Record Information
StatusDetected and Quantified
Creation Date2020-12-10 18:36:50 UTC
Update Date2024-09-27 19:16:00 UTC
Metabolite IDMMDBc0000396
Metabolite Identification
Common NameAcetylcysteine
DescriptionN-Acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) or N-Acetylcysteine is the N-acetyl derivative of the amino acid L-cysteine and is a precursor in the formation of the antioxidant glutathione in the body. N-Acetylcysteine, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as N-acyl-alpha amino acids. N-acyl-alpha amino acids are compounds containing an alpha amino acid which bears an acyl group at its terminal nitrogen atom. N-Acetyl-L-cysteine can also be classified as an alpha amino acid or a derivatized alpha amino acid. Technically, N-Acetyl-L-cysteine is a biologically available N-terminal capped form of the proteinogenic alpha amino acid L-cysteine. N-acetyl amino acids can be produced either via direct synthesis of specific N-acetyltransferases or via the proteolytic degradation of N-acetylated proteins by specific hydrolases. N-terminal acetylation of proteins is a widespread and highly conserved process in eukaryotes that is involved in protection and stability of proteins (PMID: 16465618 ). About 85% of all human proteins and 68% of all yeast proteins are acetylated at their N-terminus (PMID: 21750686 ). Several proteins from prokaryotes and archaea are also modified by N-terminal acetylation. The majority of eukaryotic N-terminal-acetylation reactions occur through N-acetyltransferase enzymes or NAT’s (PMID: 30054468 ). These enzymes consist of three main oligomeric complexes NatA, NatB, and NatC, which are composed of at least a unique catalytic subunit and one unique ribosomal anchor. The substrate specificities of different NAT enzymes are mainly determined by the identities of the first two N-terminal residues of the target protein. The human NatA complex co-translationally acetylates N-termini that bear a small amino acid (A, S, T, C, and occasionally V and G) (PMID: 30054468 ). NatA also exists in a monomeric state and can post-translationally acetylate acidic N-termini residues (D-, E-). NatB and NatC acetylate N-terminal methionine with further specificity determined by the identity of the second amino acid. . N-acetylated amino acids, such as N-acetylcysteine can be released by an N-acylpeptide hydrolase from peptides generated by proteolytic degradation (PMID: 16465618 ). In addition to the NAT enzymes and protein-based acetylation, N-acetylation of free cysteine can also occur. The enzyme known as cysteine-S-conjugate N-acetyltransferase (EC catalyzes the transfer of the acetyl group of acetyl CoA to the amino group of cysteine. This enzyme is an important participant in glutathione metabolism and the production of glutathione. The thiol (sulfhydryl) group in N-Acetylcysteine confers antioxidant effects and is able to reduce free radicals. N-Acetylcysteine is a pharmacological agent used in the management of paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdoses. When acetaminophen is taken in large quantities, a minor metabolite called N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI) accumulates within the body. NAPQI is normally conjugated by glutathione, but when taken in excess, the body's glutathione reserves are not sufficient to deactivate the toxic NAPQI. In the treatment of acetaminophen overdose, N-acetylcysteine acts to maintain or replenish depleted glutathione reserves in the liver and enhance non-toxic metabolism of acetaminophen. These actions serve to protect liver cells from NAPQI toxicity. For this particular indication, N-acetylcysteine is available under the trade names Mucomyst (Bristol-Myers Squibb) and Parvolex (GSK). N-Acetylcysteine is also used as a mucolytic agent to reduce the viscosity of mucous secretions. It has also been shown to have antiviral effects in patients with HIV due to inhibition of viral stimulation by reactive oxygen intermediates. Acetylcysteine has been studied for a number of psychiatric disorders. There is tentative evidence for N-acetylcysteine being useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, autism, bipolar disorder, drug-induced neuropathy, major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia (PMID: 21118657 ). Many N-acetylamino acids, including N-acetylcysteine, can act as uremic toxins if present in high abundance in the serum or plasma (PMID: 21970774 ; PMID: 20613759 ). Uremic toxins are a diverse group of endogenously produced molecules that, if not properly cleared or eliminated by the kidneys, can cause kidney damage, cardiovascular disease and neurological deficits (PMID: 18287557 ).
