Record Information
StatusDetected and Quantified
Creation Date2020-12-10 18:51:55 UTC
Update Date2024-04-30 19:33:24 UTC
Metabolite IDMMDBc0000649
Metabolite Identification
Common Namep-Cresol glucuronide
Descriptionp-Cresol glucuronide is a glucuronide derivative a p-Cresol that is typically excreted in the urine. P-Cresol (the precursor of p-cresol sulfate (PCS) and p-cresol glucuronide (PCG)) is mainly generated as an end product of tyrosine biotransformation by anaerobic intestinal bacteria. During passage through the colonic mucosa and liver, sulfatation and glucuronidation generates p-Cresol sulfate (as the most preponderant metabolite) and p-Cresol glucuronide (at markedly lower concentrations) (PMID: 23826225 ). Cresols are known as methylphenols. Cresols are used to dissolve other chemicals, such as disinfectants and deodorizers. They are also used to make specific chemicals that kill insect pests. Cresol solutions are used as household cleaners and disinfectants such as Lysol. Cresol solutions can also be found in photographic developers. In the past, cresol solutions have been used as antiseptics in surgery, but they have been largely displaced in this role by less toxic compounds. Cresols are found in many foods and in wood and tobacco smoke, crude oil, coal tar, and in brown mixtures such as creosote, cresolene and cresylic acids, which are wood preservatives. Microbes in the soil and water produce cresols when they break down materials in the environment. Most exposures to cresols are at very low levels that are not harmful. When cresols are breathed, ingested, or applied to the skin at very high levels, they can be very harmful. Effects observed in people include irritation and burning of skin, eyes, mouth, and throat; abdominal pain and vomiting. Cresols are also a chemical component found in Sharpie Markers. P-cresol is a major component in pig odor.
(2S,3S,4S,5R,6S)-3,4,5-Trihydroxy-6-(4-methylphenoxy)oxane-2-carboxylic acidChEBI
Cresol glucuronideChEBI
Cresyl glucuronideChEBI
p-Cresyl glucuronideChEBI
4-Methylphenyl beta-D-glucopyranosiduronateHMDB
4-Methylphenyl beta-D-glucopyranosiduronic acidHMDB
p-Tolyl b-D-glucuronideHMDB
p-Tolyl β-D-glucuronideHMDB
p-Cresol glucuronideChEBI
Molecular FormulaC13H16O7
Average Mass284.2619
Monoisotopic Mass284.089602866
IUPAC Name(2S,3S,4S,5R,6S)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(4-methylphenoxy)oxane-2-carboxylic acid
Traditional Name(2S,3S,4S,5R,6S)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(4-methylphenoxy)oxane-2-carboxylic acid
CAS Registry NumberNot Available
InChI Identifier