiaB | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 199731 | 201014 | - | MKVYIETYGCT... |
MMDBg5765271 | MFER_RS04010 | MiaB | tRNA A37 methylthiotransferase MiaB | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 760771 | 762060 | + | MNTIVISPEFY... |
MMDBg5765616 | MFER_RS05800 | TsaC | tRNA A37 threonylcarbamoyladenosine synthetase subunit TsaC/SUA5/YrdC | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 3.03E-81 | 1081924 | 1082514 | + | MKIIKLDPYNP... |
MMDBg5765390 | MFER_RS04630 | TsaD | tRNA A37 threonylcarbamoyltransferase TsaD | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 4.84E-165 | 864290 | 865912 | - | MLSLGIEGTAE... |
MMDBg5764680 | MFER_RS01175 | TrmJ | tRNA C32,U32 (ribose-2'-O)-methylase TrmJ or a related methyltransferase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.41E-100 | 228321 | 229016 | + | MLENITVVFVE... |
MMDBg5764665 | MFER_RS01105 | TruA | tRNA U38,U39,U40 pseudouridine synthase TruA | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.13E-125 | 211893 | 212726 | - | MKKIALKVAYI... |
MMDBg5765362 | MFER_RS04485 | TruB | tRNA U55 pseudouridine synthase TruB, may also work on U342 of tmRNA | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 4.69E-92 | 842293 | 843282 | + | MCSFLVKSEAN... |
MMDBg5764838 | MFER_RS01875 | EMAP | tRNA-binding EMAP/Myf domain | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.37E-31 | 360276 | 361940 | + | MPVITIKFDEL... |
MMDBg5765081 | MFER_RS03070 | EMAP | tRNA-binding EMAP/Myf domain | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 2.45E-25 | 586571 | 588214 | + | LKIFVTCALPY... |
MMDBg5764964 | MFER_RS02510 | TruD | tRNA(Glu) U13 pseudouridine synthase TruD | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.15E-114 | 472465 | 473700 | - | MLNAETYVTKT... |
MMDBg5764833 | MFER_RS01855 | TilS | tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthase TilS/MesJ | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 4.38E-64 | 354940 | 355860 | + | MRCMKCGSKDV... |
MMDBg5765730 | MFER_RS06390 | TilS | tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthase TilS/MesJ | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.28E-64 | 1184539 | 1185363 | - | MKKIRRVVKNY... |
MMDBg5764534 | MFER_RS00490 | TrpA | Tryptophan synthase alpha chain | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 5.81E-109 | 95927 | 96754 | - | MRYEDYPEMFE... |
MMDBg5764535 | MFER_RS00495 | TrpB | Tryptophan synthase beta chain | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 96751 | 97929 | - | MILNTKFGKYG... |
MMDBg5765045 | MFER_RS02895 | TrpB | Tryptophan synthase beta chain | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.00E-200 | 556689 | 557963 | + | MYKVLLDEKEL... |
MMDBg5764939 | MFER_RS02380 | TyrS | Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 9.57E-142 | 451269 | 452234 | + | MNKQLELAKKG... |
MMDBg5764820 | MFER_RS01790 | UbiE | Ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis C-methylase UbiE/MenG | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.89E-26 | 342229 | 342777 | - | MTTKKIIYQKL... |
MMDBg5765288 | MFER_RS04115 | Ugd | UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 780800 | 782113 | + | MKIGIIGTGYV... |
MMDBg5764662 | MFER_RS01090 | WecC | UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosaminuronate dehydrogenase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 207893 | 209194 | - | MLKNKPKIAVF... |
MMDBg5764663 | MFER_RS01095 | WecB | UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 9.61E-129 | 209232 | 210536 | - | MKIAIVLGTRP... |
MMDBg5764801 | MFER_RS01700 | MurC | UDP-N-acetylmuramate-alanine ligase MurC and related ligases, MurC/Mpl family | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 323214 | 324746 | - | MSKILVIGAGN... |
MMDBg5764804 | MFER_RS01715 | MurD | UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine-D-glutamate ligase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 4.65E-167 | 328690 | 329910 | + | MDTKKVAVLGL... |
MMDBg5765242 | MFER_RS03865 | Rfe | UDP-N-acetylmuramyl pentapeptide phosphotransferase/UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 3.54E-82 | 736789 | 737838 | + | MFILILAFVLT... |
MMDBg5764703 | MFER_RS01285 | PEBP | Uncharacterized conserved protein, phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP) family | General function prediction only | 9.34E-58 | 245745 | 246200 | + | MKIFSKAFKNG... |
MMDBg5764460 | MFER_RS00090 | UppP | Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase | Lipid transport and metabolism | 3.00E-101 | 16730 | 17575 | - | MNVFDGILLGI... |
MMDBg5765069 | MFER_RS03015 | UppS | Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase | Lipid transport and metabolism | 3.51E-113 | 576939 | 577706 | + | MSLTKPIYKLY... |
MMDBg5765395 | MFER_RS04655 | PyrH | Uridylate kinase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism | 5.48E-110 | 868422 | 869093 | - | MKIVIIIGGSV... |
MMDBg5764775 | MFER_RS01595 | CysG | Uroporphyrinogen-III methylase (siroheme synthase) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 3.48E-112 | 301799 | 302398 | - | MAWIPIFLNVT... |
MMDBg5765786 | MFER_RS06680 | CysG | Uroporphyrinogen-III methylase (siroheme synthase) | Coenzyme transport and metabolism | 1.80E-109 | 1238375 | 1239109 | - | MVVYLVGAGPG... |
MMDBg5765762 | MFER_RS06555 | GalU | UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase | Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis | 4.23E-146 | 1218473 | 1219324 | + | MKAVIPAAGLG... |
MMDBg5764835 | MFER_RS01865 | ValS | Valyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 357143 | 359773 | - | MRVEIPKDYDP... |
MMDBg5765237 | MFER_RS03845 | ValS | Valyl-tRNA synthetase | Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis | 1.00E-200 | 730471 | 733266 | + | MDFTNIEKKWQ... |
MMDBg5764814 | MFER_RS01760 | PepP | Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase | Amino acid transport and metabolism | 1.52E-92 | 337733 | 338731 | + | MEKLLTKMTEE... |
MMDBg5765119 | MFER_RS03245 | TldD | Zn-dependent protease PmbA/TldA or its inactivated homolog | General function prediction only | 2.98E-145 | 621641 | 622930 | - | MIELADEILKK... |
MMDBg5765749 | MFER_RS06490 | TldD | Zn-dependent protease PmbA/TldA or its inactivated homolog | General function prediction only | 2.98E-145 | 1208696 | 1210057 | + | MDIGKLEKLTL... |
MMDBg5765592 | MFER_RS05680 | HtpX | Zn-dependent protease with chaperone function | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones | 5.97E-45 | 1052859 | 1053848 | + | MPRFSTWKLKL... |