(2R)-2-Acetylamino-3-sulfanylpropanoic acidChEBI
(R)-2-Acetylamino-3-mercaptopropanoic acidChEBI
(R)-Mercapturic acidChEBI
L-alpha-Acetamido-beta-mercaptopropionic acidChEBI
Mercapturic acidChEBI
(2R)-2-Acetylamino-3-sulphanylpropanoic acidGenerator
(R)-Mercaptic acidGenerator
L-a-Acetamido-b-mercaptopropionic acidGenerator
L-Α-acetamido-β-mercaptopropionic acidGenerator
Mercaptic acidGenerator
2-acetylamino-3-mercapto-Propionic acidHMDB
Fluimicil infantilHMDB
FluprowitHMDB, MeSH
Sodium 2-acetamido-3-mercaptopropionateHMDB
AcemucMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine alcon brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine betapharm brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine bouchara brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine farmasan brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine fresenius brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine inpharzam brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine klinge brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine lindopharm brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine pharbita brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine whitehall brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine, monosodium saltMeSH, HMDB
Acétylcystéine GNRMeSH, HMDB
Allen and hanburys brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Bioiberica brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Bristol myers squibb brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
BromucMeSH, HMDB
Dey brand OF acetylcysteine sodium saltMeSH, HMDB
EurespiranMeSH, HMDB
ExomucMeSH, HMDB
Fresenius brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
GNR Pharma brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
GNR-Pharma brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Génévrier brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Hermes brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Heumann brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Monosodium salt acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
MucosilMeSH, HMDB
NAC, bisolvonMeSH, HMDB
Oberlin brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Pfleger brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Produpharm lappe brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Roberts brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Roche nicholas brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Sodium, acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Temmler brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Teva brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Zambon brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Zambon, nacMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcystein atidMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcystein, mentopinMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine azupharma brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine centrafarm brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine hermes brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine krewel brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine temmler brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine teva brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine upsa brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine zyma brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine, (DL)-isomerMeSH, HMDB
Betapharm brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Bristol myers squibb brand OF acetylcysteine sodium saltMeSH, HMDB
Disphar brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Farmasan brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
FluimucilMeSH, HMDB
JenapharmMeSH, HMDB
Klinge brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Lindopharm brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Merck brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
MucosolMeSH, HMDB
NAC zambonMeSH, HMDB
SiccoralMeSH, HMDB
Trommsdorff brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Zyma brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Mentopin acetylcysteinMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcystein alMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcystein heumannMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcystein tromMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine aluid brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine disphar brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine GNR-pharma brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine lichtenstein brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine merck brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine oberlin brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine roberts brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine sodiumMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine thiemann brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine zincMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine, monoammonium saltMeSH, HMDB
AcetystMeSH, HMDB
Acid, mercapturicMeSH, HMDB
AirbronMeSH, HMDB
Alcon brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Aluid brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
AlveolexMeSH, HMDB
Atid brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
AzubronchinMeSH, HMDB
Boehringer ingelheim brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Bristol-myers squibb brand OF acetylcysteine sodium saltMeSH, HMDB
broncho FipsMeSH, HMDB
BroncholysinMeSH, HMDB
Centrafarm brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
CodotussylMeSH, HMDB
CystamucilMeSH, HMDB
dampo MucopectMeSH, HMDB
HoestilMeSH, HMDB
Hustengetränk, optipectMeSH, HMDB
Inpharzam brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Intra brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Larylin nacMeSH, HMDB
LindocetylMeSH, HMDB
m PectilMeSH, HMDB
Mucopect, dampoMeSH, HMDB
MucosolvinMeSH, HMDB
Optipect hustengetränkMeSH, HMDB
Sanigen, mucoMeSH, HMDB
SolmucolMeSH, HMDB
Thiemann brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Whitehall brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Zinc, acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
AcebrausMeSH, HMDB
DurabronchalMeSH, HMDB
AcetabsMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine atid brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine bioiberica brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine guerbet brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine génévrier brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine heumann brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine hydrochlorideMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine intra brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine pfleger brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine trommsdorff brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine zambon brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine ac-pharma brandMeSH, HMDB
Acetylcysteine, (D)-isomerMeSH, HMDB
AcetylinMeSH, HMDB
Azupharma brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Bisolvon nacMeSH, HMDB
Bouchara brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Bristol-myers squibb brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
broncho-FipsMeSH, HMDB
BronchoFipsMeSH, HMDB
BroncoclarMeSH, HMDB
FabrolMeSH, HMDB
FrekatussMeSH, HMDB
Guerbet brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Hydrochloride, acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
JenacysteinMeSH, HMDB
Krewel brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
LantamedMeSH, HMDB
Lichtenstein brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
m-PectilMeSH, HMDB
Monoammonium salt acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
MuciteranMeSH, HMDB
muco SanigenMeSH, HMDB
MucomystMeSH, HMDB
N Acetyl L cysteineMeSH, HMDB
N AcetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Pharbita brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
UPSA brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Ac pharma brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Ac-pharma brand OF acetylcysteineMeSH, HMDB
Molecular FormulaC5H9NO3S
Average Mass163.195
Monoisotopic Mass163.030313849
IUPAC Name(2R)-2-acetamido-3-sulfanylpropanoic acid
Traditional Nameacetylcysteine
CAS Registry NumberNot Available
InChI Identifier