Record Information
StatusDetected and Quantified
Creation Date2021-11-19 13:45:29 UTC
Update Date2022-09-01 01:15:00 UTC
Metabolite IDMMDBc0045370
Metabolite Identification
Common NamePC(12:0/14:0)
DescriptionPC(12:0/14:0) is a phosphatidylchloline (PC). It is a glycerophospholipid in which a phosphorylcholine moiety occupies a glycerol substitution site. As is the case with diacylglycerols, phosphatidylcholines can have many different combinations of fatty acids of varying lengths and saturation attached to the C-1 and C-2 positions. PC(12:0/14:0), in particular, consists of one dodecanoyl chain to the C-1 atom, and one tetradecanoyl to the C-2 atom. In E. coli, PCs can be found in the integral component of the cell outer membrane. They are hydrolyzed by Phospholipases to a 2-acylglycerophosphocholine and a carboxylate.
SynonymsNot Available
Molecular FormulaC34H68NO8P
Average Mass649.891
Monoisotopic Mass649.468255152
IUPAC Name(2-{[(2R)-3-(dodecanoyloxy)-2-(tetradecanoyloxy)propyl phosphono]oxy}ethyl)trimethylazanium
Traditional Name(2-{[(2R)-3-(dodecanoyloxy)-2-(tetradecanoyloxy)propyl phosphono]oxy}ethyl)trimethylazanium
CAS Registry NumberNot Available
InChI Identifier